Do Skin Tag Removers Work On Moles?

Remove Moles with Skin Tag Removers

There are many different ways to remove skin tags whether at home or by doctors.

These include:

  • Removal tools.
  • Freezing the skin tag.
  • Cutting it out.
  • Drying the skin tag out using electrodes.
  • Creams that can be purchased from most drug stores.

Some moles appear to be flat, which would require more extensive methods to remove than a skin tag.

Some doctors will even perform minor surgery to completely remove moles from the skin.

Using Ointments to Remove Moles

Some creams and ointments for skin tags are also recommended for use on moles as well. However, check that they are actually intended for that use as some creams are specially formulated for skin tags alone.

Regrowth of Moles

If not removed and treated correctly, moles can sometimes grow more rooted in the skin. This will require further treatment or removal because if the cells are not entirely removed, the mole will return later by regrowing the cells on the outside of the skin.

Regrowth of those cells can sometimes form abnormal cells causing the mole to no longer be benign. If you want or need to remove a mole, it must be completely removed to prevent complications in the future.

Effectiveness of Creams and Lotions

There is proof that these creams effectively remove skin tags or moles. However, some of these creams and ointments can cause significant skin damage. They have even been linked to the development of Melanoma, a life-threatening form of skin cancer.

This can be avoided by using a removal tool approved by the FDA or by visiting a dermatologist to get the skin tag or mole looked at and removed.

Other Skin Tag Tools

Many skin tag removal tools have settings for moles as well. While they are not removed in precisely the same way, the process is very similar. Some devices will not work on both skin tags and moles.

For example, the Skin Tag Remover Device by Claritag is specific to skin tags and is not recommended for the removal of moles.

On the other hand, the Spot Blaster Pro was made to remove both skin tags and moles.

Visit A Doctor

While skin tags are harmless and moles are generally safe, it is always in the best interest of someone to visit a doctor when a new mole is found on the skin, even if it is just to be on the safe side.

Different shapes and colors of moles can help a doctor identify melanoma and other skin diseases. However, if the mole is removed and the person has not seen a doctor regarding the moles, the doctor has less chance of catching certain life-threatening diseases promptly.

Typically, moles are not harmful early in life and don’t usually mean that the person has cancer. Older people are much more likely to have a cancerous mole.

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Is Body Hair Too Manly For Women?

Body hair is completely natural for both men and women. It’s a part of being human. Just like having eyebrows or eyelashes.

At some point during the course of history, in some cultures, people have decided that having body hair is somehow inappropriate, especially for women.

In Ancient Greece, for example, having pubic hair was considered ‘uncivilized’.

greek statue
In ancient Greece, there was a lot of pressure to remove all hair from your body.

During the Roman Empire, not having body hair was considered a sign of class.

In the Middle Ages, Queen Elizabeth I decided to remove her eyebrows and pull back her hairline, thus setting a new beauty trend.

As men have always been generally hairier than women, because they produce more testosterone, having body hair and facial hair became associated with masculinity.

Pressures of hair removal on women

To avoid being called ‘uncivilized’, ‘inappropriate’, or ‘manly’, women started using beeswax, different kinds of tweezers, flint or copper razors, creams, and other hair removal methods.

Women’s clothes were much less revealing before the 20th century, so removing body hair wasn’t always required. In order to be socially acceptable, they only removed unwanted hair from the face and neck, which were the only body parts not covered by clothes.

female body hair
There are many pressures in western society for women to remove body hair as it is seen as masculine.

After World War I, fashion trends started changing. Sleeve and skirt lengths shortened and the more body parts became exposed, the more areas became targeted for hair removal.

Women started removing leg hair, armpit hair, pubic hair, and sometimes even arm hair. Not only was it considered more beautiful and feminine, but also more hygienic.

In the 20th century, women also started to gain more rights and freedom. They gained more equality and social visibility.

In the 1960s and 70s, some women decided to reclaim control over their bodies by not shaving. Displaying body hair became a method of protest, a political and social statement, and a popular feminist issue.

While some women didn’t mind abiding by social rules, others got fed up of society dictating how to behave and what to do with their own bodies.

Body hair removal today

Nowadays, we all know that removing body hair is merely a trend, a cultural construct, a social practice, rather than something rooted in biology. We understand that removing body hair is a matter of personal preference and that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with not shaving.

We also know, that biologically speaking, it is healthier to have body hair, as hair maintain skin health, provide sun protection, help regulate body temperature, and protect different body parts from infections. But yet the stigma remains. Female hairiness is still far from mainstream.

body hair masculine
Body hair is considered by some to be more masculine.

According to a survey, it is still described in negative terms, such as ‘unhygienic’ and ‘masculine’, while hairlessness is considered ‘clean’ and ‘feminine’.

Women, who don’t shave are often ridiculed and body-shamed by partners, relatives, friends, and even strangers. This indicates that body hair removal is not a matter of personal choice, but rather a social norm.

Beautiful women, who flaunt their body hair and don’t care

In recent years, celebrities and other prominent female figures have tried to break the stigma. They have displayed and normalized their body hair publicly – on red carpet events and on social media.

They have promoted the many benefits of not shaving to millions of followers and fans. They have shown the health benefits and the fact that one of body hair’s functions is to release pheromones and to attract a potential partner.

Famous women, who are considered beautiful and feminine are starting to challenge convention and beauty standards.

Throughout history, women have endured humiliation, pain, and financial hardship just to conform to the widespread and firmly rooted social norm and strong, modern women are sick of it. Even though they still receive some degree of disapproval or even hate over flaunting their body hair, more and more women are deciding to ditch the razors and to save money, time, and pain.

