Female Body Hair Removal


All healthy human beings have body hair. Whether it’s an infant or an older person, these hairs are spread throughout the body. What causes a difference in their concentration and causes excessive body hair is age and gender. Both girls and boys normally begin to experience a higher level of concentration at the onset of puberty. However, the amount of body hair may decline with age. But is it possible to hide body hair? Is body hair removal an option, and if so, what are some hair removal methods?

Although we will not discuss hair removal methods at length, below is an overview of different types of body hair removal techniques you can use to hide them completely.

Types of Body Hair

They are two (sometimes 3) types of women’s body hair, and they include:

1. Terminal Body Hair

armpit hair
Terminal hair is found in the armpit or in other regions that start growing hair around puberty.

This is a thick and long hair that’s pigmented. Although hair is found on the face and scalp, you can still find terminal hair in the armpits and the pubic region. This type of body hair is sometimes referred to as puberty hair. This is because a change usually influences its growth in hormones that occur at puberty.

Puberty usually ranges between ages 8-15 years. During puberty, the growth of this type of hair is mainly on the pubic region and the armpits. For boys and young men, their facial hair will grow during the later stages of puberty.

2. Vellus Body Hair

Vellus Hair
Vellus Hair is a wispy kind of hair that we start having from birth and develops as we get older.

This type of hair starts to grow during early childhood. Vellus is a wispy type of hair that normally covers all parts of the body. Its main role is to keep the body warm. But besides that, it helps to protect the skin. The thickness and length of vellus hair will differ from one person to the next.

Some people have visible vellus hair, and you can even see it under natural light. This is particularly the case with facial hair. On others, it won’t be visible because it’s thin and the hair is less pigmented.

It’s possible to confuse vellus and terminal hair. This is because both of them have the same structure. It should be noted that both terminal and vellus hair grow from hair follicles. However, the latter doesn’t contain the medulla – the hair core’s portion which helps to strengthen and enhance its growth.

3. Lanugo Hair

Lanugo Body Hair
Lanugo hair covers a fetus and is fairly unusual in grown adults, although it can be connected to anorexia.

What Is Lanugo

Lanugo is the first type of hair that grows from hair follicles and is usually unpigmented. It is very thin, soft, downy hair. It has some deep resemblance to fur. But this temporary hair is normally replaced by vellus hair before the baby is born.
This type of hair is common in human babies, people who suffer from congenital tumors (aka teratomas), and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

Lanugo Baby

This is a unique or special type of hair that normally covers the fetus and newborns.
During the development of a human fetus in the womb, lanugo grows as a natural part of gestation. Its purpose is to hold the vernix to the skin and protect damage to the skin from the amniotic fluid.
Lanugo usually sheds before birth but often remains after birth and falls off later.

Lanugo Anorexia

You can also find lanugo hair in anorexic women.
A tell-tale sign of malnutrition such as anorexia or bulimia is lanugo because lanugo’s function is to protect the skin and body.
This is the same reason why lanugo re-surges in older adults. To protect their skin.

The Distribution of Body Hair

Different parts of the body have different types of body hair. Below is a comprehensive outline that highlights the distribution of body hair. There are many different ways to remove body hair. However, we have tried to concentrate on the best ways to remove body hair from different parts of the body.

Pubic hair:

Images of female body hair including pubic hair. Keeping it kid-friendly for our younger audience.
Images of female body hair, including pubic hair. Keeping it kid-friendly for our younger audience.

This is usually coarse hair that’s found in the genital areas. The growth of pubic hair is a sign of sexual maturity, and it occurs in both sexes.

Armpits hair:

It is just like pubic hair because it’s coarse. Armpit hair also signals the start of adulthood. With the release of the safety razor, people now shave their armpits frequently.

Arms hair:

It normally grows on the elbow and forearm area. The type of hair that’s found here is terminal.

Chest and abdomen area:

Both men and women normally grow vellus hair in these regions. It should be noted that women can also grow terminal hair on their breasts around the areola. Men normally have lots of vellus hair around the chest and abdomen compared to women. Note that the concentration of this hair may increase with age.

Facial hair:

It’s more prominent in men, although women also have it. Facial hair may start as non-vellus. Men naturally can grow beards. However, some women may also grow them as a result of menopause. Many women take the option of body hair removal to solve this problem.

Feet and Leg Hair:

They normally start growing at the onset of puberty. However, they are more prominent in men compared to women. It should be noted that most people shave their leg hair because of societal pressure. In today’s world, women with hairy legs are usually frowned at.

