How To Remove Ear Hair

Remove Ear Hair

Everyone has ear hair, only that we don’t get to see it in some people. Ear hair usually acts as a protective barrier, preventing debris from reaching the sensitive ear canal. However, it can sometimes grow extensively due to aging and hormonal changes. Having protruding ear hair can cause you embarrassment and regain your confidence, you might want to consider various hair removal techniques.

So, what are some of the methods which you can apply to remove ear hair?


1. Tweezing

Sometimes it’s just a few hair stragglers that are bothering you in your ears. In this case, tweezing can be an effective method to remove ear hair. This technique provides an easier way of pulling out those few hairs. However, you need to use a high-quality pair of tweezers. The tweezers should be blunt at the head to minimize the chances of injuries.

When using tweezers, simply place them on the outside area of your ears. Avoid inserting them in your ears since you risk damaging the sensitive eardrums. Tweezing usually hurts because it involves plucking protruding hairs with force.

Pain Level: 9/10

May cause some tears to form around your eyes!

2. Shaving and Trimming

Shaving and trimming are one of the most used methods of ear hair removal. Shaving and trimming ear hairs are effortless, and anyone can do them. The technique is also very cheap, and that’s why a lot of people prefer it.

While you can easily use a razor blade to shave the protruding outer ear, part of the inner ear canal will remain with hair. In addition to that, you could easily cut yourself while using a razor. So, trimmers are recommended instead. They facilitate the same removal of hair right from the top part of the canal.

The best thing about using trimmers is that they are efficient and significantly reduce the risk of injuries. It doesn’t matter whether you have a few protruding hairs or a bush of hair coming from your ear. This device can effectively handle it.

Pain Level: 4/10

As long as you don’t have any accidents, you are unlikely to have much if any pain.

3. Waxing

If you want to remove ear hair that’s on the outer ear section, then waxing is a good alternative. This is a long-lasting solution that removes the hair follicles from the root, thereby inhibiting hair growth for weeks. Although you might sometimes need a professional to do it for you, you can also DIY.

To do waxing, get a good earplug to close your canal. Using a heated wax strip, apply it on your outer ear flap with a stick. Note that wax strips offer you safety; hence you don’t have to worry about the wax dripping deep into your ear canal.

Pain Level: 9/10

If you are a man, then this is likely to cause you more pain than you have ever had before. You are allowed to cry. Advise against watching any YouTube videos about it, or you won’t do it.

4. Depilatories

It seems when it comes to hair removal, depilatories (AKA epilation or depilation) are going to make an appearance. But are they suitable for ear hair removal? Well, this only works if the hairs are found on the outer section of the ear.

Depilatories provide an efficient and pain-free way of removing outer hairs. You just need to apply a little amount of the cream, wait for a couple of minutes, and then wash it off. The result will be clean and hairless ear flaps.

Caution! Do not put a depilatory inside your ear canal. You might end up exposing your eardrum and internal skin to chemical burns. When applying the cream to the outer section of the ear, make sure that you use a good earplug. Lastly, be careful when you are using depilatories. Do a test patch first on another less sensitive area of the body before applying it to your ear.

Also, see our articles on Nair and Veet Depilatory Creams.

Pain Level: 6/10

Unless you misplace the cream, you shouldn’t have any pain at all. One wrong turn, though, and all could go to pot.

5. Sugaring

If you can’t try the techniques mentioned above, there is still a home-based alternative that you can apply. Sugaring works in the same way as waxing, but it’s less painful. What makes it painless is that it doesn’t stick so much to the skin. Mix a little amount of sugar with water and then apply it with a cotton swab to the outer section of the ear. Wait for a few minutes before washing it off.

While this technique seems ideal for those with sensitive skin, users are also at a high risk of developing severe ear infections.

Pain Level: 8/10

Not as bad as waxing, but you still may cry!

6. Laser Treatment

Sometimes you just want to get done protruding hair from your ears once and for all. You can permanently remove them by using laser treatments. The process that is usually done by a professional typically involves the use of pulsed lights as well as other treatments that cause damage to the hair follicles. As a result, the hair will stop growing permanently. In case the hair still grows back, it will only be very light and thin.

However, this is a costly method of removing hair from the ears. Even though the FDA has approved it as a permanent way of reducing hair, not everyone can do it. Factors such as your skin color and hair type play a crucial role in determining if you are the right candidate.

Pain Level: 3/10

Little to no pain.

Factors to Consider When Removing Hair from Your Ears

If you are ready to remove ear hair from your ears, then here’s what you should know:

Hair Type

Know the type of ear hair you want to remove. Is it the outer or inner ear hair? If you are dealing with inner ear hair, you have to be very careful to avoid damaging your eardrums.

Methods And Equipment Required

Most of these techniques are very simple to implement, as long as you follow the right instructions. Apart from the laser treatment, the other methods involve the use of readily available equipment.


Level of discomfort: with laser treatment, pain is not usually a big deal because it involves the killing of hair follicles at once. On the other hand, waxing, trimming, and sugaring can cause some level of discomfort or pain, depending on the amount of hair you are removing and how frequently you do it.


Developing ear hair is something that we experience as we grow up and age. The fact that there are techniques and equipment for ear hair removal means that this is a common issue with which a lot of people deal. Depending on your needs and the severity of the hair growth, you can use one of the techniques mentioned above. Just make sure that in all cases, you protect your ear canal. If you are not sure of doing it yourself, then seek the services of a professional.