The 21-year-old American actress and singer Bella Thorne often points out how sad it is that women are all too often ashamed of their body hair and that having body hair is natural and beautiful.

She is a strong advocate for body hair – she even wrote an essay in defense of her hairy body parts. She stated that she is comfortable with her body hair and that all women should be.

Miley Cyrus flaunts her unshaven armpits at public events, concerts, and on social media. She has even dyed her armpit hair on several occasions and she has proven that having body hair can be fun, cool, and sexy.

Madonna is considered a pioneer of body acceptance and as such, she loves to show off her body hair.

Rihanna posted a photo of herself and her unshaven legs on Instagram and Dakota Johnson has displayed her hairy pits on the premiere for her 2018 film ‘Suspiria,’ showing us that class and body hair aren’t mutually exclusive.

The former Bachelor contestant, Bekah Martinez, has posted a photo of herself showing her unshaven legs and armpits on Instagram. She admitted that she had been insecure about her body hair since she was a young girl, but that she has decided to overcome her insecurities. She stressed the importance of believing that we are beautiful and feminine regardless of where we have hair.

It is neither manly nor feminine to have body hair. It is simply natural and normal for all human beings.

So why would we judge and criticize women for having body hair?

Do we judge them for having eyelashes?

The practice of removing body hair is merely a trend and cultural construct. As women are an equal part of the society that sets trends and decides on what is considered appropriate, acceptable, and beautiful, we can simply shift the old trend and break the taboo. After all, whether a woman shaves or not isn’t anyone’s business. It is our personal choice and the only opinion that really matters is our own.

So, girl, if you want to shave your legs or armpits or any other part of your body, then do it. If you feel better when you don’t shave, then don’t!

You are beautiful either way!

Smoother Skin

What is this skin tag on my tongue?

You may have a little bit of extra skin on or under your tongue.  The likelihood is that this is a skin tag.

So, what is a skin tag on your tongue?

It is a growth like a mole but is usually not harmful. However, you may want to get rid of it because it doesn’t look great and can even be a bit sore.

Continue reading to find out the causes and solutions for skin tags on your tongue.

showing skin tag on tongue.
Skin tags can appear anywhere on or under the tongue. They are often skin-colored.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags are skin-colored growths that occur in people of all ages. They are mostly found on the armpits, neck, breasts, or around the groin but appear in other body areas, such as under the tongue.

A mouth skin tag or a tongue skin tag is uncommon. Therefore you should be sure that it is actually a skin tag. Most skin tags on the tongue are benign, harmless, and should not cause concern.

However, there are simple ways to remove skin tags if they bother you.

What Does a Skin Tag Look Like?

Skin tags are small, skin-colored growths that feel soft to the touch. They can measure from a few millimeters up to a few centimeters. Skin tags are usually knobbly and hang off the skin but do not typically cause pain or discomfort, especially the tiny ones.

Skin tags are not contagious, unlike warts, which spread very easily. So if you notice a cluster of growths on your tongue, it is unlikely you have skin tags.

Woman sticking out tongue
As skin tags are not contagious, don’t worry too much if you find a skin tag on or under your tongue.

Why Do Skin Tags Occur?

What causes skin tags is unknown, but some researchers believe it happens when collagen clusters and blood vessels get trapped inside the skin. And since they are most common in skin creases and folds, another cause may be skin rubbing against the skin.

Another possible cause is an infection, which can happen when bacteria get trapped under the skin.

Skin tags are also more likely to form in areas with a lot of moisture, such as the mouth, underarms, or groin.

If you have diabetes, you may be more likely to develop skin tags due to changes in your blood sugar levels.

Some people just have an increased susceptibility to skin tags.


Woman licking her lips with tongue.
The underside of a woman’s tongue without a skin tag.

Unfortunately, you can’t prevent skin tags, but you can avoid bumps on the tongue from getting infected by practicing good oral hygiene.

Are Skin Tags on the Tongue Painful?

There is no definite answer to this question, as everyone experiences pain differently.

Some people report that skin tags on the tongue can be painful, while others find them more of an annoyance.

If you have a skin tag on your tongue that is causing you pain, it is best to consult with a doctor to see if there are any options for removal.

Risk Factors for Skin Tags

Skin tags are most common in:

  • Older people
  • Pregnant women
  • Anyone with a sex-steroid imbalance
  • Those who suffer from different diseases or conditions, such as type 2 diabetes
  • Sufferers of hyperinsulinemia
  • People suffering from obesity

Both men and women have an equal chance of developing skin tags on their bodies.

black and white photo of woman sticking out tongue

How to Identify a Skin Tag on the Tongue

If you notice a fleshy growth on your tongue, it could be a tongue skin tag, but it could also be several other medical possibilities. It’s essential to understand the difference between a skin tag and something else, so here are other conditions you could mistake a skin tag for:



Elderly pensioner with warts
Sometimes, you will find a wart on the tongue. Be careful not to mistake it for a skin tag.

Although uncommon under the tongue, these flesh-colored growths are caused by the human papillomavirus virus (HPV). They are highly contagious. Squamous cell papilloma is one of the most common growths, and it can look just like a skin tag.
These bumps are noncancerous, but there are many variations of HPV, and some increase the risk of getting certain types of oral cancer. So it’s essential to seek medical attention to remove warts.


Plica Fimbriata.

clearly showing folds of plica fimbriata
You may find that you have folds underneath your tongue. This may be Plica Fimbriata

Plica Fimbriata is a slight fold of the mucous membrane on the tongue’s underside and can feel like a skin tag. Luckily, it’s perfectly natural to have, and it requires no treatment.