Body Hair Growth Pattern

It’s important to know how to hide body hair. However, it’s also crucial to know the growth patterns. This will make the process of hiding them easier. The two main types of body hair that humans have are terminal and vellus hairs. They have the same growth patterns, which normally happen in three phases.

1. Anagen:

During this period, hair growth is at its peak. It’s generally a period of active growth, and the hairs normally grow longer. However, terminal hair usually has a longer anagen period compared to vellus hair.

2. Catagen:

This is a transition phase. Catagen is characterized by the hair follicles retracting. The process means that there will be a limited blood supply, and therefore, it’s very easy for hair to fall out.

3. Telogen:

This is a period where the body’s hair stops growing. It’s a resting phase.

How to Hide Body Hair And Body Hair Removal

Hiding Body Hair

It’s possible to forget shaving your legs or any other body part. However, sometimes we intentionally avoid shaving because of demanding schedules or medical issues. So, what if you have not shaved and need to attend a public event? As much as some people may find body hair a turnoff, this doesn’t mean that you should shave. So, how can you effectively hide or completely remove body hair?

1. Makeup Application

The use of makeup foundation can help to hide body hair. Darker foundation can come in handy, especially if you are trying to hide facial hair. It helps to cover thick and darker hair effectively. On the other hand, a lighter foundation means that the body hair will easily stick out, thereby creating a mess.

2. Stockings

If you wish to safely and effectively hide your leg hair, then use stockings or pantyhose. These are light clothing which you can wear with nearly all types of clothes. They are also easily available to find in petrol stores, supermarkets, and other local convenience stores.

3. Fully Cover-Up or Wear Darker Clothes

You can wear shirts with long sleeves and trousers to cover up. Additionally, darker clothing can be efficient in hiding unwanted body hair. Besides that, they help to shade the color of the body hair perfectly. This is because they generally make your skin appear darker.

The Politics of Feminine Body Hair

What They Say...
What They Say…

There is so much pressure for females to look in a certain delicate way. That’s why so many women go through rigorous regimes to look their best. For starters, let’s take a look at the pubes. Unless you are in a bikini, there’s no way someone can get a glimpse of what’s there. But people normally shave their pubes completely. Others even do waxing.

Having clean genitals is definitely very important. But have you ever wondered what some of the benefits of pubes are? Well, having body hair in your private region is for protective purposes. Pubic hair helps to protect the sensitive vagina. This helps to reduce the chances of bacterial infection.

Normal Vs. Abnormal Hair Growth in Women

Naturally, women have vellus and terminal hairs. So, it’s not easy to determine excessive hair growth. It’s a normal thing for a feminine person to have fine hair all over the body. It’s also usual for them to have armpit and pubic hair. Some of them even have hairy legs and faces.

However, some may have abnormal hair in excess. This is usually characterized by thicker and darker hair in regions such as the chest, chin, and stomach. Abnormal hair growth in women involves thick hair growing in many parts of the body. In fact, they may have a pattern of male hair growth.

Interesting Facts about Body Hair

Covering body hair can come in handy, especially if you don’t want to shave. To help you understand more about it, here are some interesting facts:

Body Hair Lasts for a Short Period

Compared to the hair on your head, body hair lasts for a shorter period. Its lifespan is usually around 6 months. Additionally, they only grow a few inches long.

You Shed Them Daily

A normal human being normally sheds between 100 and 150 strands of body hair daily. However, the same hair strands will grow within a day or so. The recycling process happens daily. This body hair removal is natural.

Boob Hair Is Not Something Strange

Today I learned…unporn is actually a thing! But seriously, we have to obey stringent rules of conduct, so this will have to do.

If you are a woman, do not be alarmed because you have hair on your breasts. This is a common thing that almost every woman experiences. Girls in puberty normally grow hair in the region that’s near the areola.

Body Hair Consists of Muscles

It’s interesting to know that body hair also contains muscle cells. In fact, this is what makes them stand on their end.

Technically, there are three types of body hair. Although terminal and vellus hairs are the most common, lanugo is also considered body hair.

The Color of Your Body Hair Can Indicate Genetic Disorders

It is said that women with blonde hair have a higher concentration of estrogen. Additionally, it said that they also higher chances of experiencing learning problems. On the other hand, brunettes are more likely to smoking addicts.

Pubic Hair has a Weird Smell.

