The Difference Between Moles and Skin Tags

Moles and skin tags are two of the most common skin blemishes. While most of the time they are benign, they can be unsightly and irritate. Since many people don’t know the differences between them, they don’t know when it’s appropriate to seek out medical attention.

So what is the difference between moles and skin tags?

The most crucial difference is that moles are formed when melanocytes skin cells cluster in one spot. Skin tags are small benign tumors that tend to grow in places where the skin rubs together.

Looking at the differences between moles and skin tags.

Important Differences Between Moles And Skin Tags

As stated above, moles are clusters of skin cells that can appear anywhere on the body. Most people get all of their moles before the age of 25, and the average person has 10-20 moles. They grow slowly over the years and can be flat, but they are more often raised. They are usually symmetrical and circular in shape and black or brown. Moles can change over time, especially in women after they have children.

Skin tags tend to form in creases or where the skin rubs together. Armpits, where thighs touch, and in the creases of your elbows and behind the knee are the most common places. They are benign tumors, or growths, that are typically painless as well. Unlike moles, which are dark, skin tags should be a close shade to your skin tone.

Types of moles

Most moles are called common moles and don’t cause any issues. They are usually smaller than the diameter of a pencil eraser and have even edges and coloration. Atypical moles are larger than a pencil eraser, aren’t evenly shaped, and have multiple colors. They can fade from dark brown, black, pink, or even tan colors throughout. Congenital moles are moles that are there when you are born. They can be any size and can increase the risk of melanoma. A Spitz nevus is a pink mole that is shaped like a dome. It should be watched closely for changes. An acquired mole is a mole that shows up on the skin after birth.

Are moles or skin tags cancerous?

Moles themselves are not cancerous, but they can develop into cancer. When the melanocytes are damaged, they can grow into irregular shapes and become melanoma. The most important factors to watch out for are asymmetry, border, color, diameter, and evolving. These factors are considered the ABCDE’s of skin cancer. If your mole starts to change shape, bleeds, gets a scaly texture, changes color, or grows larger, it’s time to get checked by a dermatologist.

Additionally, you’re at higher risk for skin cancer if you have 50 or more moles on your body. If you are at higher risk, you should check your moles regularly for changes. If you have moles that appear when you turn 20-25 years old, you should also be sure to watch them closely.

While skin tags are small tumors with fat, skin, and nerve cells, they are not cancerous. They are usually so little that they go unnoticed. They are not likely to become cancerous, unlike moles, but if you notice any strange changes, it doesn’t hurt to get it checked out by a dermatologist.

When should you get a mole or skin tag removed?

Since skin tags are not harmful, most people choose to live with them. However, they can grow large and so it is possible to ask your doctor to remove them. It’s a simple procedure that can usually be done in a dermatologist’s office. The most common ways to remove a skin tag are to freeze them off with liquid nitrogen or to cauterize them. If your skin tag bleeds, gets infected, or if there is redness or swelling on or near it, these are all signs that you should see your doctor.

Moles are a little more tricky. If you have a mole that looks off, your doctor will first evaluate its size and shape. Typically, they will complete a full-body assessment to determine if there are any other moles of concern. Anything they believe to be precancerous or cancerous, they will biopsy and have tested. Those moles will often be removed in layers at a single appointment to ensure they get all of the cancerous cells. Depending on how deep cancer goes, you may need additional plastic surgery to reduce the appearance of the spot where the cancer was removed. Another method is to stitch the hole closed if possible.

Can you prevent moles or skin tags?

Yes and no. You can reduce the risk of both moles and skin tags from forming, but there isn’t anything you can do to prevent them 100% of the time.

Moles are influenced by sunlight. Because of this, the best way to reduce the likelihood of getting new ones is to reduce your sun exposure, especially on your face. Facial moles get the most sun exposure, which makes them susceptible to growing larger and turning into cancer. It’s essential to use a quality sunscreen with at least SPF 15 and a hat if you are outside for an extended amount of time. Don’t forget to reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours or so and try to avoid the sun during the harshest parts of the day, which is 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Can’t overstate the importance of protection from the sun

If you or a close relative have a history of skin cancer, it’s best to wear sun-protective clothing on your arms and legs as well. Suitable clothing will not only reduce your risk of getting new moles, but it will also reduce the risk of the moles you have from becoming cancerous.

Since skin tags are formed by rubbing, especially skin against skin, you can minimize your risk of getting one if you do a few things regularly. It’s best to wear clothing that is soft and breathable. Don’t let your skin rub against itself too often. Leg chaffing from your thighs touching can lead to skin tags, so wear shorts, pants, or leggings that don’t allow your skin to touch.

It’s not too hard to tell the difference between the average mole and the average skin tag. It’s vital to know how changes to either one of them can affect your health, so you know when to seek medical attention.

How To Tell Someone They Need To Get Rid Of Body Hair

Body hair usually starts to increase at the onset of puberty. This is when the body undergoes major physical changes that involve the growing of hair in certain parts of the body.

A mature adult has typically armpit hair, pubic hair, leg, and arm hair, among others. Conventionally, most people nowadays remove their body hair.

But some people still have body hair, and in some cases, they may not even be aware that removing it is a possibility.

So, how do you tell someone they need to get rid of body hair without embarrassing both you and them?

Woman with armpit hair
There is no health reason for someone to remove body hair. It is just a modern-day fashion.

Don’t tell someone

In the majority of cases, it is none of your business if someone else wants to grow their body hair. They have made a decision not to remove it and that is their choice. And, you should respect that choice.

Unless it is affecting them hygienically or medically, then there should be no reason at all that you even attempt to tell them.

Even if it is a medical or hygiene issue, you should just present that as a suggestion rather than telling them to do it. And realistically there are VERY few occasions when hair removal would improve health or hygiene.

Telling Someone Without Embarrassment

Telling someone to shave or remove their body hair isn’t easy. It’s a very private issue and you will need to know this individual on a very personal level.

You need to use logic to convince a person that they need to shave. So, you need to furnish them with information regarding the benefits of removing body hair.

In the vast majority of cases, the only advantage of removing body is that in today’s society, body hair is seen by some as less aesthetically pleasing.

armpit covered by flower
There is really no benefit to removing body hair apart from aesthetic reasons.

Tell Them They’ll Look Better

It’s clear that most people remove body hair because they want to look better. The removal of body hair also helps to make the cleaning process easier.

As a result, dirt and dead cells will easily get eliminated from the skin.

It also means that their skin will easily get nourished by body lotions.

So, you can start by telling them how much better their skin will look.

It Makes Tanning Easier

A shaved body makes tanning much easier. If you want to look cute and well-bronzed, shaving body hair is usually advisable. Advise the person on how lack of body hair means a good tan will be easier. It should be noted that a body that’s covered with hair is significantly more difficult to tan compared to exposed skin.

woman sunbathing exposing armpits
An advantage of removing body hair is that it exposes more skin to the sun and therefore makes it easier to tan.

Eliminates body odor

It should be noted that hair in certain parts of the body contains secretion glands. Additionally, hair on private parts and underarms help to create the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Besides that, the vagina also produces secretions.

The combined effect of all these can lead to a nauseating body odor.

