Best Sunscreen For The Winter

Wearing sunscreen during winter may seem counter-intuitive. But research has proven that no amount of cloud cover can protect your skin from harmful UV radiation. Luckily UVB rays, which cause sunburns and redness, are much weaker during winter.

UVA rays are out in full force all year long. UVA rays are responsible for accelerating skin aging. UVA rays account for 95% of rays that penetrate your skin, and their effects cause a much deeper feeling. Applying sunscreen should, therefore, be an all-year-round affair.


Snow Intensifies Radiation Exposure

The snow and ice during winter reflect 80% of the UV radiation that reaches the earth’s surface, nearly doubling its intensity. So if the allure of the outdoors is too much for you to bear during winter, ensure you apply a fair amount of sunscreen before you head out.

Snow can intensify radiation exposure through its reflection

Winter Sports Increases The Risk Of UV Exposure.

If you’re a winter sports enthusiast, sunscreen is an absolute necessity. According to research by the Skin Cancer Foundation, the intensity of UV rays increases with an increase in altitude. For every 1,000 feet increase in height above sea level, exposure to UV radiation increases by 4 to 5 percent. If you spend a lot of time snowboarding and mountain skiing, ensure you apply at least 30 SPF of sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays.

Winter sports will expose you to harmful rays from the sun. In addition if you are at a higher altitude this can cause further harm.

Winter Weather Erodes Sunscreen Protection

When the sun shines directly on your skin, your body will eventually sweat off the sunscreen, thus necessitating reapplication. What you may not realize, however, is that harsh winter conditions will erode your skin protection even faster. The strong winds and the snow will wear away your sunscreen and eventually expose your skin to harmful UV rays. Applying sunscreen in the morning is not enough. You should consider reapplying every two hours and especially after sweating.

Sensitive Skin During Winter

Your skin responds to changes in weather, too. The skin is tanned during summer and gets more pale and drier during winter. The tan is a result of increased melanin concentration to protect the skin from UV radiation. Since the skin is less tanned during winter, it is more sensitive to the sun’s UV radiation. You must, therefore, apply sunscreen constantly to counter these effects. If you have pigmentation spots, you can try Intensive Skin Corrector, a fantastic product that quickly fads the spots without drying out the skin.

If you have sensitive skin then you should be even more careful to protect yourself against the sun’s rays

The Ozone Layer Is Thinnest During Winter

The ozone layer acts as a natural sunscreen. It is nature’s way of protecting your skin from harmful UV radiation that accelerates skin aging. While its effect is strong during summertime, it may not be as effective during winter. Ozone levels are lowest between December and March in the Northern Hemisphere. So you need that bottle of sunscreen even more during winter.

Indoor Dangers

If you intend to spend most of your time indoors during the winter period, you are not exempt from the dangers of UV radiation. According to Dendy Engelman, a dermatologist based in New York, small amounts of infrared and ambient light from your overhead lamps and computer screens can still stimulate your pigment cells. Enjoying the outside view through the window still puts you at risk since UV rays can penetrate glass. Whether you spend your time outdoors or are holed up in the house, you still need sunscreen protection.

Even if you are indoors, you should use the best winter sunscreen to avoid damage to your skin.

In Summary

Sunscreen is an absolute necessity whether you expose yourself to direct sunlight or not. Research has demonstrated that UVA radiation can still penetrate cloud cover and eventually, your skin, thus leading to increased risk of skin cancer and premature aging. Those who participate in activities such as mountain skiing face greater exposure since the snow and ice reflect sunlight and UV radiation increases with an increase in altitude. You need to protect your skin by applying enough sunscreen all year round and more, especially during the winter season.

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