Plica Fimbriata is not cancerous.

Plica Fimbriata can become painful or sore if is caught by your teeth and possibly cause swelling. This is normal and does not require treatment.

Lymphoepithelial cysts.

photo of mouth after removal of cyst
Rather than a skin tag, you may have a lymphatic cyst. This photo was taken after a cyst was removed.

These hardened nodules tend to appear on the bottom of the tongue. They look like white or yellow lumps and can grow up to 1cm wide. They are not a cause for concern, but a doctor may still do an autopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Irritation fibroma.

A fibroma is a noncancerous tissue cluster usually caused by a minor injury, such as biting your tongue. Most irritation fibromas don’t require treatment, but you can ask your doctor to remove them if they are painful or bother you.

Oral thrush.

This yeast infection is often seen in babies. Most people with oral thrush develop white patches on the tongue, redness, and a sore mouth. Antifungal medication can treat oral thrush.

Swollen taste bud.

You can’t usually feel your taste buds, but they can sometimes become irritated and may swell up. Although this is nothing too serious, a swollen taste bud does require a doctor’s attention.

Canker sores.

These small, shallow lesions typically appear on the lips’ inside, but getting them on the tongue is not uncommon. The cause of canker sores is not fully understood but could be triggered by certain foods. However, most lesions disappear on their own.


Allergic reactions to a particular food may cause lesions on or under the tongue. Medical assistance is required when the bumps are accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling of the lips and tongue, breathing difficulties, or rashes or hives.

Oral cancer.

Although rare, fleshy growth on the tongue could be cancer, mainly if it is hard and painful. Consult a doctor if the bump lasts longer than two weeks.

Damage on tongue

Showing some damage on right hand side of tongue

Skin Tag Symptoms On The Tongue

A skin tag on the tongue is usually harmless, but you must get any new bumps checked by a medical professional if you also notice any of the following:

  • Changes in size, color, or texture.
  • Red or white patches inside the mouth.
  • Pain that won’t go away.
  • Open wounds that won’t heal.
  • Throat pain.
  • Voice changes.
  • Trouble chewing or swallowing.
  • Problems moving your tongue or jaw.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Numbness.

Do tongue skin tags go away naturally?

Yes, tongue tags go away naturally over time. The body will gradually absorb the extra tissue, and the tag will eventually fall off. This process can take a few weeks to a few months.

If you’re concerned about the appearance of a tongue tag and can’t wait for it to fall off, then you can have it removed by a doctor. This can be done with a simple surgical procedure.

Tongue Skin Tags Treatment

Skin tags should not give your tongue too much pain. If your skin tags are sore, this symptom could signify something more serious. These bumps, however, can affect your self-esteem or snag on clothing or jewelry, in which case you’ll want them removed.

Woman having tongue checked for skin tags or other irregularities
Woman having tongue checked for skin tags or other irregularities

Skin Tag Removal

They don’t usually fall off on their own, but they can be removed relatively easily. Discuss your issue with a doctor, and they will choose the correct treatment option. If you’re lucky, they will fall off on their own once the tissue dies from a lack of blood supply.

Skin tags can be cut off with a scalpel, cauterized, frozen using liquid nitrogen, or burned off with a laser tool. Multiple treatments may be required to remove the skin tags completely. Self-treatment is not recommended due to the risk of bleeding or infection and also a sore tongue. Any removal procedure should only be done by a specialist skin doctor or a similarly trained medical professional.

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Professional and Home Methods to Remove Skin Tags

Skin tags are small stems that protrude from your skin and can appear anywhere that has creases. Constant rubbing is the main factor that develops these skin marks.

There are different methods and equipment to remove skin tags.

You can treat the marks with the help of professionals. However, there are a wide variety of products on the market that you can apply at home.

Pros and cons of professional and home methods


  • Professional methods eliminate tags quickly, managing to remove them in a single session. On the other hand, homemade methods can take 3 weeks to 1 month for the tag to dry and fall off.
  • The treatments performed by professionals are effective, so you avoid paying extra if something were to go wrong with your home treatment.


  • Some devices on the market designed to remove warts, moles, or skin tags do not have clinical studies that demonstrate the safety of the equipment, causing burns and even mask cancer cases. Professional treatments are generally safe, reliable, and effective.
  • Professional treatments are usually more expensive than home treatment.
  • Home treatments or creams and devices on the market can generate unwanted marks, compared to professional treatment that does not leave marks on the patient’s skin.
  • Both methods should be taken care of after the tags are removed so that the affected area does not receive sun or rainwater.

Cause of the appearance of skin tags

  1. People with obesity have a high tendency for skin tags to appear due to the friction between the skin folds.
  2. Diabetes is another factor that causes the appearance of these tags.
  3. The friction produced by clothing and accessories also causes the presence of tags.
  4. They are associated with the aging of the individual. Tags are unlikely to be seen in children as it is common in adulthood and old age.
  5. Heredity is another cause for individuals to develop skin tags.
  6. There is the perianal label that is common in people with the disease known as Crohn’s.
  7. In the second trimester of pregnancy, women are very likely to develop skin marks.
  8. Hormonal change is a factor for the generation of tags.
  9. Ultraviolet radiation is a factor that can cause the appearance of tags.


How To Remove Skin Tags

The small bumps that we usually see in our body, especially when they protrude in the shape of a stem are known as skin tags, they can appear anywhere on the body and at any age.

• What are skin tags?

Skin tags or skin tags are small growths on the skin that tend to form from folds in the skin in different areas of the body where there is skin-to-skin contact.

