Does Removing Facial Hair Make It Grow Back Thicker?

There is a myth that if you remove facial hair, then it will actually grow back faster and thicker. But is that true?

The answer is no.

The reason for the myth is surprising but also understandable why so many people think that.

Woman shaving face with razor
Many think that by removing facial hair, it will grow back thicker. But is that actually true?

But why does this myth continue to flourish?

After shaving or waxing, you may feel that your hair is now thicker, darker, or coarser. However, understand that looks can also be deceiving.

Here is one reason. Instead of carefully observing, it’s evident that most of us resort to our mental feelings. That’s why a lot of people mistakenly believe their hair is thicker after shaving.

The act of cutting or shaving facial hair is what makes it thicker. But it doesn’t grow thicker.

It’s important to understand that the shaft of human hair is shaped like a pencil. So, this means that it’s thicker at the bottom and thinner at the tip. So, when the tip is removed, the thicker base remains.

Note that the base of the hair is near the follicles. So, it’s bound to grow thicker and darker.

hair follicle
Illustration of a hair follicle, showing clearly the difference in thickness between the tip and the root.

This is why you will feel like your hair is thicker after shaving, but it will thin out after a couple of days. Understand that shaving or the removal of unwanted hair does not change the process of hair regrowth.

So, if you have tapered hair, you will get it back after a few days. This is highly evident in shaving and waxing.

Chemicals and Pollutants

Another factor to consider is exposure to chemicals and pollutants. The tip of the hair is usually the closest to the external environment. This means that cleansing products with chemicals and pollutants usually make them thin.

On the other hand, the bottom of the shaft is usually protected. So, hair in this region is bound to receive the least impact of pollutants. Generally, these hairs are well-nourished and thicker.

So, after shaving, you will find thicker and slightly darker hair. But this doesn’t mean that it’s now growing to be thicker.

If this was true, don’t you think that people would have massively thick hair after every shaving phase?

Benefits of Removing Unwanted Facial Hair

Both men and women usually remove unwanted facial hair. Sometimes the dark and thick hair which grows on the face can be annoying or affect your appearance negatively.

So, what are some of the benefits of removing them?

Clearer skin

Shaving and other techniques help to make the skin clearer. Note that too much facial hair makes removing dead skin cells difficult. As a result, it usually leads to debris buildup over time. Because of this, most people end up suffering from skin breakouts.

Help to Nourish the Skin

Topical creams, for instance, help to nourish the skin. They contain antioxidants and vitamins which help to improve the skin’s texture and appearance.

Easier Makeup Application

Removing facial hair makes the process of makeup application easier. If you are using foundation, hair-free skin is usually frictionless. As a result, your makeup will smoothly glide over your skin.

Skin Rejuvenation

Excessive facial hair prevents the underlying skin from getting vitamin D. This is an essential nutrient that the skin needs for healthy development.

It should be noted that too much hair leads to the accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells.

Shaving helps rejuvenate the skin, enhance collagen production, and increase blood flow.

Final Thoughts

It’s clear that shaving or removing facial hair does not cause it to change its thickness. The removal process usually leads to the development of new stubbly tips, which may feel thicker. However, this only lasts for a couple of days.

Several medical research studies have been done to establish the truth. And studies show that hair removal doesn’t cause changes in thickness. Some techniques usually lead to the growth of finer and thinner hair. This is because of the repeated trauma which affects the hair follicles.

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How Long Does It Take For Laser Hair Removal To Work?

If you are trying to decide whether to do laser hair removal at home, then you are advised to know what the treatment consists of how long it will take to work. This will help you to plan your laser hair removal session. Please do note, though, that not everyone responds to treatment in the same way.

There are specific guidelines and general indications of an approximate duration of the process, which we will cover in this article.

What happens after a laser session?

Usually, hair loss occurs between one and three weeks after the depilatory session rather than happen immediately after the procedure.

The reappearance of hair is what can be confusing for many people, but this is perfectly normal, and this isn’t an indication that the laser was not effective. On the contrary, it means that your hair follicles are expelling the remaining hair so that it will disappear for good. The process can be accelerated by gently exfoliating the treated area. Still, it’s very important to be careful, since the skin will be irritated due to the effects of the laser.

After a month and a half, hair starts growing again. So it’s at this time when your next laser hair removal session can be performed.

Black Dots

After laser treatment, black spots may also appear in the area where the laser was applied. These are the remains of burned hair, and this doesn’t indicate any complications.

With proper hygiene and gentle exfoliation, the remains can be removed. Remember that when shaving after laser hair removal, you shouldn’t tear your hair off because in that follicle, a hair root will grow again, and it’ll have to be removed later. So don’t use wax or tweezers to remove blackheads; shaving will do the job.

It’s important to keep your skin hydrated between sessions. Protect it from the sun and avoid skin-irritating products. This will minimize risks.

How much time is needed to get rid of the hair completely?

The most accurate answer is: it depends. The total time needed to remove hair from an area depends, to a large extent, on the quality and quantity of the hair.

Another variable to consider here is the part of the body from where your hair is going to be removed. For example, the face is always a place where it’ll be more challenging to get rid of hair completely since it’s a part of the body with high hormonal activity.

An average amount of time needed could be around a year, or a year and a half, for you to see permanent hair removal.

It’s often recommended to patients to get checked by their specialist at least once a year because follicles are continually being stimulated, and new hair could appear over time.