If you tend to perspire a lot, then sweat and hair can result in an unpleasant body smell. So overall, removing hair helps to minimize the chances of bacterial growth and reduces body odor.

However, realistically, if you practice normal hygiene then it shouldn’t make a difference.

woman with grapefruit over pubic area.
The importance of hygiene in your pubic area can not be overstated.

It produces a Smooth and Nice Feeling

Removing body hair, especially by waxing, provides a smooth feeling. This can be pleasant for a partner.

However, a person shouldn’t do it for another individual. You need to tell them that the personal satisfaction they will experience will be great.

It makes it Easier to Wear Certain Outfits

Wearing swimsuits, short dresses, or sleeveless tops becomes a hard task if you have body hair. Naturally, women are conscious of their bodies. But having body hair on legs and armpits can easily draw unwanted attention.

By getting rid of body hair, females can move around feeling confident.

Additionally, this can help to improve sensual experiences.

Improving Facial Profile

Is your friend having a bushy brow line that is making them look clumsy?

You can advise them to get that fixed at a beauty salon.

Tell them how a well-shaped brow zone can help to improve their whole face.

Note: Eyebrow hair removal is a global trend. This is something that has been happening in the beauty industry for decades.

Females from all walks of life normally trim their eyebrows to give them a personalized and neater look.

tweazing eyebrow hair
In some cultures, keeping your eyebrows neatly trimmed is very important both for men and for women.

It Helps to Enhance Feminine Beauty

Females, just like males, can grow body hair in areas such as the chest, breast, neck, legs, hands, and face. While body hair typically grows in these regions in small amounts in women, sometimes it may grow in excess.

If someone has excess body hair in these parts, you can convince them that the removal process can enhance their feminine beauty.

For Modesty Purposes

Research indicates that many people think body hair in women should only be limited to the pubic area. So, any slight display can highlight something different, including sensuality.

Body Hair Removal as a Form of Therapy

Some females don’t shave because of emotional turmoil. Stress and certain medical disorders can make a person neglect themselves. You can recommend the removal of body hair as a form of therapy.

Clean and smooth-textured skin helps to boost confidence. Generally, it can help to enhance the level of personal comfort.

Clean Hands and Legs are Attractive

Men love women with clean and well-shaved body hair. Normally, they consider them more attractive. So, you can tell a person that removing body hair can also get them special attention from men.

Improving the Skin’s Complexion

A lot of people don’t know that shaving can actually help to improve the skin’s complexion. Once you get rid of body hair, there are high chances that your skin will end up looking better.

So, you can convince someone that their skin’s overall health will actually improve and they will end up enjoying a bright and glowing natural complexion.

Reasons Why Some People Don’t Get Rid Of Body Hair

Removing body hair is considered conventionally sophisticated. That’s why modern women want to remove their body hair.

But, before you approach someone, understand that there are many reasons why they may not prioritize body hair removal.

It’s an Activity that takes Effort

To most females, shaving is a chore.

You need to create time and personal space in order to do this. Additionally, there is a strong reason to say that there is no point in doing it because the hair grows back within a couple of weeks.

It’s Painful

Some people fear the discomfort that comes with the removal of body hair.

Shaving, for instance, can result in cuts.

Other techniques can result in skin redness, inflammation, and irritation.

It should be noted that some of these techniques may require the use of a numbing cream or painkiller, e.g. threading. This is because they are extremely painful.

The Process is Time-Consuming

Research studies show that on average, females normally use 72 days to shave in their lifetime. Most females avoid the removal of body hair because the process is time-consuming.

The fast pace of modern life which is characterized by tight work schedules makes it harder for people to create time for themselves.

This means that some people may opt not to shave because there is so much that can be done within that bracket of time.

It’s Expensive

If you are shaving, you need to buy a pack of disposable razors.

This is because you will frequently be shaving.

Waxing and shaving creams are not cheap, either. You might need to use them alongside other essential oils.

Additionally, you need to have a moisturizer for your skin after you have removed the body hair. This is because body hair normally traps moisture which hydrates the skin.

So, once you have removed it, you need to get a good moisturizer to promote hydration. Lastly, some techniques such as laser treatment require expensive equipment and well-trained personnel.

Body Hair is Natural

It should be noted that body hair is natural. Human beings are mammals; hence they need body hair.

For instance, it’s crucial in regulating the body’s temperature. When the body temperature is hot, the hair usually stands to facilitate faster heat dissipation.

The converse of this process is also true.

When temperatures are very low, the hair lies down in order to trap air. This air is a good insulator hence it helps to prevent heat from leaving the body.

Reducing the chances of skin infections

Having body hair makes you less vulnerable to skin infections. For this reason, people with skin sensitivity issues or allergies often avoid removing their body hair.

The irritation, cuts, and redness that may arise from removal may flare up certain skin infections.

Protective Shield

Genital regions need to have pubic hair because it acts as a protective shield. Pubic hair is crucial in preventing access to bacteria and other forms of dirt.

Increased Production of Pheromones

A nice fragrance can be a huge turn-on. But did you know that some people keep their body hair to increase the production of pheromones?

It should be noted that the natural smell of some people can help them attract potential mates.

For instance, pubic hair normally enhances the production of pheromones thanks to their location.

Lower Chances of Skin Irritation

You notice that areas with high amounts of body hair normally have soft skin.

This is because the skin in those parts is sensitive.

So having body hair helps to reduce the chances of friction and irritation.

Additionally, these regions normally have coarser hair. This makes their removal even more difficult because you risk experiencing cuts and ingrown hairs.

Reducing Sweat

Both armpit and pubic hair can help to reduce sweat significantly.

We all want to smell nice throughout the day. But moving from one place to another as well as the external temperature, can lead to high production of sweat.

Body hair sometimes provides an effective and natural way of staying dry.

Sexual Sensation

There are females who find one of the best sexual feelings is getting your body hair stroked. Pubic hair, for instance, contains nerve endings. This means that slighting stroking it can heighten sexual tension and lead to better orgasms.

Breaking Societal Norms

Some females are not concerned with societal norms. Removal of body hair is a trend that these modern women adopt.

There is an expected idea that a woman needs to have a smooth, hair-free body. This is the only agreed form of beauty that everyone should follow.

Well, there are some people who are ready to change this conversation.

They simply want to exist as they are, without following or using societal norms. So, they don’t shave because they don’t want to.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways how to tell someone they need to get rid of body hair. However, it is usually not an easy process. This is because a person’s body belongs to them.

So whatever they choose to grow it, it shouldn’t be your concern. Sometimes, it may be seen as a rude way of intruding into a person’s personal space.

So, before you tell a person to shave their body hair, you need to consider your relationship.

Are you lovers, tight friends, or close relatives?

If so, do you frequently share personal or intimate information?

And if so, how can you tell them they need to get rid of their body hair?

The most important thing to do is to first ask them why they don’t remove their body hair.

It could be for medical reasons, negligence as a result of emotional turmoil, or lack of knowledge.

From there, you can proceed to tell them the benefits of getting rid of body hair.

Thereafter, you can recommend some of the most effective techniques to use. Make sure that you are polite and apologize beforehand for any offense.

Does Removing Facial Hair Make It Grow Back Thicker?