These noncancerous growths are normally pink and brown, which are made up of a nucleus of fibers, ducts, nerve cells and fats covered by the epidermis.

They are located on the eyelids, under the breasts, armpits, groin, and neck in an irregular way, since they do not meet a standard of form, they are also not harmful to health and do not cause pain. However, the main reason they are removed is for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons.

• Why do skin tags appear?

The skin tags appear due to the hormonal change, in addition to the continuous contact of the skin folds. However, other causes give rise to the appearance of skin marks.

1. Collagen clusters and blood vessels that accumulate in areas where the skin is thickest.

2. Overweight people are the ideal candidates for the formation of labels due to the number of folds; therefore the constant friction between the folds gives rise to these skin marks.

3. Hyperinsulinemia

4. People suffering from diabetes and insulin resistance

5. Those who carry human papillomavirus disease or HPV

6. Changes in estrogen and progesterone related to hormonal imbalance are a cause of the appearance of marks on the skin.

7. Finally, pregnant women are prone to the appearance of skin tags by hormonal change.

• Size of skin tags

The skin tag varies in size from its appearance, first, they are as small as the end of an almost imperceptible pin, however when they develop their size can vary between 3 mm and 5 cm.

• Causes to remove skin tags

The main decision to remove skin tags, even though they do not cause any pain, is because of the aesthetics of the skin. Many people decide to remove them because they cannot bear the presence of these small skin marks that can be a point of distraction for other people.

In addition to the need to eliminate them by constant rubbing with necklaces, clothing, or accessories that cause discomfort, however, it often happens that sudden movements or constant scratching can weaken the label and cause itching and burning from the wound that is generated.

• Skin tag removal

To remove a skin tag you can go to a dermatologist to carry out the corresponding treatment or you can remove it with the help of a friend or family member at home. For this, we divide into two sections the removal of skin tags in professional and homemade methods, according to your perception and availability you will carry out the method that best suits you.

1. Professional methods

a) Cauterization: this procedure consists of applying heat to the label using electrolysis to eliminate it in a single procedure.

b) Ligation: This method consists of interrupting the blood supply to the skin tag and in this way it falls off after a few days.

c) Cryosurgery: the application of liquid nitrogen is an infallible method to remove the tag, since it freezes the tag with the help of a probe, managing to remove it.

d) Excision: this is the procedure used mainly to remove the labels since with the help of a scalpel the stem that protrudes from the skin is cut.

2. Home methods or natural skin tag removal

There are different treatments that you can do at home, even products and kits for removing skin tags are already on sale.

a) Tommy Timmy Smoother Skin Laser: The Tommy Timmy laser is the ideal tool to remove very annoying and sometimes unpleasant hair, skin tags, moles, and warts.

It is one of the main options since, with the help of the laser and the heat it generates; it can effectively eliminate any unwanted skin marks.

b) Dental floss: with the help of a previously disinfected dental floss, proceed to wrap and adjust the label, you must adjust the label every day until it falls and it can take 10 days until this mark falls.

Remember to disinfect the area, hands, and thread to avoid infection, this process is similar to ligation except that you do it at home.

c) Nail polish: applying the transparent nail polish on the label allows the label to be reduced and dried until it is removed, for this you must clean the area very well with soap and water and remove moisture with a towel, then apply a layer of the product and let it dry, this step applies until the label disappears.

d) Creams: different sales platforms offer the user creams to remove the labels, which can take up to 3 weeks to notice the results. The procedure that is carried out is to disinfect the area with alcohol and apply the cream that generates an itchy sensation.

e) Tea tree oil: tree oil has the function of drying the skin tag, so you should apply tea tree oil three times a day on a cotton ball for 10 minutes; note that this oil should not be applied to the eyes due to its degree of irritability.

f) Apple cider vinegar: apple cider vinegar has different uses for health and one of them is to remove skin tags, in this way and with the help of cotton, soak the cotton and apply it for 10 minutes to the area affected.

This procedure is carried out two or three times a day, taking into account that if you notice skin irritation you should stop using it.

g) Iodine: to use this treatment you must be careful with the surrounding skin, so you should apply petroleum jelly to the skin to protect it. Then with the help of a swab, apply the iodine only to the skin tag and cover it with a bandage until the product dries.

Keep in mind that products like iodine, apple cider vinegar, and tea tree oil should be applied until the label falls off, so patience and consistency are essential for results.

h) Dandelion: The milky juice of dandelion is effective in drying the skin tag. Just apply the juice on the label with a cotton pad three times a day until it disappears.

It is remarkable the time it takes to completely remove a skin tag, in which professional treatments are faster and safer compared to home methods; however it is the patient who decides which method to apply to improve their appearance and comfort. Aftercare is essential to heal the wound, you should clean and apply creams that heal the affected area, and above all avoid sunbathing for at least a week until the wound is completely healed.

Skin Tag on Eyelash Line

Around 25% of the population suffer from skin tags on different parts of their body. They are usually harmless but are esthetically unappealing and can affect self-esteem. If you currently have a skin tag and want to get rid of it or want to know more information about them, this article will give you all of the information you need.

What Is A Skin Tag?

Skin tags are small growths of skin that form on the surface and hang from a thin stalk. A skin tag can have the same color or be darker than your skin tone. They consist of collagen and blood vessels surrounded by a covering of skin.

Skin tags can appear on different body parts such as the armpits, neck, around genitals, under the breasts, and the anus. Here, we will only focus on the skin tags that grow on the eyelids.

