How Long Does It Take For Laser Hair Removal To Work?

If you are trying to decide whether to do laser hair removal at home, then you are advised to know what the treatment consists of how long it will take to work. This will help you to plan your laser hair removal session. Please do note, though, that not everyone responds to treatment in the same way.

There are specific guidelines and general indications of an approximate duration of the process, which we will cover in this article.

What happens after a laser session?

Usually, hair loss occurs between one and three weeks after the depilatory session rather than happen immediately after the procedure.

The reappearance of hair is what can be confusing for many people, but this is perfectly normal, and this isn’t an indication that the laser was not effective. On the contrary, it means that your hair follicles are expelling the remaining hair so that it will disappear for good. The process can be accelerated by gently exfoliating the treated area. Still, it’s very important to be careful, since the skin will be irritated due to the effects of the laser.

After a month and a half, hair starts growing again. So it’s at this time when your next laser hair removal session can be performed.

Black Dots

After laser treatment, black spots may also appear in the area where the laser was applied. These are the remains of burned hair, and this doesn’t indicate any complications.

With proper hygiene and gentle exfoliation, the remains can be removed. Remember that when shaving after laser hair removal, you shouldn’t tear your hair off because in that follicle, a hair root will grow again, and it’ll have to be removed later. So don’t use wax or tweezers to remove blackheads; shaving will do the job.

It’s important to keep your skin hydrated between sessions. Protect it from the sun and avoid skin-irritating products. This will minimize risks.

How much time is needed to get rid of the hair completely?

The most accurate answer is: it depends. The total time needed to remove hair from an area depends, to a large extent, on the quality and quantity of the hair.

Another variable to consider here is the part of the body from where your hair is going to be removed. For example, the face is always a place where it’ll be more challenging to get rid of hair completely since it’s a part of the body with high hormonal activity.

An average amount of time needed could be around a year, or a year and a half, for you to see permanent hair removal.

It’s often recommended to patients to get checked by their specialist at least once a year because follicles are continually being stimulated, and new hair could appear over time.