There is a myth that if you remove facial hair, then it will actually grow back faster and thicker. But is that true?

The answer is no.

The reason for the myth is surprising but also understandable why so many people think that.

Woman shaving face with razor
Many think that by removing facial hair, it will grow back thicker. But is that actually true?

But why does this myth continue to flourish?

After shaving or waxing, you may feel that your hair is now thicker, darker, or coarser. However, understand that looks can also be deceiving.

Here is one reason. Instead of carefully observing, it’s evident that most of us resort to our mental feelings. That’s why a lot of people mistakenly believe their hair is thicker after shaving.

The act of cutting or shaving facial hair is what makes it thicker. But it doesn’t grow thicker.

It’s important to understand that the shaft of human hair is shaped like a pencil. So, this means that it’s thicker at the bottom and thinner at the tip. So, when the tip is removed, the thicker base remains.

Note that the base of the hair is near the follicles. So, it’s bound to grow thicker and darker.

hair follicle
Illustration of a hair follicle, showing clearly the difference in thickness between the tip and the root.

This is why you will feel like your hair is thicker after shaving, but it will thin out after a couple of days. Understand that shaving or the removal of unwanted hair does not change the process of hair regrowth.

So, if you have tapered hair, you will get it back after a few days. This is highly evident in shaving and waxing.

Chemicals and Pollutants

Another factor to consider is exposure to chemicals and pollutants. The tip of the hair is usually the closest to the external environment. This means that cleansing products with chemicals and pollutants usually make them thin.

On the other hand, the bottom of the shaft is usually protected. So, hair in this region is bound to receive the least impact of pollutants. Generally, these hairs are well-nourished and thicker.

So, after shaving, you will find thicker and slightly darker hair. But this doesn’t mean that it’s now growing to be thicker.

If this was true, don’t you think that people would have massively thick hair after every shaving phase?

Benefits of Removing Unwanted Facial Hair

Both men and women usually remove unwanted facial hair. Sometimes the dark and thick hair which grows on the face can be annoying or affect your appearance negatively.

So, what are some of the benefits of removing them?

Clearer skin

Shaving and other techniques help to make the skin clearer. Note that too much facial hair makes removing dead skin cells difficult. As a result, it usually leads to debris buildup over time. Because of this, most people end up suffering from skin breakouts.

Help to Nourish the Skin

Topical creams, for instance, help to nourish the skin. They contain antioxidants and vitamins which help to improve the skin’s texture and appearance.

Easier Makeup Application

Removing facial hair makes the process of makeup application easier. If you are using foundation, hair-free skin is usually frictionless. As a result, your makeup will smoothly glide over your skin.

Skin Rejuvenation

Excessive facial hair prevents the underlying skin from getting vitamin D. This is an essential nutrient that the skin needs for healthy development.

It should be noted that too much hair leads to the accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells.

Shaving helps rejuvenate the skin, enhance collagen production, and increase blood flow.

Final Thoughts

It’s clear that shaving or removing facial hair does not cause it to change its thickness. The removal process usually leads to the development of new stubbly tips, which may feel thicker. However, this only lasts for a couple of days.

Several medical research studies have been done to establish the truth. And studies show that hair removal doesn’t cause changes in thickness. Some techniques usually lead to the growth of finer and thinner hair. This is because of the repeated trauma which affects the hair follicles.

Perfect for sensitive skin.

If you want a great way to remove hair all over your body from home, then you should take a look at the Tommy Timmy Smoother Skin:

How You Can Safely Cut Off Skin Tags With Scissors

Cutaneous skin tags are small, entirely benign pieces or sacs of skin that can appear pretty much anywhere on the body but are most common in high friction areas. They are flesh-colored, painless, and very common though many people find them irritating or unattractive.

Despite their common nature, we know very little about skin tags other than the fact that they are of cosmetic concern to many people who develop them.

Over-the-counter remedies and medical treatments for skin tag removal have become increasingly popular over the last few decades.

Many people choose to cut off skin tags with scissors or a scalpel at home. So, should you be cutting off skin tags with scissors?

Are there special skin tag removal scissors?

Picture of scissors
You should be aware of several warnings before cutting off your skin tags with scissors, especially if you are using skin tag removal scissors.

There isn’t necessarily a need to remove skin tags, whether you undertake a costly medical removal procedure or do it at home. After all, skin tags, also known as acrochordon, pose no risk to your health and well-being. The exception to this rule is in cases of infection or suspected melanoma.

When to Worry About Your Skin Tags

You will seldomly need to worry about skin tags as they are almost always harmless. However, skin tags can become infected if the skin tears after being caught on clothing or jewelry. If your skin tags become red, swollen, sore, or weep cloudy liquid, it would be best for you to see your doctor.

There is also a chance that a skin tag could be an epidermoid cyst, in which case you should see a doctor rather than trying to remove it at home. Epidermoid cysts also tend to be benign and are located under the skin rather than hanging onto it by a thin strip of flesh.

Attempting to remove or lance an epidermoid cyst at home can cause infection and severe scarring. Using scissors, in this case, is probably not such a great idea.

woman with a cyst
Before cutting off a skin tag, be sure that you are not cutting off a cyst.

Difference Between Skin Tags And Cysts

You can tell the difference between a skin tag and an epidermoid cyst in a few ways. A skin tag will be soft and attached to the skin, whereas an epidermoid cyst is a hard lump under the skin. Skin tags also tend to appear in high friction areas like the armpits and neck, whereas cysts are most likely to form on the face and neck. Finally, you should be able to grip and gently pull a skin tag away from the skin to show the thin strip of flesh, which attaches it to the rest of the skin.

Unlike skin tags, a raised mole or freckle should not be removed at home without consulting a medical professional.  While they may resemble large skin tags, they will bleed and scar heavily if cut from the body. They can also cause intense pain.

Should You Cut Off Skin Tags With Scissors?

You have three options when it comes to skin tag removal.

Firstly, you can go to your doctor or a clinic to have your skin tags removed professionally for a fee. They will numb and sterilize the area and then snip them off for you. This is the safest and most efficient invasive method.

Secondly, there are over-the-counter treatments designed to remove skin tags chemically. These will freeze or otherwise shrink the tag over time and present the lowest risk of infection, though they take more time than cutting.

Thirdly, you can remove the skin tags at home with scissors or a scalpel. This may be more painful than a professional removal and is invasive, unlike chemical at-home treatments.

Picture of a scalpel
Instead of using scissors, you may want to use a surgical scalpel.

Many people opt to remove small skin tags at home, either with an over-the-counter treatment or by snipping them off with skin tag scissors because it’s relatively easy and safe.

Cutting skin tags off at home is not ideal, and there are some risks.

The Risks of Removing Skin Tags Yourself

The most medically pressing risk of a home removal, so long as you are sure it’s a skin tag, is the chance of infection. If you get an infection following a home removal, you are far more likely to have a lasting scar, even if it’s a minor infection. More than this, you are likely to need medical intervention if your home removal ends in infection.

There is also the small chance that a skin tag may be something more serious. Acrochordon is generally harmless, but it can look similar to some types of melanoma. Do not seek to cut away skin tags unless you are sure that’s what they are, and if you have recurring tags on the same spot, make sure to raise this with your doctor.