Pubic hair is a terminal hair that contains the sebaceous gland. Note that these glands normally produce sweat. Additionally, they produce secretions that protect the private parts from germs, but the secretions also create body odor.

Your Eyelashes Might Have Mites

Demodex are types of mites that are found in eyelashes. A large percentage of people have them, but they are harmless.

Over 50 Percent of People Shave Their Armpits and Pubic Hair Or Use Another Type Of Body Hair Removal

Studies show that most women normally shave their pubes. Additionally, over 50 percent of guys prefer women with no pubes. However, it should be noted that less than 20 percent of guys actually shave their pubic area.

Benefits of Body Hair

Some people don’t want to shave their body hairs. This is why they are clearly interested in finding techniques on how to hide them. Well, if you are going to keep your body hair, here are some of the benefits you can experience.

Regulating of Body Temperature

Regulating Body Temperature Is Very Important

Body hair helps to regulate temperature. When the temperature is low, they will stand up and trap air. This helps to create an insulation surface. As a result, the trapped air prevents warmth from leaving the body. When it’s hot, the converse happens. The hair lies down to ensure that the body releases as much heat as possible.

Improving Your Chances of Getting Orgasms

Having pubic hair can help to improve your chances of getting orgasms significantly. Did you know that each hair follicle has tiny nerve endings at the base? So, slight friction can help increase sexual sensation. This means that shaving actually reduces your chances of experiencing orgasms.

Increased Production of Pheromones

Research studies show that body hair helps to enhance the production of pheromones. These hormone-like chemicals can help to attract the attention of potential sexual partners.

Lower Chances of Skin Infection

Shaving, waxing, threading, and other forms of hair removal increase your chances of getting skin infections. This is because they normally leave the skin exposed and susceptible to bacteria. Additionally, the whole process can cause cuts and skin irritation.

Reduced Chances of Unwanted Rashes

If you engage in intense physical activities, then the chances are that you sweat a lot. But having armpit hair helps to reduce unwanted rashes as well as the chaffing that comes with sweating.

The Bottom Line

Societal pressure means that a lot of people normally shave their body hairs. In fact, several methods can be used for body hair removal. Some have a short-term effect, while others are long-lasting.

Demanding schedules and personal preferences are actually some of the reasons that make people not shave. However, having body hair isn’t bad. In fact, it has a lot of benefits. All you have to do is to ensure that your body is clean. Besides that, you can wear certain clothing or makeup foundation to hide them.

Menopause and Body Hair

Menopause is a time in a woman’s life where inevitable changes are happening to her body. One of her main superpowers of giving birth to a baby is about to be taken away. And it affects her. It affects her physiologically, psychologically, emotionally, and physically. The changes that take place inside her body also manifest themselves outwardly affecting her appearance, including her skin and hair.

When women reach a certain age, they enter their menopause.

It is important for a woman to understand what menopause is and what changes it may bring, so she can face it with confidence: To see it as a new phase in her life that brings new possibilities, new challenges, new opportunities, as well as new blessings. Menopause need not be feared or dreaded, albeit a really difficult phase, but welcomed, as you arm yourself with the knowledge of what it is and where it will take you.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the season in a woman’s life after she has had her last and final menstruation. There is some subjectivity to it since you can only tell if a monthly period was your last one if you no longer have another after that. However, menopause may be viewed in retrospect as the last monthly period you had in the last 12 months. The interval (12 months) between your last menstruation and the determination of menopause is part of a longer phase usually referred to as perimenopause.

There is the menopause and the perimenopause stages

Perimenopause or transition menopause is an extended phase that begins when a woman is somewhere in her 40s. It extends up until the last two years (including the 12 month interval) before she reaches menopause, usually in her 50s. It’s a long season when your body starts to slow down, particularly in its reproductive capacity. However, in the last year or two of perimenopause, you may begin to experience the outward changes associated with menopause with more consistency. The most significant being your long period of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).

What happens inside your body during menopause.

A woman’s body slows down somewhere in her 40s. During this period her ovaries begin to produce estrogen in an irregular manner, particularly in terms of its frequency and intensity. This means either your monthly periods become fewer and far between or they vary in the strength and the amount of shedding (menstruation).

The role of estrogen and progesterone in the reproductive cycle.

Estrogen is the female hormone largely responsible for your ovary’s releasing of an egg cell during ovulation. Progesterone, another female hormone, follows suit and prepares the uterine lining for possible egg fertilization and pregnancy. During this stage, when the lining of the uterine wall thickens, estrogen levels are low. This prevents eggs from being untimely produced and released by your ovaries.