Skin tags in the eyelid aren’t dangerous, and they can’t cause serious health problems or turn cancerous. They are NOT a sign of eyelid cancer or skin cancer. However, they can be annoying, cause discomfort if you rub your eyelid, and affect your appearance.

Fortunately for us, there are several ways for skin tag removal.

What Causes Skin Tags?

A skin tag appears due to excess cell production in the skin, also known as excess skin. These factors can make them more likely to appear:

Genetics: For unknown reasons, some people are more likely to have skin tags than others. So if your parents have them, you are more likely to have them too. So, you can blame your parents!

Friction: it could be skin rubbing against jewelry, clothing, or skin rubbing against other skin. The area around your eyelids, such as the lash line, is commonly affected by friction every time we smile, blink, or look around. It can help if you try and minimize excess skin as it can lead to sensitive skin.

Hormonal fluctuations: A study performed by Iman Budi Putra of the faculty of dermatology from the University Sumatera Utara in Indonesia. It revealed a strong correlation between the levels of leptin, “the satiety hormone,” and skin tags’ appearance. Another connected hormone is estrogen. When the levels of these hormones drop, your skin is more prone to developing skin tags.

Pregnancy: As discussed above, any situation that causes hormonal fluctuations (such as pregnancy) can cause skin tags. The good thing is that it tends to disappear after the pregnancy period.

Obesity: Weight gain can increase skin friction amongst skin folds and also cause hormonal imbalances.

Insulin resistance and diabetes type 2: The consultant endocrinologist Dr. Mark Vanderpump states that skin tags could be an early sign of diabetes type 2 or insulin resistance. Hence, if you notice that you have too many skin tags on your eyelash line, it is best to consult a doctor.

Steroids: The illegal use of steroids can result in skin tags’ appearance in your eyelash line.

Aging: As we age, our skin gets thinner, especially around our eyes, making it more susceptible to changes such as skin tags. The skin becomes weaker and less elastic, and the skin starts to produce more oil. Due to these changes, skin tags affect older adults more.

Papillomavirus: A skin tag on the eyelid can appear due to viral infections.

Identifying A Skin Tag

There are different types of bumps, such as seborrheic keratosis, that can appear on your upper eyelid or lower eyelid. It may be a challenge to know when you have a skin tag, but here are some key factors to consider:

  • Usually, a skin tag on the eye will have a small size, no more than 5 mm.
  • They are not contagious like a wart.
  • You can pinch or apply pressure to them, and they won’t hurt.
  • Skin tags feel smooth and soft, just like the skin around them. You may notice some changes in textures if they become irritated. It could be painful to have this skin growth.
  • They are peduncular, and they form on the eyelash line on a narrow stalk.

Treatment And Skin Tag Removal Options

The eyelid is such a delicate area and easily exposed to others. Your eyes are the first thing people notice most of the time, so a skin tag can easily affect your appearance.

Sometimes the skin tags will fall on their own, but other times they can become irritated or even grow too large, which will obscure your vision. This will require treatment for your eyelid. But don’t worry, here are the best ways to get rid of skin tags without serious surgery:

Home Remedies

Some people claim that apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil help skin tag removal. But the effectiveness of this method has never been proven.


This procedure uses extreme cold to freeze off the skin tags. The doctor will pinch the patient’s skin with a cotton swab that is soaked in liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin tags. They will fall off within 10 days.

Scissor Excision

The doctor will use a small pair of sterile scissors or a scalpel to cut the small skin tag off your eyelid. It works by cutting the thin stalk that attaches the skin tag to the eyelid. It is the fastest way to get rid of skin tags.


It includes numbing the are and burning off the eyelash line’s skin tags by using a laser device. It is effective, and the burning prevents any bleeding.


This procedure works by using a fine string-like material to tie off the skin tag and deprive it of oxygen. It is not often used on the eyelid due to the sensitive area.

How To Prevent Skin Tags In Your Eyelash Line

The eyelash line is the closest to the eyes, so it is important to take care of it and do anything you can to prevent those annoying skin tags from appearing. Although you can’t change your genetics, there are some things you can do to avoid their appearance.

  • Keep a healthy weight, practice some exercise, and have a healthy diet. This will also prevent conditions like diabetes type 2.
  • If you have PCO’s, insulin resistance, or another condition that affects your hormone balance, consult your doctor.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyelids, but be gentle to them.

Final Thoughts

Skin tags in the eyelash line are common and, most of the time, don’t cause any problem. Still, if you have one affecting your self-esteem, causing discomfort, or obscuring your vision, you should go to see a doctor. Many safe and effective treatment options will help you.

Does Vaseline Get Rid of Skin Tags?

Have you ever noticed those small, flesh-colored growths on your skin and wondered what they were?

Skin tags are a common nuisance that affect many people.

They can be unsightly and frustrating to deal with, but does Vaseline get rid of them?

For many years, vaseline has been used as an all-purpose ointment for dry skin and minor cuts or scrapes. But is this time-honored remedy up to the task of removing pesky skin tags?

In this article, we’ll explore if there’s any scientific evidence showing if this popular home remedy is effective for treating skin tags once and for all.

What Are Skin Tags?

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. Skin tags are small growths that often appear on the skin and can vary in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. They typically look like flesh-colored or slightly darker flaps of tissue that hang off the body by a thin stalk.

Skin tags generally occur in areas where friction occurs such as underarms, neck, eyelids, upper chest, and groin folds. They’re likely caused by genetics, hormones, aging, obesity or irritation due to clothing rubbing against the skin repeatedly. Though they may be unsightly for some people, skin tags are usually harmless and don’t require any medical attention unless they become irritated or inflamed.