Sometimes instead of cutting off a skin tag yourself, you should visit a doctor.

So, should you cut off skin tags with scissors? The truth is that this is the wrong question to ask. The right question is how skin tags can be cut away safely at home.

Tools for Safely Removing Skin Tags at Home

If you’re going to remove your skin tags at home, you should prepare thoroughly to ensure you remove them safely and efficiently. Firstly, you will need sterile surgical gloves, rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer, and a sharp pair of scissors or a razor blade. If you’re using scissors, a pair of cuticle scissors or sharp hairdressing scissors would be best as thick kitchen scissors may trap additional skin. You can also use special skin tag removal scissors.

You want to cut the skin tag at its thinnest point, which should be closest to the rest of your skin. Any damage to the surrounding skin increases the risk of infection and scarring.

Instead of getting a skin infection, you want to make sure that you correctly remove your skin tag.

It would be best to have sterile cotton pads, antiseptic cream, and a bandaid to hand for after the removal. If the tag has a wide stem, you might find it bleeds a little and requires a dressing. Plus, it’s always a good idea to have these items to hand during such procedures if there’s an accident.

How to Safely Remove Skin Tags with Scissors

Once you have your tools laid out before you, you can begin removing your skin tags.

Here’s how you can remove your skin tags safely;

1. Check that your scissors or razor blade is sharp enough. A dull blade will not provide a clean cut, and this will increase the chances of infection. A new razor blade, scalpel, or set of cuticle scissors is the best option, but sharpening your tools is a good second.

2. Numb the area thoroughly with ice. Removing skin tags isn’t very painful, but numbing the area will make the process more comfortable and allow you to focus.

3. Sterilize the blade thoroughly with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer before beginning.

4. Sterilize the skin tag and the area around it with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer and put on disposable gloves.

5. Pull the tip of the skin tag to expose the stem and carefully cut it from your body with a razor or scissors. Be careful not to nick the healthy skin. If you do, treat the wound quickly and only remove the tag after it has healed.

6. Get rid of the tag and stop any bleeding. Also, put antiseptic cream on the wound. If the wound has bled, you will need a bandaid, but if it doesn’t, you can leave it to dry in the air.

The cut should heal within a few days and leave no noticeable scar so long as you do not pick at the scab or otherwise tamper with the wound as it heals.

Is Cutting With Scissors the Best Way to Remove Skin Tags?

If you make sure that you’re using sharp implements and sterilize them well, cutting off skin tags yourself can be a very effective removal method. This is undoubtedly the case for small tags, though larger tags can bleed and become infected more easily.

If you have large skin tags, if you have many skin tags, or if you’re not sure that they are skin tags, then it may be best to consider the other options open to you.

If you have concerns about just what the tags are, your first port of call should be with a local doctor who can assess them accurately. Skin tags are almost always benign, but some more serious conditions present themselves in the same way, so it never hurts to check it out.

If you are worried about your ability to get sharp tools or you’re concerned, you might be unable to sanitize them thoroughly (or even if you’re concerned about the pain), there are other ways.

You can always use pharmaceutical remedies that are less prone to cause infection.

These methods remove the tags without breaking the skin, which means that it takes longer, but it is also safer (in fact, it’s the most reliable way to do it without seeing a doctor). However, the downside to this is that it takes longer to remove the tags, and you will have to be very careful not to get the chemical mix on any healthy skin.

Will There Be Scarring?

When you’re cutting skin, there is always a chance that a scar will form, but if you’re using sharp tools on a small tag and the wound does not get infected, any scar is likely to be small. Nonetheless, those who remove skin tags at home are the most likely to be left with a scar. Those who use chemical removal methods or who visit a doctor seldom have noticeable scars.

Many people are unwilling to risk cutting off skin tags in noticeable places such as the neck or shoulders due to the possibility of scarring. Furthermore, if you find skin tags on susceptible areas such as the face, eyelids, or genitals, you should always have them removed by a doctor.

Be careful of any scarring on your skin.

The most dangerous part of removing skin tags at home with scissors is, unsurprisingly, the fact that you run the risk of cutting healthy skin. If you do cut yourself, it is imperative that you immediately assess the wound. If the cut is clean and shallow, you should clean and dress it, letting it heal before attempting to remove the tag again. If the cut is deep or ragged, you should consult a doctor to avoid infection and scarring.

However, if you are careful, there is no reason you can’t remove skin tags safely at home. Remember that removing tags does not prevent them from forming again or forming on other parts of the body. Finally, never attempt to remove moles or cysts with a razor as you will cause bleeding, scarring, and potentially serious infection. A doctor should always undertake the removal of such things.


1. Cutaneous skin tags, or acrochordon, are benign, fleshy growths that form most commonly on high friction areas of the body and are mostly removed for cosmetic reasons.

2. A doctor should assess skin tags if they become inflamed, swollen, painful, or seep pus.

3. Epidermoid cysts can be distinguished from skin tags by their texture and place under the skin; such cysts should not be cut or lanced at home.

4. Skin tag removal can be done at home with scissors or over-the-counter remedies or in a clinic by a medical professional.

5. Infection is a real risk of skin tags are poorly removed.

6. When cutting away skin tags at home, sharp scissors or blades are needed, and sterilization is necessary.

7. The tag area should be numbed and sterilized before cutting; pulling the skin tag away from the body allows for a clean cut.

8. If the wound bleeds, it is necessary to cover it with a band-aid after applying antiseptic cream.

9. Home removal with a blade is not the most recommended treatment method, especially if you doubt whether the growth is actually a skin tag.

10. Scarring is always a risk but can be minimized by a clean and efficient removal; larger tags are more likely to scar on removal than small ones.

How Long Does It Take For Laser Hair Removal To Work?

If you are trying to decide whether to do laser hair removal at home, then you are advised to know what the treatment consists of how long it will take to work. This will help you to plan your laser hair removal session. Please do note, though, that not everyone responds to treatment in the same way.

There are specific guidelines and general indications of an approximate duration of the process, which we will cover in this article.

What happens after a laser session?

Usually, hair loss occurs between one and three weeks after the depilatory session rather than happen immediately after the procedure.

The reappearance of hair is what can be confusing for many people, but this is perfectly normal, and this isn’t an indication that the laser was not effective. On the contrary, it means that your hair follicles are expelling the remaining hair so that it will disappear for good. The process can be accelerated by gently exfoliating the treated area. Still, it’s very important to be careful, since the skin will be irritated due to the effects of the laser.

After a month and a half, hair starts growing again. So it’s at this time when your next laser hair removal session can be performed.

Black Dots

After laser treatment, black spots may also appear in the area where the laser was applied. These are the remains of burned hair, and this doesn’t indicate any complications.

With proper hygiene and gentle exfoliation, the remains can be removed. Remember that when shaving after laser hair removal, you shouldn’t tear your hair off because in that follicle, a hair root will grow again, and it’ll have to be removed later. So don’t use wax or tweezers to remove blackheads; shaving will do the job.

It’s important to keep your skin hydrated between sessions. Protect it from the sun and avoid skin-irritating products. This will minimize risks.

How much time is needed to get rid of the hair completely?