When fertilization occurs, progesterone will continue to support the maintenance of the uterine wall as well as the development of the placenta; progesterone preserves the integrity of the uterine lining and prevents shedding during pregnancy. Estrogen, on the other hand, stimulates growth in the breasts and stimulates milk production in preparation for child birth and breast feeding.

Progesterone prepares the uterine lining for possible egg fertilization and pregnancy.

When no fertilization occurs, progesterone level drops and the lining of the uterine wall and the blood break down and are shed. This is the start of menstruation. At this point, the woman’s ovaries are gearing up (anew) for the next cycle of ovulation. At the proper time, estrogen levels will once again peak signalling the ovaries to release an egg. This, basically, is the normal reproductive cycle of a woman.

This is how crucial the balance between estrogen and progesterone is in a woman’s reproductive cycle. Estrogen largely dominates the first half of a woman’s reproductive cycle; while progesterone does the latter, in non-pregnant women. Generally speaking. Many serious health issues result when an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone levels prevails. But during menopause, estrogen production significantly drops. This drop in estrogen not only affects your reproductive cycle, but other functions as well.

Estrogen is also responsible for the maintenance and support of other body functions, including:

1) Female phenotype structure. This distinguishes a woman from a man in stature and physical development. A woman’s bones are generally smaller and shorter than a man’s. A woman’s body normally has wider hips and thighs. Also, the voice box develops narrower to produce a distinctly female voice. Girls develop mature female breasts. This is largely due to the predominance of estrogen.

2) Fat storage. Estrogen controls and coordinates where women are most likely to store their fats. This is why a woman’s hips grow wider than a man’s.

An xray of a lady’s hips

3) Skin condition. During menstruation, when a woman’s estrogen level is low, the dermis (middle layer of the skin) becomes thinner. Also, estrogen is known to suppress sebum production (oil secretions), which makes a woman’s skin less oily than a man’s. This is the reason it is less likely for females to develop acne.

4) Hair quality. Women have finer hair than men, and the hair on their heads are more permanent than in men.

5) Also, generally, estrogen helps maintain brain function, bone strength, energy balance, and heart health.

Increase in androgen in menopause.

The significant drop in estrogen production during menopause also seriously affects these bodily functions. This drop in estrogen is responsible for many of the symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain. It also accounts for the proportional increase of androgen levels in the bloodstream. Androgen is often referred to as the male hormone. Women may not be aware, but their ovaries also produce androgen.

Sex drive and libido.

The science behind the relationship in the decrease in estrogen and increase (in proportion) of androgen is a bit confusing and a little tricky. Some say that if this is the case, i.e. that there is proportional increase in androgen during menopause, why is it that a woman’s sex drive or libido diminishes? Isn’t androgen (e.g. testosterone) responsible for strong sex drive and libido? But general observation abounds that during menopause, there is a decrease in the sex drive and libido of women. This much is clear: menopause diminishes a woman’s libido and desire for sex.

Older people still make love and have sex. However the libido does reduce with age.

One of the reasons, it is suspected, has nothing to do with the interaction of estrogen and androgen; but has everything to do with the cessation of progesterone production in menopause. One of the roles of progesterone, it is believed, is to promote sexual desire in women. Also, it is believed that progesterone is actively involved in the sexual fulfillment of men. But another reason associated with the lack of sexual desire in women is the thinning and dryness of the vaginal walls associated with menopause; which makes sexual contact uncomfortable. This directly relates to the significant decrease of estrogen, since estrogen is largely responsible for keeping the vaginal walls thick, lubricated, and elastic.

Menopause and body hair.

The significant decrease in the production of estrogen is also seen outwardly in the loss of hair. This is because estrogen is responsible for hair growth, and hair follicle maintenance.

1) The hair on your head.

You may have observed your hair thinning out or falling as you take a bath or comb your hair. Also, you may have noticed more of your scalp showing as you look in the mirror. In some instances, women have experienced localized baldness beginning to set in near the hairline or at the top. There are two causes why your hair thins out all over.

One is that, estrogen deficiency causes a weakening of your hair follicles. It is estrogen that stimulates the nourishment and growth of your hair follicles. When this fails, your hair follicles weaken and eventually some of them die, causing hair loss. Another reason is: when estrogen level drops, androgen can still stimulate new hair growth; but the hair quality is inferior, not as thick and strong as the female phenotype hair, and easily falls off.

