5 Ways to Soften Facial Hair (and 1 Way Not To)

Removing facial hair on women

If you’re sick and tired of spending time dealing with your facial hair, there’s hope!

These 6 methods will give you soft and silky skin.


Softer Hair, Smoother Skin

Facial hair is more than a cosmetic issue. It can cause irritation, ingrown hairs, and even your foundation to appear cakey or uneven. Softening facial hair is a great way to have smoother skin without dealing with the hassle of regrowth.

If you want to learn how to soften facial hair, try these 6 tips from the comfort of your own home (and without shelling out any big bucks).

Ditch the Razor

The first and most important step in softening facial hair is to avoid shaving at all costs.

It’s an old wives’ tale that shaving your hair will cause it to grow back thicker or darker.

While shaving doesn’t exactly make your hair thicker, it does make it appear that way.

That’s because it bluntly cuts the end of the hair, which is usually tapered and fine.

This can give the illusion of a darker color or thicker feel while it doesn’t change the hair follicle. If you’re looking to soften your facial hair, don’t shave.

If you do want to remove it, try waxing instead. Not only will the results last longer, but the regrowth of the hair follicle will be tapered and not as coarse.

Methods for softening skin

These steps will revolutionize the way your skin looks and feels-sans facial hair!

Have a Stellar Skin Care Routine

Before jumping into any creams, serums, or devices, you should have a great skincare routine.

If your skin has not been so soft lately, it may not be due to your facial hair. The build-up of dead skin cells, makeup, and sweat can affect your skin’s quality.

It can also make your facial hair feel thicker or more pronounced. Think of your facial hair like the hair on your head.

If you never shampooed or conditioned your hair and more importantly, your scalp, you’d have some issues.

Like your hair, you should wash your face every morning and night. Because our facial skin is more delicate, opt for a cleanser that’s paraben and fragrance-free.

Follow it up with a toner to minimize your pores and a moisturizer to lock in your skin’s natural oils.

A good skincare routine will also help exfoliate and loosen hair, which is helpful for its removal.

Opt for a Face Cream

Cream is one of the most popular options to soften facial hair. These creams, made by famous companies like Nair or Veet, have a gentle chemical agent that actually dissolves the hair follicle above the skin’s surface.

This formula, which is made to be gentler than the one you would use on your legs, is excellent for softening facial hair or completely removing it.

Consider Bleaching

Another popular option to soften facial hair’s appearance is using a bleaching cream.

If you have incredibly dark or stubborn facial hair, bleaching can be a lifesaver. For one, the results will last a very long time.

It will remain light in appearance for the entire duration of the follicle’s life cycle. The hair will blend naturally with your skin, making it almost invisible. If you can’t beat your facial hair…work with it!

There are some downsides to this method, however. For one, it can cause tingling, burning, or discomfort when you apply the formula to your skin.

In some cases, it can even burn your skin.

It also can cause your facial hair to feel more coarse or dry, which may be a downside if you’re looking for smoother skin.

Try Electrolysis for Permanent Results

The most effective method in dealing with facial hair is electrolysis.

Electrolysis used to be a high-tech treatment enjoyed by the likes of celebrities or plastic surgery connoisseurs.

You can still receive in-person electrolysis treatments today, and many do.

However, if you’re looking to minimize or soften a small amount of facial hair, you can complete electrolysis treatments at home.

Several companies manufacture at-home, FDA-approved devices that offer electrolysis on a smaller scale.

The results aren’t instant, but after the first treatment, you’ll see that your hair will be finer and lighter in appearance.

With several treatments, you can permanently inhibit hair growth on your face, underarms, or legs. If regular maintenance is not your thing, you might consider taking the time for some electrolysis treatments so you can permanently put an end to unsightly facial hair.

Ask Your Stylist

If you’re having a problem with your facial hair, how about letting it be someone else’s problem?

Many women today seek the services of eyebrow threaders, lash artists, and hairstylists. Many of these professionals also offer services to soften or remove facial hair using professional equipment.

You can save time and hassle by asking your stylist to treat your facial hair while getting your eyebrows or lashes done.

If you’ve ever been hesitant to try waxing, most people find it more comfortable to let an experienced professional do it!

How to Soften Facial Hair

The trick to softening facial hair is to work with it. Simply shaving or waxing the hair is not only painful but is only a temporary fix.

While electrolysis is one of the most effective methods to deal with facial hair, it’s also expensive (and not without side effects).

Creams, including lightening creams, have been the most tried and true of the methods, but their results are short-lived.

Determine what results you’re looking for and how much maintenance you’re willing to do.

Bleaching, for example, is a great option for those who want their results to last as long as possible. On the other hand, electrolysis is an equally attractive option, especially since it’s permanent and can be done at home.

Whatever method you use, make sure it’s safe and backed by research.

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