Removing Skin Tags With Nail Polish

Removing Skin Tags With Nail Varnish


Does Nail Polish Remove Skin Tags?

You can remove skin tags with nail polish. However, you are advised not to as there are dangers in removing skin tags with nail polish.

If you choose to ignore our advice(!), then these are the steps that you should take:

Clear Nail Polish on Skin Tags

Purchase clear nail polish of high quality from your local pharmacy.

You should avoid trying to save money on nail polish because you want to make sure that there are no impurities in the ingredients.

The higher the quality, the better it will work. It is also better to remove skin tags with clear nail polish.

Clear nail varnish
If you are going to use nail polish to remove a skin tag then make sure that the varnish that you use is of high quality to avoid any impurities.

Precisely Apply The Nail Polish To Your Skin Tag

Apply nail polish on your skin tag. Be extra cautious not to let it spill on the surrounding skin as this can cause harm to your skin.

In the same way that the nail polish will remove your skin tag, it can also remove the surrounding skin!

You may want to use a cotton ball or swab to apply more precisely on the affected area.

Protect The Wound

Place a band-aid or plaster over the skin tag and nail polish. Try putting it on as tight as possible to avoid oxygen reaching the skin tag through the nail polish.

Plaster on female leg
Make sure that you use a high quality band aid in order to protect the skin tag once the nail polish has been applied.

The band-aid itself won’t remove the skin tag, but it will help loosen it from the effects of the nail polish.

Removing The Nail Polish

Twenty-four hours later, remove the nail polish with high-quality nail Polish remover.

Once again, be careful to target the skin tag itself rather than the surrounding skin. 

Reapply Nail Polish to Skin Tag

Reapply the nail Polish with two coatings. Once again cover with a plaster or a band-aid and wait another 24 hours.

Remove The Band-Aid Again

When you take off the nail polish and the band-aid, you should find that the skin tag has changed color or fallen off completely.

If the skin tag has vanished, then job done! The skin tag removal with nail polish was successful.

If not, then wait a few days, and it should fall off on its own.

You are advised NOT to do this procedure on your face in case you get nail polish in your eyes.

If you do, then you should wash out your eyes with cold water and seek medical advice and attention as quickly as possible.

Other ways to remove your skin tags

Using apple cider vinegar on arm.
Do not under any circumstances use apple cider vinegar in order to remove skin tags. You can severely burn your skin.

You will probably find other methods to remove skin tags, including apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, dental floss, oregano oil, pineapple juice, banana peel, and even duct tape! However, do know that using any of these, especially apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil, can have awful effects on your skin.

If you are looking for a home remedy to remove a skin tag, which is safer and more effective, it is via the Tommy Timmy Spot Blaster Pro.

This is a skin tag removal product with an excellent reputation and is suitable for sensitive skin.