The proportional increase of androgen is also largely responsible for the occurrence of localized baldness in some menopausal women. Androgen dominance is something women share with men who experience baldness beginning near their hairline or on the crown of their head towards their temples. In many cases, this is also associated with terminal hair growth in menopausal women.

2) Armpit and pubic hair.

Armpit and pubic hair is another area affected (positive?) by the drop in estrogen. Armpit and pubic hair is strictly regulated. Their growth is controlled, in that their length has limits. But during menopause, some women’s armpit hair have completely vanished. The shave (wax) and regrow cycle has all but completely stopped. The absence of armpit hair you experience is similar to your pre-puberty days. On the other hand, it is common experience for menopausal women for the strands of their pubic hair to become thinner and more diffuse or sparse; though majority would have nothing left completely in more elderly (post-menopausal) years.

3) Body hair.

Body hair is less obvious in women, generally, than in other parts where terminal hair grow more distinctly, e.g., armpits and pubis. The loss and thinning out of body hair seems to be a result of ageing in general than it is of estrogen deficiency in particular; although both are the main contributory factors. As the body grows older, there is poorer circulation of blood and nutrients around the skin.

Androgen and masculine hair growth.

If you have observed masculine hair growth in certain parts of your body (viz. your face) during menopause, it’s most probably caused by the proportional increase of your androgen levels. You may have observed it under your chin, or you may have noticed you’ve grown a thin mustache, or some sideburns. Androgen are the main cause why men grow mustaches and have goatees; and why some men have sideburns and all.

Now that your estrogen levels are low, your androgen are showing signs in places where they are welcome. As nature has it, you were made to (also) receive androgen influence in those areas; but were prevented to because of the dominance (before) of your estrogen. But now that your estrogen has become latent and largely inactive, the androgen your ovary produces are exerting their influence.

Recommended treatment for menopause and body hair loss.

If any of this — hair loss and masculine hair growth — begin to bother you; you should talk to your health care provider or doctor. They should have a better understanding of the science behind menopause and body hair loss and masculine hair growth. They would be more qualified to recommend remedies or treatments to help you overcome specific issues. Also, they should be able to rule out other probable causes of body hair loss and hair growth not related to menopause.

1) Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often recommended, but caution is advised in this course of action for its side effects, e.g. swelling of breasts, headaches, nausea, and vaginal bleeding. HRT is usually a combination of estrogen and progestin, and is designed to supply the hormonal balance to alleviate the symptoms of menopause and body hair loss. ERT (estrogen replacement therapy) on the other hand, is HRT that consists only of estrogen. Estrogen stimulates hair growth.

2) Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment. In PRP, blood is taken from your scalp and injected in areas where there is an absence of hair growth. The plasma that contains the growth factor in your blood is used to stimulate hair growth.

Have a positive outlook.

The outward changes often associated with menopause can have a psychological impact on women. Understanding the changes that happen inside your body should help you face the difficulties and challenges with confidence. Also, many of the inner struggles women face during menopause can be overcome with a positive outlook in life.

Live a healthy lifestyle.

Eat a balanced diet. Whatever diet plan you follow, choose health promoting foods.

Exercise regularly. This helps your blood circulate and your joints flexible.

Get enough sleep. Stop worrying too much, if you do. It doesn’t help.

Laugh. Go out with friends. No matter how old you are, you’re never old enough to laugh.

Travel. Travel while you still have strength in your bones. Seeing new places is refreshing and good for your soul.

Play with your grandchildren. They add a dimension of youth to you, and give a spark of daily happiness.

Believe. Have faith and live your life to the full.

Menopause has its difficulties and challenges. That’s why understanding how it works is important, because it frees you from fear of facing it. Embrace it. Menopause need not hinder you from living a rich and meaningful life.

Best Alternatives to Bikini Waxing

Most women only need to think about removing hair with waxing, making them grimace in pain.

Does anyone actually enjoy the pain of waxing?

Do you find that waxing is not only painful but also messy?

Bikini Waxing is the method most people think about when getting rid of bikini line hair but is waxing the least expensive, most efficient, and most convenient procedure?

Do you want to avoid ingrown hair on your bikini line?

bikini waxing before and after
This photo shows the before and after of a woman who has had a bikini wax. It was taken a day later after the soreness had reduced.

Why use wax for hair removal?