The most accurate answer is: it depends. The total time needed to remove hair from an area depends, to a large extent, on the quality and quantity of the hair.

Another variable to consider here is the part of the body from where your hair is going to be removed. For example, the face is always a place where it’ll be more challenging to get rid of hair completely since it’s a part of the body with high hormonal activity.

An average amount of time needed could be around a year, or a year and a half, for you to see permanent hair removal.

It’s often recommended to patients to get checked by their specialist at least once a year because follicles are continually being stimulated, and new hair could appear over time.

Get Rid Of Facial Age Spots

Are Age Spots Bringing You Down?

In this way, we will go over a few different ways to conceal your facial age spots and prevent further skin damage. As your skin ages, you will notice more age spots that are also called liver spots and brown spots. They are mainly due to prolonged sun exposure. The spots are made of a cluster of melanin cells. Age spots look like enlarged freckles on the skin. Every time that you are in the sun without a sunscreen, you increase your chances of developing more age spots in the future.

The Affect Of Hormones On Age Spots

Later in a pregnancy women may notice a condition called Melasma. The Melasma will look just like your typical age spot. Although, in most cases, the Melasma will disappear after pregnancy. Occaionally though, women will still have them  post-pregnancy. Other skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne can also cause age spots. Even wounds can cause skin discoloration. Basically, anything that causes skin irritation can lead to age spots once you age.

Tanning beds are also a contributing factor to age spots. Tanning beds use artificial UV rays to tan the skin. Prolonged use of tanning beds and tanning products will eventually cause your skin to seem parched and when you are older give you more age spots. This is why the use of tanning beds is often discouraged if you want to avoid age spots.

Concealing Age Spots

A moisturizer or a cream with SPF should be an essential part of your skincare routine. It’s recommended to use at least SPF 15 but SPF 30 is a better option if you’re in the sun more. If you know you’re going to spend a whole day out in the sun, you should definitely put on SPF 50 or higher. Some great suncare brands include Banana Boat, Hawaiian Tropic, Neutrogena, Coola, and Bare Republic.

After sun care is just as important as putting on your sunscreen. Applying things such as aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, or a post tanning lotion is important for your skin.

When you’ve been in the sun all day, your skin lost a lot of its moisture. That is why post-sun care is so important because it brings the moisture back into your skin.

One of the products we recommend is Ulta’s After Sun Recovery Lotion. It is under $10 and leaves your skin feeling hydrated. It also smells like a tropical getaway! You should also look for foundations that contain SPF in them. More companies are offering foundations that have extra sun care protection. A few brands that have a foundation with SPF in them are Bare Minerals, M.A.C., Maybelline, Tarte and Clinique.

M.A.C. Studio Fix Fluid is also excellent with SPF 15. Sun prevention is key to keeping your age spots at bay. So using a foundation with extra protection is an easy way to have flawless skin without the greasy feeling of sunscreen. There are even lightweight moisturizers that you can apply under your makeup before applying your primer. The Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel with SPF 15 in it is the perfect lightweight moisturizer.

Neutrogena even now offers a Hydro Boost sunscreen. They have an SPF 30 and an SPF 50 option. Both have the same lightweight, hydrating, skin-like texture to them. These sunscreens are highly recommended to anyone who despises the heavy greasy feeling of typical sunscreens. Wearing sunscreen daily is just one of the steps in preventing age spots, sunburns, and potential skin cancers.

Using Makeup Products To Conceal Age Spots

One of the ways to conceal facial age spots is with makeup products. You must always first  wash your face. After washing your face you will need to prime your skin for makeup application. There are many primers on the market right now, so finding the right one is very important.

When finding the right primer for you consider your skin concerns. A good one for age spots would be E.L.F’s Tone Adjusting Primer. That primer will tone down the dark spots and any redness you may have on your skin. The next step will be taking a peach or orange color-correcting concealer and applying it over the spot you wish to conceal. Apply the concealer with a small concealer brush or with a sponge. Then you will take your favorite concealer and apply it with the beauty tool you used to apply the color corrector. After that, you will take a full coverage or color correcting foundation to further cover your age spots.

Once you are finished with that, you are ready to apply a setting powder. Setting powders work to keep your makeup in place all day. A loose setting powder is a better option for more coverage and lasting look. If you’re wanting even more staying power, use a setting spray to lock in your look. The Urban Decay All-Nighter Setting Spray will keep your makeup locked in throughout the entire day. Hence the name, All-Nighter, as it really will last through the night.

Another way to conceal facial age spots is by simply reducing the time you are in direct sunlight. The sun’s UV rays are at their worst anywhere between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The UV rays are also the worst if it’s a cloudy day. The clouds make it a lot easier for the sun to pass through. In fact, over 87% of the sun gets through the clouds. That is why you may find yourself with a nasty sunburn even on a cloudy day.

If you can’t avoid being outside during those times, you should make sure you apply your SPF at least 15 minutes before sun exposure. Make sure to reapply your sunscreen every 2 hours. Even if your sunscreen is an SPF 50 or higher and promises to be water and sweat proof you should still reapply it.

Using A Dermatologist To Conceal Age Spots

If you want a more permanent solution to conceal your age spots there are many different procedures dermatologists can do. Although these procedures cost more, you will most likely see longer lasting results with these options.

Laser Resurfacing

To achieve a clearer complexion you could try a procedure called laser resurfacing. What laser resurfacing does is heat your skin layers that are deeper in your skin. When the skin layer is heated up, your skin produces more collagen. Collagen is a protein that helps to support your connective tissues, joints, and muscles. So with extra collagen production in your skin, you should notice dramatically smoother skin and an overall clearer complexion.

Like any procedure, you should always consider the possible risks.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are another good option if you’re wanting a cosmetic procedure that doesn’t hurt. A chemical peel is as it sounds, there are chemicals applied to the skin that an esthetician or dermatologist peels off the face. Once the chemical mixture is removed from the skin, you can expect some redness to occur at first. It will take some time for some of the skin to peel off after your procedure. After the peel is completed you will notice a brighter complexion with less noticeable age spots.

There is a fairly common method for clearing acne scars and helping uneven complexion. The results are visibly clear.

Dermabrasion And Microdermabrasion

Dermatologists or estheticians can also do a procedure called dermabrasion or microdermabrasion.

How they reduce the appearance of facial age spots is by using a tool that has an end on it that sands away your outer layer of skin to reveal beautiful rejuvenated skin. Another form of dermabrasion is by using a spray that has aluminum oxide or sodium bicarbonate in it. The spray is attached to a vacuum-like tool that suctions the skin. The suction works similar to the tool with the abrasive end on it. Either option is a lot less invasive than the laser resurfacing procedure. Especially since it can be done at your local spa or salon.

Natural Remedies

If you’re a more natural skincare consumer, you should consider these natural remedies that can teach you how to conceal and lighten up your facial age spots.

Vitamin C

Any fruit or vegetable that has vitamin C or a hydrating complex to it will do the trick. Nature has a lot to offer our skin. It has so many benefits. Lemon juice is a great trick to eliminating age spots since it has so much vitamin C in it. An easy way to sneak it into your skincare routine is by squeezing all the juice out of the lemon then dipping a cotton ball into the juice. Then you will apply it on your age spots and let it sit for at least 20 minutes.