They can be removed through various methods including freezing with liquid nitrogen or cutting them off with scissors. In either case it’s best to consult your doctor beforehand so you know what to expect after removal and how to care for your skin afterwards.

Treatment Options For Skin Tags

The ever-present skin tag is like a bane that never goes away. It’s an unwelcome visitor, with its small size and shape making it difficult to ignore. But while we may be tempted to reach for Vaseline or tweezers, these are not good choices when dealing with skin tags.

Is Vaseline An Effective Treatment For Skin Tags?

Like a beacon of hope for those with skin tags, vaseline may be the answer to all our prayers. Could this common household item be an effective treatment?

To investigate if vaseline can help treat skin tags, it is important to consider its healing properties first. Vaseline is known for being a powerful moisturizer that helps lock moisture into the skin, but also has antibacterial elements which inhibit infection from developing around any open wound or sore.

This means that when used on skin tags, it can reduce redness and inflammation while keeping them clean and safe from further damage.

Given these qualities, using vaseline as part of your skincare routine could potentially provide relief from the discomfort associated with having skin tags.

The protective film created by the ointment helps keep the area hydrated and prevents drying out which can irritate the delicate tissue surrounding the tag.

In addition, vaseline’s natural anti-inflammatory properties can soothe itching and irritation caused by dryness or chafing against clothing.

So while there is no definitive answer as to whether or not applying vaseline on skin tags will result in complete removal, its healing and protective benefits certainly make it worth trying as part of your regular skincare regimen.

Pros And Cons Of Using Vaseline For Skin Tags

As the old adage goes, when it comes to skin tags an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – but what about using Vaseline for treating existing skin tags?

Using Vaseline as a treatment for existing skin tags may seem like an attractive option, as it’s widely available and inexpensive – but should you go down that route?

Covering your skin tag in petroleum jelly presents certain risks due to its occlusive nature; not only does this create the perfect environment for bacteria growth, but it also prevents air circulation around the affected area, which could lead to infection if left untreated.

Whichever approach you decide upon, always ensure that you understand all possible outcomes before proceeding – after all, knowledge really is power!

How To Use Vaseline For Skin Tags

Time to get your Vaseline ready, ’cause we’re about to learn how to use it for skin tags!

Now, if you’re thinking this is a long-winded way of saying “just smother it with the stuff” – hold your horses. There are some important things to consider before you start slathering up.

Let’s take an unconventional approach and look at this from the perspective of an old sailor (ahoy!). If you want to remove those pesky skin tags permanently, then maybe it’s best that Vaseline isn’t involved. Because while it may help soothe and moisturize the area in question, it won’t actually rid your body of them.

But don’t despair! After all, there still might be a use for that jar of Vaseline tucked away in your bathroom cabinet. Applying a thin layer directly onto the affected area will keep skin from drying out and protect against infection or further irritation.

It’s always wise to check with your dermatologist first but Vaseline is definitely worth trying as a short-term solution for reducing discomfort related to skin tags.

Common Side Effects Of Using Vaseline For Skin Tags

Using vaseline for skin tags is like a roller coaster ride – it can be exciting and helpful, but there are some potential side effects to consider. Common side effects of using this method may include redness, itching, or burning sensations around the area where vaseline has been applied. While these symptoms should eventually subside on their own, if they persist longer than expected it would be best to contact a healthcare professional.

In terms of more serious complications from applying vaseline to skin tags, there is always a risk that an infection could occur due to bacteria entering the wound site; however, this can usually be avoided by cleaning the area before and after application with soap or rubbing alcohol.

Additionally, while not common, in rare cases excessive inflammation could lead to further tissue damage if left untreated.

Therefore it’s important to keep track of any changes you notice when using vaseline on your skin tags and reach out for help if needed. It’s also wise to speak with a qualified doctor or dermatologist beforehand so they can advise on the safest course of action based on your individual case.

Summary And Takeaways

It is often said that knowledge is power, and this certainly rings true when it comes to treating skin tags. Knowing the facts about how they form and the treatments available can make all the difference in getting rid of them.

The first step is understanding that there are various methods for dealing with skin tags – from simple home remedies like using Vaseline or tea tree oil, to surgical removal by a doctor.

Depending on the size and location of the tag, different techniques may be required. While most treatments will cause some level of discomfort, it’s important to remember that this should only be temporary.


In conclusion, skin tags are a common and harmless condition that can be treated with various methods. While some treatments may require medical intervention, there is no evidence to support the use of Vaseline for removing or preventing skin tags. People should speak with their doctor about what treatment options might be best for them based on their individual needs and preferences.

Natural Mole Removal

What is a Mole?

A mole is a benign skin lesion usually caused by the grouping of skin cells in one area as opposed to being spread out, which generally takes place during regular skin cell production.

Moles usually appear brown or light brown and may appear on the skin during childhood or early adolescents but may continue to grow up until the person is 25 years old.

Many moles will continue to grow and may change color throughout the life of the carrier, and although seemingly harmless, some types of moles, if left untreated, may lead to other conditions such as skin cancer.

Although unsightly, many people have moles, and most adults can expect to have between 20 and 50 moles on their bodies by the time they reach full maturity.

According to WebMD: “As the years pass, moles usually change slowly, becoming raised and/or changing color. Sometimes, hairs develop in the mole. Some moles may not change at all, while others may slowly disappear over time.”

Are Moles Dangerous?

Most moles are mere blemishes on the skin and do not pose any threat to the health of the carrier. However, some types of moles are precursors to skin cancer, and if left untreated can be detrimental to the health.

Cancerous moles generally have their unique shape and can be diagnosed by a trip to the dermatologists.