Using wax is a fairly easy procedure involving heating wax and then spreading it on your skin. Once the wax cools down and hardens, you remove the strip, and your hair comes off together with the wax.

bikini waxing strip.
This woman is using a strip to wax her bikini line. It’s an effective way to remove pubic hair but waxing can be painful.

Waxing has become an increasingly popular method of hair removal, but it can often be painful and costly. The bikini area is one of the most sensitive areas to wax, which makes it especially difficult for many people.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to bikini waxing that can provide an effective and comfortable way to remove unwanted hair from the bikini area.

Home Laser Hair Removal

Another great alternative to traditional bikini waxing is laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal works by targeting individual hairs with a concentrated beam of high-energy light that destroys them at their root.

The TOMMY TIMMY SMOOTHER SKIN (LASER) uses laser technology that emits rapid light pulses. The pulse works under the skin’s surface to target hairs at the root to inhibit hair growth.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

You may be worried about the cost of at-home laser hair removal. However, the truth is that the cost of removing hair at home is limited to buying the equipment.

The Tommy Timmy Smoother Skin, laser technology, is one of the most efficient ways of inhibiting hair growth on any part of your body, the bikini line, and pubic hair removal included.

This process can be more expensive than waxing or sugaring but offers longer-lasting results with fewer treatments needed over time.

Pain compared to waxing.

The laser is gentle on your skin, which makes it almost painless compared to bikini waxing. Dermatologists across the world recommend laser hair removal for people with sensitive skin.

“Since purchasing my Tommy Timmy I haven’t needed to shave in weeks!” – Hannah from Hourglass Waist Training 

The best part about the Tommy Timmy Hair Removal Kit is that it costs under $100, and you can use it multiple times across many body parts (face, bikini line, underarms, legs, and more).

It also doesn’t require batteries, making it very affordable to maintain.

Additionally, laser hair removal can be used on virtually any type of skin tone or texture so it’s a great option for everyone!

How long does hair removal last with a laser?

Because it inhibits hair growth from under the skin, this technology enables silky-smooth skin for up to 8-12 weeks. Because hair grows in stages, you’ll need to use it 4-8 times to make sure you catch the hair in all phases of growth.

The cost of laser hair removal will vary depending on the size of the area being treated but typically ranges from $150-$500 per session if done professionally. While this may seem pricey initially, over time it can save you money since you won’t need to keep getting waxed every few weeks.

Risks Of Laser Hair Removal

It’s important to note, however, that there are risks associated with this procedure. This can cause skin irritation and burning, especially in areas like the bikini line which is more sensitive than other body parts.

In addition to skin irritation, laser hair removal can also cause permanent skin discoloration and scarring if not done correctly. People with darker skin tones may be more likely to experience these effects due to the increased melanin content of their skin.

Using Epilators to Remove Pubic Hair (e.g., Epilady)

Epilating is a good alternative to bikini wax. It will last 4-6 weeks and can be less painful.

Epilators are great for short hairs.

With a good epilator (The best epilators are the Braun epilator, Emjoi Epilator, or Philips epilator), you can remove hairs up to 5 times shorter than the ones you can remove by waxing.

These hand-held devices are mostly waterproof, so you can epilate as your skin enjoys the soothing warmth of a shower or bathwater.

You can generally use an epilator on your face, and it can even be used by men!

How long does epilating last?

Epilating gives you between 4-6 weeks of a hairless bikini line compared to a shorter time if you are bikini waxing.

Risks Of Epilators On Pubic Hair

Epilators come with certain risks that must be considered before use.

Firstly, epilators can cause skin irritation and discomfort in the pubic area. This is due to the fact that it pulls out hairs quickly and forcefully which can lead to redness or even bleeding of the skin. Additionally, if the device is not kept clean between uses, there is a risk of bacterial infections due to bacteria getting trapped in the coils.

Furthermore, using an epilator on pubic hair may lead to ingrown hairs due to the fact that it does not remove all of the hair from beneath the surface of the skin. If this happens, it can cause painful bumps which will need medical attention for removal.

Shaving as an alternative to bikini waxing

The oldest home alternative to waxing is shaving. Shaving is a great alternative if you can do it correctly.

You are advised to use scissors to trim the longer hair to about a millimeter long and then use a sharp razor for the remaining hair removal.

Skin Care Before and After

You should apply a shaving gel beforehand for a better shaving experience and then apply a light moisturizer or aloe vera gel afterward.

The hair will grow back quicker than when you use laser hair removal technology at home, but it is cheaper.