A great vegetable you can use on your skin is a cucumber. Cucumbers have a lot of water in them, antioxidants, and tons of vitamins. The vegetable is used in many beauty products due to its amazing skin healing properties.

Here’s how to help your age spots disappear with an easy DIY face mask:

All you need to do is put a cucumber that is sliced up, a half-teaspoon of aloe-vera gel (natural or store-bought), and one tablespoon of lemon juice in your blender. You’ll want to blend it up until it is a fairly thin consistency. Then take a facial applicator or your hands and apply it to your face. Wait 30 minutes for it to kick in. After that, you’ll wash it off with water.

You can use this mask as often as you’d like since it is natural and great for your skin!

Other Natural Products

Other natural products you might like to use are oranges, honey, apple cider vinegar, yogurt, and even onion. Apple cider vinegar is a classic household item that is growing in popularity, from everything to haircare all the way to weight loss. This all-natural substance can reduce your age spots with its alpha hydroxy acid compound. The alpha-hydroxy acid compound has the potency to lighten the overall appearance of age spots.

To properly use the vinegar mix it with some olive oil and apply daily. Over time, you’ll start to notice a difference in your skin. All of those natural remedies will give your skin a healthy more even-toned complexion.

Keeping Your Skin In Great Shape

Our skin is the biggest organ we have, so it’s imperatively important to keep it in tip-top shape! You can prevent age spots by taking precautions. Never forget to apply your sunscreen daily and cover your skin up with clothing if possible. Doing that will almost guarantee you’ll have fewer skin concerns.

If you already have age spots, you can still take preventive actions. Also, be aware that although age spots are benign meaning they’re cancer-free, that still doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be paying close attention to your age spots. If you notice a spot that doesn’t seem right, you should visit your doctor immediately. Waiting too long to get a spot checked out is the worst thing you can do.


Those are just a few things you can do to conceal, prevent, and lighten your age spots. Just remember the sun is the enemy to our skin and we must do whatever we can to battle it. Put your shield up by always applying your sunscreen. Prevention is key when trying to avoid getting age spots in the first place. There are so many options and products out there for you to try. If you don’t see results right away, don’t worry. Everything good in life takes time, so don’t be discouraged right away. It may take a month or more for these tips and tricks to work. See what you like best, what works best for your skin, and most of all have fun taking care of your skin!

How to Remove Skin Tags Naturally & Safely

People generally like their skin to be clear and free of blemishes, so the sudden appearance of a skin tag can send many people into a panic, even though their presence is generally considered harmless.

Harmless they may be, but no one wants these odd skin protrusions, and most would like to find a way to make them go away as natural, safely, and quickly as they possibly can. So if you have ever wondered about skin tags or have such a growth somewhere on your body, don’t worry –– in the following article, we will take a look at some natural treatments with reputed benefits for skin tag removal.

But first, let’s get to know the issue a little better with this vital information on the skin growth in question.

What are Skin Tags, and where do they come from?

Skin tags are small harmless growths that can have the appearance of raised moles or small flat appendages. Skin tags grow out from the skin on a long thin stalk called a peduncle. Skin tags are not cancerous and comprise nothing more than fat and skin tissue, although they often appear darker or redder than the skin around them.

Skin tags will often grow due to constant contact with another part of the body or maybe a specific piece of clothing or jewelry always worn. Because they can appear in these specific locations where they see a lot of physical contact, it is common for skin tags to become very irritated. Other conditions that can contribute to skin tag formation include diabetes and pregnancy.

You will often find skin tags in the areas where skin receives physical contact the most. For example, common places could be around the breasts, under the arms, and neck. It is less common for these appendages to be found in the groin or under the eyelids.

No matter where they appear, it is always a good idea to have skin tags examined by a qualified dermatologist who can provide a proper analysis of the growth. Skin tags will never be a major health concern, but other skin conditions can have a similar appearance but require more urgent treatment. But, again, only a dermatologist would be able to say for sure.

Furthermore, your dermatologist may recommend some specific treatments for having the appendage removed. These will usually involve a minor procedure which can cost anywhere from $700 -$1500. This is always an available option as a last resort. But, first, it is always a good idea to exhaust some natural and cost-effective treatments before going under the surgeon’s clippers.

Removing Skin Tags Safely and Naturally

The most important thing you will need to do if you want to remove your skin tags safely and effectively is be careful about the advice you receive. You should take even the advice you read here with particular consideration for your own skin sensitivity. For example, some online “experts” suggest removal methods that involve stringing the tags until they fall off or clipping them off with scissors, utility knives, or nail clippers.

As a general rule of thumb, any of these methods that suggest a cutting solution should be avoided. It would be better to hand over some cash to your dermatologist for a pricy removal method rather than risk the results of trying to nip the tags yourself.

The location of your skin tags should also play an important role in the decision you make for the removal method. While a skin tag on the torso or arm can be subjected to home removal methods, those found near the eyes, breasts, groin, or other very visible or sensitive areas should never be removed at home. If you were to have an unpleasant reaction to a treatment method, it would be better to have this reaction somewhere out of sight.

You will want to be sure it is a skin tag you are attempting to remove. Other skin growths can have a similar appearance to a skin tag but have more severe consequences when treated.

Finally, remember that natural remedies always take a bit longer to take full effect. Please don’t be impatient about these techniques, and avoid the urge to try 6 of them at once. Make sure you begin applying these treatments to clean clear skin with no abrasions or broken skin. Also, try to address the skin tag’s full strength as much as possible. A little Vaseline around the tag will protect the healthy skin from exposure to any strong compounds.

As you apply a specific solution, you should be able to see some signs that the treatment is or isn’t working. If you see that any natural methods are causing you redness, pain, inflammation, or discomfort, you should discontinue the method immediately.

5 Natural Methods of Skin Tag Removal

1. Tea Tree Oil

This essential oil is one of the most versatile remedies you could hope for and has many benefits for addressing skin conditions. But, you should know that it is a very potent essential oil and should be used with carrier oils to avoid irritating sensitive skin. It is always a good idea to try a little of your treatment on an area of the skin where a slight irritation will not be a big problem. Then, if nothing happens, you know your skin treatment is safe.

You can apply tea tree oils to all types of skin blemishes because it will dry out the skin and lead to them falling off by themselves. Once you have combined your tea tree oils with its carrier, apply it to the tag on a sterile cotton ball. This should be done 3 to 4 times a day and left to work for around 10 to 20 minutes. The effect of this treatment should be visible in a few days.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Good old apples cider vinegar is in everyone’s kitchens, and it should be. There are so many health benefits and treatments that require this important ingredient. Apple cider vinegar can be used as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal skin treatment and can be watered down to an appropriate strength for your needs.

Get your sterile cotton ball and soak it with your vinegar solution. Like tea tree oil, the vinegar will attempt to dry out the skin and lead to the tag falling away. You will need to apply this solution to the skin tag for 20 minutes, better yet, half an hour. If you notice any skin irritation from the vinegar, discontinue your treatment.

3. Garlic

Another natural skin tonic than can potentially eliminate a skin tag is a tasty seasoning found in dishes from around the planet. Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties but is more important as an anti-inflammatory.

