Methods of Removing Facial Hair

Effective methods of removing facial hair include:



It’s one of the easiest and also the fastest method of removing facial hair. Shaving can be done in the morning, just before you begin your day. You can do it by using an electric or disposable shaver. What makes it a great technique is that it cuts hair directly at the skin’s level.

However, the results of shaving are usually temporary. As a result, you’ll need to shave again a couple of days later in order for your face to stay hair-free. Although it’s an easy and safe method, it also has downsides. For instance, it could result in ingrown hairs i.e. small bumps that normally develop when your hair is growing back into your skin.

Laser hair removal

This is another effective method of removing facial hair. Laser hair removal is the perfect long-term solution for removing facial hair. As a semi-permanent technique, its results can effectively last up to 6 months. It should be noted that this method uses a laser in addition to pulsating beams to destroy the hair follicles.

For facial hair removal, you can perform laser anywhere. This includes areas such as the chin, sideburns, and upper chin. However, it’s important to exercise precaution while using it at home. This is because it’s not safe to use laser equipment around the eye region.

Generally, laser offers the much-needed convenience in that you can use it from home. However, the equipment is quite expensive. Therefore, you can enlist the services of a doctor. Besides that, there are spas that offer laser treatment.


Epilation is an effective facial hair removal technique. It delivers impeccable results which can last up to a month. This technique bears some resemblance to shaving. However, it’s slightly different because an epilator works by picking several hairs simultaneously.

Note that the long-lasting results of epilation are as a result of hair being removed from its root. So, they normally take several weeks before they can grow again.

To achieve the best results with an epilator, you can wax a couple of days prior. This is crucial in eliminating the chances of ingrown hairs. Besides that, it makes the hair strands less visible, finer, and also smoother when they grow back.

Note: if your face is sensitive, then make sure that you do this procedure very slowly.


Tweezing helps to remove facial hair by plucking it from the roots. It’s much cheaper and more effective than laser treatment. Although you can use this method to remove any facial hair, it’s highly effective for eyebrows. Its results are usually longer and better than shaving. It should be noted that it also makes the shaping of the eyebrows easier. This method delivers long-lasting results which can go up to 2 months.


Just like tweezing, threading helps to shape eyebrows. However, it still helps to remove facial hair from other regions such as the chin, sideburns, and upper lip. By using a thread, you can twist and pull facial hair from the hair follicles.

However, the simple technique can result in painful discomfort. Although it doesn’t result in ingrown hairs, the twisting can be painful. So, it’s important to seek the services of a technician because threading requires the necessary skills.


You can use waxing strips or melted wax to remove facial hair. However, because the face is somehow sensitive, ensure that you use soft wax. Alternatively, you can use wax that’s formulated for facial use. Avoid using hard wax since it’s designed for tougher areas of the body such as your legs.

Topical Creams

There are prescription creams that can help to remove unwanted facial hair. For instance, Vaniqa is one of the best topical creams which women can use to remove unwanted facial hair. It should be noted that topical creams for facial hair removal usually take days to work. This is because they need to interact with the endocannabinoid system. So, sometimes you may even begin to see the results after 3-5 weeks while consistently using the product daily.

Note: Topical creams don’t remove facial hair permanently. You need to consistently use them in order to attain the desired results. This is because once you stop using them, your facial hair will definitely grow back.

Depilatory Creams

These are basic creams that are infused with chemicals. They contain chemical elements such as barium sulfide and sodium. These ingredients help to break the disulfide bonds which are found in the hair shaft. As a result, they dissolve the hair proteins.

Depilatory creams normally provide better results than shaving. Besides that, it’s much cheaper compared to waxing. You only need a 5-minute application time or less in order to attain the desired results.

Note: Because these creams have chemicals, users should first do a patch test.

Regardless of the method you choose, your hair will not grow back thicker. So, you can remove your facial hair as frequently as you can without worrying about thickness. Remember that the best method depends on your personal preferences.

Common Side Effects of Different Methods of Facial Hair Removal

Generally, most people end up suffering from skin irritation. Besides that, skin redness is another common side effect. While tweezing and threading help to shape the eyebrows, they can be very painful. On the other hand, the use of topical and depilatory creams usually produces finer results, there is a higher risk of an allergic reaction. Additionally hot wax can burn your skin. Lastly, lasers also can cause pigmentation and burns. So, keenly outweigh the pros and cons of the different methods before using what suits you.