The problem with shaving as an alternative is that you may experience the negative issue of bumps and ingrown hairs, followed by terrible itching.

Risks Of Shaving Pubic Hair

From razor burn to ingrown hairs, it’s important to understand the risks before you reach for the razor.

Shaving can lead to skin irritation because the blades pull and tug on individual hairs as they cut them off at the surface of the skin. This causes friction which can lead to a burning sensation, redness, and potential rashes.

Also, watch out for ingrown hairs when shaving pubic hair. Ingrown hairs occur when shaved hairs curl back into the skin instead of growing outwards. These can cause intense itching and pain in addition to red bumps or cysts in some cases.

Using Clippers to remove hair

These energy-efficient devices are commonly used in hospitals for patient preoperative hair removal around the private parts.

The fact that clippers are used medically means that you can also trust them for your at-home hair removal. They remove hair faster than razors, are waterproof, so you can use yours in the shower, and are easy to clean and disinfect.

Risk Of Using Clippers On Pubic Hair

When using clippers for pubic hair removal, the risk of infection is higher than other methods due to the blades coming in contact with the skin.

Furthermore, it’s easy for tiny bits of hairs to get left behind and cause irritation or inflammation.

Also, if you’re not careful when using clippers, it’s possible that you could accidentally cut yourself or end up with an uneven trim.

Depilatory Creams around the Bikini Line

Depilatory creams dissolve the hair around your lady parts or on your face. There are even special depilatory creams for men to remove hair. After applying the depilatory cream, you can clean the area painlessly and safely. This should get rid of unwanted hair.

How long do depilatory creams take to work?

These creams mostly work within 10-20 minutes. This method’s downside is that some creams may cause peculiar skin irritation, particularly if you don’t follow the instructions properly.

For most people, they aren’t particularly effective, and the smell is off-putting. But if you are one of the lucky ones, it is an affordable, albeit temporary, solution to your bikini line hair.

Risks Of Using Depilatory Cream Around Bikini Line

It is important to note that depilatory creams can be harsh and cause irritation or even chemical burns on sensitive skin. Carefully follow the instructions provided with the cream and use a patch test before applying it around your bikini area.

Additionally, you should avoid using these creams if you have any cuts or abrasions in the area, as this could cause further irritation.

Depilatory creams typically contain harsh chemicals that can be damaging to both the skin and our environment. For this reason, many people choose not to use them for hair removal purposes.

Body Sugaring to remove pubic hair

The next alternative we will look at is sugaring.

Arabs have used this method in North Africa and the Middle East for centuries. In these areas where sugaring has been used, it has been with an impressive degree of success.

It works more or less the same way as waxing (removing hair from the root), but it is less painful, cheaper, and arguably more efficient than wax.

Sugaring uses a paste made from natural ingredients such as lemon juice,  and sugar to remove unwanted hair from the bikini area.

Unlike waxing, sugaring does not require heating or sticking to the skin and is therefore less irritating and painful. Additionally, because it is all-natural, sugaring is much less likely to cause any adverse reactions or irritations on the skin.

Sugaring is often cheaper than other methods and can cost anywhere from $50-$100 per session, depending on where you live and how much hair needs to be removed.

Sugaring recipe for bikini hair removal

A body sugaring recipe to make the sugar solution is:

  • a cup of boiled water,
  • a cup of lemon juice,
  • and 1-2 cups of sugar.

These are all of the ingredients that you will need.

You then boil the solution on medium heat for 5 minutes, cool it, and it will be ready for use.

Many prefer to have body sugaring done at a spa, especially for the full body or the first time. One reason is that it is difficult to get the consistency correct.

Risks Of Sugaring When Removing Public Hair

The biggest potential risk when sugaring the bikini area is the possibility of skin irritation. Sugaring involves applying a thick paste made from sugar, lemon juice and water onto the skin before it’s removed with a cloth strip.

If this paste is left on for too long, or if too much pressure is applied when removing it, then skin irritation can occur in the form of burns and rashes.

To minimize this risk, make sure to only apply the paste for a short amount of time and use gentle pressure when removing it.

Personal Experience from Mary

Mary used a unique sugaring formula made from natural ingredients. The solution was applied directly onto the bikini line and then wiped off with a cloth. Afterward, Mary’s skin felt clean and nourished without irritation or redness.