Crushed garlic will need to be applied to your skin tag every day for two weeks. This is because the crushed garlic will attempt to wither your skin tag until it has disappeared. With this in mind, prepare a bandage that will hold the crushed garlic to the skin overnight. Take your time to plan this, so you don’t roll around in garlic juice all night.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another important skin treatment that can address the issue of skin tags. Sometimes skin tags are caused by stress from friction, poor health, or other issues. Coconut oil dramatically improves the skin’s health and even promotes more circulation of blood, oxygen, and vital nutrients.

How To: Coconut oils also contain lauric acid, which has benefits to treating some skin conditions but is mainly good as an antibacterial and antifungal. Because skin tags are not caused by bacteria or fungus, this treatment aims to improve the skin’s health, which may reduce the appearance of the skin tag.

5. Oil of Oregano

Oil of Oregano is one of the more potent essential oils. There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that oregano essential oils will be the best option for knocking that skin tag from its spot. This essential oil is very potent, so a good ratio would be 1 or 2 drops to a tablespoon of carrier oil. Try a small amount on your forearm to ensure there is no irritation before applying it to your skin tag.

This treatment must be applied to your skin tag as many times as possible and then be allowed to dry. Be careful about any skin irritations and allow the skin to rest before attempting to apply another coat.

Final notes on Dealing with Skin Tags

Some of the factors that contribute to the formation of skin tags can include physical contact or specific demands and strains on the body. By keeping the blood glucose level high and avoiding any consistent friction with any area of the skin, you may have a chance to prevent this unsightly menace altogether.

In the end, if your skin tags seem to resist all of these efforts to remove them, there are some OTC methods of skin tag removal that may interest you before you consider your dermatologist’s professional assistance. Of course, the professional route may offer a reduced risk of unpleasant side effects.

How To Remove Skin Tags At Home

Skin tags are common and are not dangerous, but most people still don’t like having them for cosmetic reasons. They can suddenly show up almost anywhere on the body, but the most common places they are found are on parts of the skin that rub against clothing. To call them tumors might incite fear, but they are entirely benign. Here we’ll take a look at some natural remedies to remove skin tags at home.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are a benign and non-cancerous type of tumor that grows from the skin. They are capable of showing up almost anywhere, but some common places include the armpits, the upper chest area, the eyelids, around the genitals, and the neck. Some of these can go unnoticed for a long time, but those that are in very noticeable places are often considered a nuisance.

There are times where the skin tags can suddenly fall off naturally and completely painlessly. If a skin tag is substantial, it might burst if it comes under a lot of pressure. The appearance of these tags can be irregular or smooth. Their color is typically that of skin, but some are a slightly darker brownish color.

What Causes Skin Tags?

It isn’t yet known the exact causes of skin tags. What is known is that there are certain types of people that are more likely to develop them than others. If someone has diabetes, they are more likely to get skin tags. As people become more and more overweight or obese, then they also increase their chances.

If someone in your family has skin tags, then genetics will make you more likely to get them. Also, some doctors suggest that undernourishment increases the chances. That is likely the reason that people who are overweight and obese get them. It may also be why those with diabetes get them. It is more likely that someone who is overweight consumes foods that increase levels of insulin and that have fewer nutritional components.

Skin Tags are also found in those who have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. If someone is insulin resistant, then they are more likely to develop. All of these factors demonstrate that proper nutrition and eating habits are essential if someone is trying to prevent the growth of skin tags.

Some medical professionals have concluded that when skin tags appear, the person is at a higher risk of having or developing insulin resistance. They may also be at risk for cardiovascular disease. Others are at risk of having metabolic syndrome.

Are Skin Tags A Problem?

Skin tags are not in themself a problem. Although they are a type of tumor, they are completely benign. The one thing to be careful about is not to just cut them off with a knife or scissors because this could cause bleeding, and it may leave a scar. There are far better ways of removing skin tags, whether naturally or by a doctor or at home.

Natural Remedies For Removing Skin Tags At Home

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar removes skin tags. This is a natural remedy that takes time. The way it works is by applying some apple cider vinegar to a cotton swab and then placing it firmly on the skin tag. You might need to use something to pinch it to hold it there, or you may even find that a rubber band or something similar can work to hold the swab on and then keep it there for 20 to 30 minutes. This will need to be repeated each day over a 10 to a 14-day timeframe. Overtime the acidity from the vinegar will cause the skin tag to break down and allow it to fall off.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal and antiviral. It’s entirely safe for use on the skin. To get the benefits of this remedy, you clean around the skin tag and then dip a Q-tip into the tea tree oil and apply the oil all over the skin tag. You will then take a band-aid and put it over the area and leave it overnight while you sleep. This process should be repeated every 4 to 7 days, and often the tag will completely dry out and fall off on its own.

3. Raw Garlic

Garlic is well known for helping skin and for its anti-aging qualities. This remedy requires that you crush some garlic and tape it with a bandage over the skin tag. You’ll then let it remain there during the night while sleeping. In the morning, remove the dressing and the garlic and wash the area. You’ll need to repeat this several times, and you’ll begin to notice that the skin tag starts to shrink, and it will ultimately disappear.

Other Products For Removing Skin Tags

1. Skin Tag Removal Cream

At many drugstores, there are kits that have a cream along with an applicator that can be used to remove the skin tags. Very often, it is only necessary to use the cream once to remove the tag successfully. The kit will come with instructions, and they will usually recommend that you clean the area with some alcohol before you use the cream. It is generally vital that the area can absorb the cream fully. It often causes a slight stinging feeling, and although you use the cream only once, it will take a couple of weeks before the tag falls off.

2. Dental Floss

This very often will require a device or the help of another person. It’s challenging and almost impossible to do by one’s self. The area should be cleaned well before applying the dental floss. Using the dental floss, you wrap it around the skin tag in a way that cuts off the blood flow. Once the skin tag has no blood flow to it, it will die and fall off. It is often necessary to retighten the dental floss once each day.

3. Over-The-Counter Freezing Kit

Liquid nitrogen is becoming very common, and it can be found in pharmacies and drugstores in the form of a freezing kit. A reasonably small amount can be used to remove a skin tag successfully. It is important that you carefully read the instructions and follow them to ensure success and to prevent any potential hazards. You may have to use it several times before you successfully remove the skin tag.

It’s essential to keep the spray from touching other parts of the skin. You might consider applying some petroleum jelly around the skin that does not have the skin tag but is close enough that you might get some of the nitrogen on it when spraying. It can protect that part of the skin from the nitrogen.

When Not To Use Natural And Home Remedies

Skin tags can show up in very sensitive areas of the body. When this is the case, then it may not be a good choice to use any of the home remedies or over the countermeasures mentioned above. Such situations include when the skin tags are very close to the eyes, in the area of a person’s genitals, or when they are extremely large or long.

If you find that you have some skin tags in these areas and you’re unsure whether or not you should use any home methods for removing them, then you should consult with a healthcare professional. They have a few straightforward ways that they can remove the skin tags. When you go to the doctor, they can typically remove the skin tags in mere moments, and you won’t have to repeat the visit.

