The Technology Behind Mole & Skin Tag Removal Pens

Moles and skin tags appear on both men and women. Moles are growths in the skin made of pigment-producing cells and appear virtually anywhere on the body, either in groups or alone. Skin tags are small, soft pieces of skin that stick out on a thin stem. They usually appear on the neck, upper trunk, armpits, and body folds.

Skin tags are both completely painless and harmless but generally don’t look so attractive. The appearance of skin tags is why you may want to remove them, especially in visible places. Fortunately, it is possible to remove moles or skin tags without too much difficulty.

Before you remove a mole, you are advised to check with a dermatologist that it is not a harmful mole.

Why Remove Moles or Skin Tags?

Moles and skin tags don’t require treatment in most instances. However, you may still want to remove them because they are causing you discomfort when they get caught in your jewelry or when they rub against your clothing or purely for cosmetic reasons.

If you have a mole or skin tag that looks different from your other moles or skin tags, you need to check with your doctor. The doctor might have to do a biopsy of the mole or skin tag, which involves removing it and sending it to a laboratory for testing.

Removing Moles and Skin Tags At Home

Home remedies, such as using pastes or lotions to remove moles or nail clippers to cut off skin tags can cause infection, bleeding, and scarring. It is because of this risk that most medical professionals recommend visiting a doctor’s office to get moles or skin tags removed.

It might not be advisable to try removing moles and skin tags yourself at home using household tools such as knives and scissors. However, you can still remove moles and skin tags safely at home without a doctor’s appointment if you are using a specialized tool.

The most popular solutions include at-home mole and skin tag removal pens, creams, and other topical treatments. Mole and skin tag removal pens are some of the most effective solutions for getting rid of moles and skin tags and are safe if used correctly. This is why you are advised not to just use a random knife or scissors for skin tags, but to use a skin tag remover tool.

Mole and Skin Tag Removal Pens Technology

Mole and skin tag removal pens do the same thing and use more or less the same technology. They have a small needle or a variety of needles for different applications that heat up. The Spot Blaster Pro and the Spot Eraser Pro are examples of these.

When applied to the mole or skin tag you would like to remove, the pen cauterizes the area. This approach prevents the area from bleeding, but a small scab usually forms. The method is not only great for removing moles and skin tags, but also freckles, age spots, and even small tattoos.

The scab will shed, and there will be clear skin where there previously was a mole or skin tag. For most moles and skin tags, a single treatment is sufficient, but you might need to do it again if you did not use a high enough setting.

Things to Consider When Buying Mole and Skin Tag Removal Pens

If you are thinking about buying a mole or skin tag removal pen, you need to consider the following:

Ease of Use:

Not everyone is a professional when it comes to using mole or skin tag removal pens. That’s why you should only choose a mole and skin tag removal pen that’s easy to use. If it is easy to use, you can use it regularly and enjoy the benefits.

Types of Problems It Can Solve:

The vast majority of mole and skin tag removal pens remove moles and skin tags as well as other kinds of skin imperfections. It is preferable to choose a device that can remove as many types of blemishes as possible.


It is always important to consider the working mechanism when choosing a mole or skin tag removal pen. The power levels can vary from one device to the next, which is why you need to consider the working mechanism.

Accessories Included:

You should always consider the accessories that are included. This will help to choose the right one for you. In particular, you should check to ensure that the package contains multiple needles. The needles are significant when it comes to removing skin imperfections.

Mole Removal Pen Instructions:

The mole or skin tag removal pen should come with clear instructions on how to use it. If it is used correctly, then it shouldn’t cause unnecessary damage to the skin. If the product comes with instructions that are not clear or none at all, you can check for videos online to walk you through the process.

When it comes to choosing the right mole and skin tag removal pen for your needs, it is important to keep the factors above in mind. If you do that, it will be easier for you to choose the best product for the best results. We recommend the Tommy Timmy Mole Removal Pen.

How to Use Mole and Skin Tag Removal Pens Correctly

1. Read Instructions First:

You must first read the instructions provided with the pen thoroughly and research everything you don’t understand. Understanding the process is critical to mole and skin tag removal as well as preventing unnecessary damage to the skin.

2. Practice First:

If this is your first time using a mole and skin tag removal pen, you may want to practice using it on something else besides your skin. A banana peel is a suggested surface to start to get a feel for its operation before using it on your skin.

3. Start on the Lowest Setting First:

If you feel that the lowest setting is not sufficient enough, you can move to the next setting.

Final Thoughts

Mole and skin tag removal pens are incredibly useful tools for getting rid of skin blemishes. Now that you know all about the technology behind these pens, important considerations when making a purchase, and how to use the devices correctly, you can buy your own mole removal pen and enjoy smoother and better-looking skin.