Overall, Mary was extremely satisfied with this new method of hair removal for her bikini area. Not only did it take less time than traditional waxing, but it also left her skin feeling soft and smooth afterward. She highly recommends this alternative to anyone considering other options for removing pubic hair.

Remove Pubic Hair with Threading

Threading is a safe, affordable alternative to bikini waxing. It’s an ancient hair removal method that originated in India and the Middle East. Threading involves using a cotton thread to twist around each hair to be removed and then quickly pulling it out.

The main benefit of threading over other methods is that there is no need for hot wax or chemicals, making it more gentle on the skin. Additionally, threading can precisely shape and remove even the finest hairs, resulting in a neat finish.

Since it doesn’t involve any burning or harsh chemicals, it also reduces redness and inflammation in the area being treated compared to other methods like laser hair removal.

Probe Home Electrolysis

Electrolysis involves destroying hair follicles using an electrical current. The electrolysis machine has a thin hair-width-sized probe, which you use to penetrate the skin.

epilator on bikini line
Young woman undergoing epilation on bikini line procedure in beauty salon.

Consult a professional

Before choosing this method, it is wise to consult a professional and read many online customer reviews. Some of the devices in the market today can easily destroy your skin if not used properly.

Hair electrolysis is not such a popular home treatment due to the safety problems associated with it.

Herbal Hair Removal Creams

Herbal hair removal creams are a great alternative to bikini waxing. They’re usually gentler on the skin and contain natural ingredients, making them an ideal choice for sensitive skin.

Plus, they’re usually less expensive than waxing treatments so they can be affordable for those on a budget.

Herbal creams work by breaking down the protein structure that holds the hair together, thereby weakening the follicle and causing it to fall out.

You should expect to see some improvement in as little as three days after use. This makes them a relatively quick and easy solution for removing unwanted hair from delicate areas like the bikini zone.

Most herbal creams are made with natural ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile extract, and argan oil.

Skin Type Compatibility With Different Alternatives

When it comes to hair removal, bikini waxing is not the only option. There are several alternatives that vary in intensity, from at-home creams to professional laser treatments. However, it’s important to understand which alternative is best for your skin type.

For those with sensitive skin, depilatory creams are a great choice. They contain active ingredients like calcium thioglycolate and potassium hydroxide, which chemically break down the bonds of the hair shaft without causing irritation. This method is easy and painless, and best of all, you can do it at home!

If you have thicker or coarser hairs, then laser treatments may be more suitable. This involves directing a concentrated beam of light onto the unwanted hair, which breaks down its melanin, making it easier to remove over time. The downside is that this method can be expensive and require multiple visits.

In any case, when deciding on an alternative to bikini waxing, it’s essential to take into account your skin type so that you make the right decision for you.

Regrowth Rate, And How Each Alternative Affects It.

Waxing has a short-term effect on hair growth, as the hair is removed at its roots. The results typically last 2-6 weeks before visible regrowth occurs.

Sugaring is similar to waxing but often lasts slightly longer than waxing – between 3-5 weeks – but neither method yields permanent results.

Shaving is one of the quickest and simplest alternatives available but also one that requires more frequent maintenance due to its shorter-lasting effects. Hair usually begins to grow back within 1-3 days after shaving.

For those wanting a more long-term solution that avoids continual maintenance, laser hair removal treatments may be an option worth considering since they provide semi-permanent results – depending on the type of laser used in the treatment and the area being treated – that last several months or years before retreatment is necessary.

Warning Against Using Alternatives Without Professional Guidance.

Professional guidance should be sought, particularly when it comes to sensitive areas like the bikini line. There could be potential risks associated with some methods that could cause serious damage if not approached with caution.

When opting for at-home treatments, it’s worth doing research on the product being used and getting advice from a doctor or dermatologist, if necessary.

Everyone’s skin is different, so what might work for one person won’t necessarily work for another. It’s also important to pay attention to the directions of use, as an improper application can have negative effects.

So, if you are looking for an alternative to bikini waxing:

We like the Tommy Timmy Smoother Skin laser hair removal the best. It’s affordable, safe, and permanent after 4-8 sessions. At the link above, you can also find a full review.

Unlike wax, it is not painful and does not involve a wax strip to remove your body or pubic hair.

Overall, deciding on the best alternative to bikini waxing comes down to finding what works for you – whether it’s a cheaper option like threading or a longer-lasting solution like laser removal.

With all this in mind, you should feel confident and comfortable with your hair removal method!

Hair removal methods
Some different methods of removing pubic hair.