Plenty of online resources exist to help people diagnose their skin blemish. Still, extra caution should be taken when it comes to moles, and professional opinion should be sought out if you may be concerned about a growth on your skin.

Types of Moles

Not all moles are created equal, and some types may be harder to treat than others. Although most moles do not negatively impact health, some are seen as unsightly, and many people pursue removal. It is a good idea to be able to identify which type of mole you have so you can plan the correct removal or treatment.

Congenital Moles

Any moles which are on your skin from birth are known as congenital moles. Congenital moles are mostly harmless and very rarely grow into cancerous growths. Although harmless, these can still be removed with treatment.

Common Moles

Just as the name suggests, common moles are amongst the most common type of skin blemish that can arise on humans. Common moles are also known as acquired moles in some places, which hints further at the fact that these are moles that grow on the skin throughout a person’s life. Common moles are entirely harmless and do not require removal, although some people choose to have them removed for cosmetic purposes.

Atypical Moles

This type of mole, if grown on the skin, should be checked immediately by a skin specialist or dermatologist. These moles are commonly grown in very irregular shapes and can have multiple colors visible through them. Atypical moles are often larger than the less serious moles and should be inspected by a skin care professional before removal is attempted.

What Causes New Moles?

Although moles have been around as long as humans, there are still many facts we do not know about them. When it comes to cancerous moles such as melanoma, we know they are mainly caused by a genetic mutation on the BRAF gene. A mutation on the BRAF gene is an extremely common occurrence in those who suffer from a large number of benign moles, although the data has not been perfected.

Although still in question, there are some causes which scientists believe affect mole growth, these are,

  • Age
  • Sunburn and tanning bed use
  • Family history of moles
  • Genetic mutations
  • Response to other drugs (antibiotics, hormones, antidepressants)
  • Fair or light skin and hair color

How to Remove a Mole?

Though mostly harmless and benign, moles may cause an unsightly appearance on a person’s body, and mole removal has become a craze amongst home remedy specialists.

Although you may be tempted to snip the mole off or attempt some home remedy, great care should be taken as many mole removal treatments advertised on the internet can have adverse side effects if done incorrectly.

Here is a list of some of the untested home remedies people claim work, many of these are unproven and should not be attempted without medical advice.

  • Cutting or snipping the mole off
  • Rubbing iodine on the mole
  • Burning the mole with cider vinegar
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Frankincense oil
  • Banana peels
  • Baking soda
  • Castor oil

These methods, as mentioned above, are untested and may cause damage to the skin around the mole instead of removing the growth.

Tried and Tested Methods

There are many tried and tested mole removal methods that are a lot safer than home remedies. These methods are tested by professional skincare experts and have been deemed reliable and useful in the removal of moles and skin growths.

Cover and Conceal

One of the safest ways to stop a mole from affecting your cosmetic beauty is to cover the mole. This method is favored by those who do not want to take risks involved in mole removal and whose mole may be in an easy to cover area.

Dermatological Treatment

If your blemish is in a location that may be harder to conceal than others, dermatological treatment may be the safest and easiest route to go. Many dermatologists use liquid nitrogen or something similar to freeze the growth, after which the patient will undergo a waiting period while the growth slowly dies.

Creams and Ointments

There several creams and ointments available which can be used to treat moles. Many of these are available over the counter from most pharmacies and convenience stores.


Some products which emit what is known as rapid light pulses have been proven to be a pain-free and effective way to remove moles and skin growth. Some handheld devices, such as the Tommy Timmy Spot Blaster Pro, targets the growth at its root and negate its full flourishing.

Laser Tattoo Removal Cost

The reality of laser tattoo removal costs is that they will vary widely based on what you are removing, where you live, and your financial situation. Each company decides its way of figuring out how to charge customers for tattoo removals. The most common methods of pricing are by the square inch, sizing groups, or a flat rate.

Square inches might be the cheapest option because you are only paying for the exact space worked. However, since tattoos can come in varying shapes, it might be hard to determine what fits into a precise square inch so that estimates may vary between companies for the same square inch removal cost.

Sizing groups are widespread, and this easily fits tattoos into a given size category so that you know how much it will cost. If you have a tattoo that is just large enough to fit into a sizing category, then it might feel like you are paying more than you think is necessary, but each company has its pricing standards.

The flat rate involves charging the same amount per session, no matter what size the tattoo. For smaller tattoos, this will lead to higher than necessary costs. Still, for much newer, more significant, or more complicated tattoos, this might be the perfect option to make removal affordable.

Generally, the cost varies significantly based on the type of laser being used and the pricing method used by the company of your choice. Per session, prices can go from $50 – $2,000 depending on these variables. Some places offer a free quote and consultation, which is always a good place to start if you believe you may have found the perfect tattoo removal office.

Number Of Sessions Needed

The size, placement, and age of the tattoo all come into play when attempting to determine how many sessions it will take to remove it entirely. For smaller tattoos that have aged and faded, it might only take two sessions while larger, newer, or more prominent tattoos may take ten or more treatment sessions to complete.

You will want to have an in-depth discussion with your tattoo removal agent before you begin the treatments so that you know going in both how much it is likely to cost and how many painful sessions you will need to endure.

The most a specialist can work on in one session and still maintain safety regulations is 25-35 square inches. The limited space coverage per treatment means, for large tattoos, there will be significantly more sessions needed to do a full once-over with the laser. There will then need to be time for the body to absorb the broken down ink, so there is generally a six to eight-week break between sessions. The significant healing period means that for large, complete tattoo removal, it could easily take a year.

Tattoo Removal Specialists Vs. Dermatologists

The pricing difference is quite significant between places that title themselves tattoo removal specialists, medical spa, and dermatologists. Here is a breakdown of the standardized costs for each type of office:

  • Tattoo Removal Specialists: $50 – $500 per session
  • Medical Spa: $100 – $700 per session
  • Dermatologist: $150 – $2,000 per session

Med spas are generally owned by a single physician and tend towards the higher end of the cost spectrum though certain areas do have lower-cost payment options based on the finances of the client.

Dermatologists are easily the most expensive, and that is for a couple of reasons. Primarily it is because the person doing the removal is a licensed plastic surgeon in most cases. Higher prices do not in any way guarantee better results, but many people are willing to pay more for a doctor with that level of experience. Another reason is that plastic surgeons and dermatologists charge more for all of their procedures with laser tattoo removal being no different.

Time of year, location, and technician experience will all play a hand in the overall removal price. More experienced technicians charge more. The position comes into play because there are specific laws for using laser equipment in areas like New York and California might lead to higher costs. Also, summer months are generally busier, so the expenses are higher, whereas the prices may go down during the winter months when offices are not seeing as much overall traffic.

Payment Options

If you have decided on where you want to go, then ask them about their payment options. Many laser tattoo removal offices and companies will have sliding scale fees, interest-free loans available, or even free options depending on your situation. There are also loan companies like MyLaserLoan, which offers loans for many laser skin services, including tattoo removal.

There are quite a few charities for tattoo removals that are either free of cost or very affordable. They can be found around the United States, but here a handful of them.

  • Deinked for a Cause
  • Homeboy Industries – the leader in affordable tattoo removal services
  • Eraser Clinic
  • Fresh Start Tattoo Removal Program, Inc – a non-profit
  • Blank Slate – a Catholic charity
  • Jails to Jobs: Tattoo Removal Options

Jails to Jobs and similar social assistance programs are meant to help people with visible gang-related or obscene tattoos get them removed so that they will be able to acquire and hold a job. Many related organizations are paid for by donations from people around the country wanting to help others get back on their feet.

No matter where you live, look around for some local removal charities as well. Some states and cities have tattoo artists that run charities or donations for people who need help affording tattoo removal services.

Additional Options

In addition to a traditional skincare office, there are also companies like The Finery that have mobile tattoo removal services that will travel to their client. These are currently available in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia. The Finer offers interest-free monthly financing and other payment plans. Mobile tattoo removal companies also have affordable payment options

Skin Tag Freeze Kits

Removal of skin tags using skin tag freeze kits

Skin tags can be removed through various methods and home tricks. There is one known as freezing of skin tags or Cryotherapy.

Reasons to remove skin tags

The main reason to remove the tags is because of the skin’s aesthetics and cosmetics since different people want to enjoy smooth and flawless skin that becomes somewhat uncomfortable being in a visible area.

Another reason is the discomfort caused by rubbing against the skin and clothing folds, which can cause irritation, wounds, and itching.

What is Cryotherapy or Skin Tag Freeze Kits?

Cryotherapy is a method that consists of therapeutic freezing with liquid nitrite, that is, applying low temperatures to the skin tag or warts to destroy local tissue in an effective, safe, and non-traumatic way.

It is used to treat specific skin lesions such as warts, flat, seborrheic, lentigo simple, skin tags, and keratosis, by cryogens or gaseous substances that, when evaporating, produce cold.

Advantages of Cryotherapy

  1.  It does not require a local anesthetic because it is a simple procedure.
  2. It produces no pain.
  3. There are no marks on the skin, so the healing has an excellent aesthetic result.
  4. It is a quick treatment.
  5. It does not require preparation before the intervention.
  6. It is rare to get an infection.
  7. Recovery is quick.

The material used in Cryotherapy

  • Gauze
  • Scalpel
  • Cryogen
  • Gloves
  • Povidone-iodine
  • Fenestrated
  • Sterile field


  1. Disinfection of the area.
  2. Remove the first layer of the label with a scalpel until bleeding occurs.
  3. Apply the cryogen to the label until the surface turns white, and a halo develops around the tag.
  4. When the halo disappears, the operation is repeated.
  5. Depending on the skin tag’s size, the tag is frozen and thawed for 2 to 4 cycles.
  6. Disinfect the wound and cover with gauze.
  7. Carry out the corresponding cycles and repeat 3 or 4 weeks in a row.

Cryotherapy sensation

The patient’s feeling is numbness as if he had an ice cube on the skin tag. Then he feels like the area burns when the tag is thawed, making it a somewhat uncomfortable treatment for the patient; however, it is less invasive than other procedures.


1. Cryotherapy treatment is susceptible to the sun, so protection against UV rays is essential.

2. In the case of a blister, avoid exploding it and go to the doctor.

3. Avoid applying this treatment near the hair follicles as they weaken it.

4. Visit the doctor after 15 days.

5. The treated area dries in 1 or 2 weeks.

6. The cycles should last from 8 to 10 seconds; thus, damage to the nail matrix is avoided.

This method can lead to a series of clinical effects such as hives due to the release of histamine, edema, vesiculation in the first 24 hours, and breaking after 48 hours, crusting, and cell regeneration.

Despite the effects, this treatment does not leave a scar on the affected area, achieving a smooth and aesthetically perfect appearance.

Although pain and burning during Cryotherapy are uncomfortable to bear,

It is one of the most common options to remove skin tags that have formed on our bodies. If you want perfect skin, it is one of the treatments recommended by dermatologists, so consult your doctor and perform the best method convenient for your skin and health.