The procedures can be done in the doctor’s office, and they are typically painless. The doctor may choose to cut it off or freeze it off, but they will do it in a way that’s completely safe and with little or no pain. It also means that the doctor is there so that if there are any concerns, then those can be addressed while at the visit.

One common procedure used by the doctor is cauterization. This is when heat is used to remove the tag from the body. A process called cryosurgery is another choice that utilizes liquid nitrogen. Similar to the home kits that can be purchased at drug stores, this will use nitrogen to freeze off the skin tag. The difference is that the doctor will usually be able to perform this procedure and completely remove the skin tag in one go.

It’s also possible that they can perform in-office surgery by sniping the tag off with surgical scissors. If the skin tag is big enough, this could end up resulting in the need for stitches. The other methods mentioned are the ones most commonly used by a doctor.

How Do You Remove Skin Tags At Home?

Skin tags are small fleshy soft growths that hang out from the skin. They are essentially like polyps or benign tumors but they are not a medical concern. For most people, however, they are a cosmetic concern. Here we’ll take a look at some methods for removing skin tags at home.

Are You Wondering If It’s Possible To Remove Skin Tags At Home?

Although skin tags are not a medical issue to be concerned with they are, for most people, unsightly. For this reason, the average person would want to remove them if it is possible. On the other hand, they may not want to go into the doctor or to pay for the cost of having them surgically removed, etc. That is why many people ask themselves the question and wonder if it’s possible to remove skin tags at home.

Most skin tags are located on parts of the body where it is definitely possible to use methods at home for their removal. Some, however, that are located in delicate areas such as the eyelids, may require special attention. If you have them around any delicate areas then you may want to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting to remove them.

If you have them in any of the other areas such as the arms are armpits, the neck, underneath the breast, or around the groin area, then it’s quite possible you can remove them yourself at home. The main thing is that you use methods that are safe and that will not be painful. It’s also helpful if you understand the signs and symptoms of skin tags as well as their causes and any risk factors associated with them.

What Are Some Of The Common Symptoms And Signs For Skin Tags?

The average skin tag is about ¾ of an inch to 1 inch but larger ones can be up to 2 inches. They are very often found on the arms and around the armpits and under the breasts. They also are very common on the neck area and around the groin. In many of those areas they are typically covered up by clothes but when they appear on the eyelids or around the eyes then they are often considered a cosmetic nuisance.

What Are The Risk Factors That Lead To Skin Tags?

Some reports suggest that women are more at risk for skin tags than men but other reports suggest that the development of this condition is fairly even across both genders. What is clear is that this is a condition that happens most often for those that are middle-aged and particularly with those who are overweight or obese. As someone ages, this is one of the most common conditions related to the skin and aging.

Something that is believed to increase the likelihood of developing skin tags is when the skin regularly rubs against jewelry or clothing. Since this happens with those that are overweight more than it does with someone who is an appropriate weight, it is believed that these two factors work together in the increased likelihood of developing this condition. Skin tags also tend to run in families and therefore risk factors can be genetically passed from one family member to another.

What Are The Most Common Conventional Treatments for This Condition?

The most traditional way of taking care of skin tags is by having a physician perform an in-office type of surgery to remove them. The doctor will use a scalpel to cut them off. A very basic anesthetic is applied topically and is used to make it a painless procedure. It’s quick and it can be done right in the doctor’s office.

Cryotherapy is a method where nitrogen is used to freeze off the skin tags. It is possible to do this method at home as well with a home kit but when it is done at the doctor’s office then the doctor is able to very carefully apply it and they get fairly immediate results. It is recommended to use this particular method when the skin tags are located around areas of the body where there is minimal hair.

A newer method is to use a laser to remove the skin tags. This is something that is used at spas and clinics. This procedure is considered to be largely safe and only mild anesthesia is applied topically to eliminate pain.

How To Remove Skin Tags At Home With Natural Treatments

It is important to understand that skin tags are attached to your body and have a supply of blood going to them. If you try to cut them off at home it can cause bleeding, pain, and it can result in scars. For this reason, you definitely want to be careful when using any type of methods for removing skin tags at home. It’s also possible under a worst-case scenario that cutting skin tags at home could result in infections.

It is, however, very possible to remove skin tags at home using natural treatments. The main thing is that you’re working with this condition in locations that are less sensitive. So if you have some skin tags that are around your underarms or just under your breasts then these can often be treated with home remedies. If you have some on your eyelids or around your eyes or other sensitive areas of your body then you may want to consult with a healthcare professional before trying to remove them on your own.


Applying some iodine on the skin tags can break down its cells. When using this method it will be very important for you to avoid getting the iodine on healthy skin. The reason is that it will also break down the cells of healthy skin. One way to counteract this possibility is to put on some coconut oil around the skin that you don’t want to get the iodine on. Using a cotton swab dipped in the iodine you then apply it to the skin tag. This should be done a couple of times a day until the skin tag simply falls off.

Vitamin E

This is something that has been used for quite some time and is good for building healthy skin. Try to find as good a quality of this oil as you can find and then apply it liberally to the skin tag. You will then cover the tag with some plastic wrap and then put a bandage over that. The oil will work on the skin tag during the night. Repeating this over a week or two will typically result in the skin tag falling away.

Baking Soda And Castor Oil

These two products have been used for generations for many different types of home remedies. When used together they can be an effective tool for removing skin tags at home. To use this remedy, you will need to mix one part baking soda together with two parts of castor oil. You will then apply that to the skin tag. Cover the tag with plastic wrap and then place a bandage over that to secure it to the body. Each morning you rinse the area off and then repeat the process each night until the tag falls off.

Oil Of Oregano

This is part of the mint family and can help fight fungal and bacterial infections and it improves skin issues. You will need to mix this oil with a carrier oil to make it safe to apply to your skin. You can use a couple of drops of coconut oil together with three or four drops of oregano oil and put that on the skin tag two to three times per day. Then cover the area with a bandage. If the area is irritated or has broken skin you should not use this remedy.

Home Prevention Methods

Once you have successfully removed your skin tags using these home methods you will want to begin to actively prevent their reoccurrence. One of the best things that you can do is to lose weight if you are overweight or obese. A healthy diet also helps considerably. Consuming more protein and healthy fats will be helpful. Reducing the amount of sugar that you consume as well as processed carbohydrates will also be helpful in the prevention of developing more skin tags.

Because this condition is associated closely with those who have insulin resistance and diabetes, eating a diet that helps control blood sugar and reduce insulin spikes is helpful. Reducing the amount of food such as breads, pasta, cakes, and other processed and junk food will reduce blood sugar levels. This, in turn, can greatly help to prevent recurring skin tags.

Some Precautions

If you notice that moles develop or the skin tags become discolored then you should seek the advice of a healthcare professional. It is very unusual that skin tags would result in any type of cancerous growth but it is better to be safe by checking with the physician if you notice anything unusual. Once you get the skin tags removed using the methods found above and you began eating healthier and get your weight in check, then you’ll likely find that you can prevent much of the re-occurrence that might otherwise happen.

5 Ways to Avoid Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair can be irritating, painful, itchy, and lead to the development of whiteheads or sore red pimples that accumulate pus. Sadly, cases of ingrown hair can appear anywhere in your body from the jawline, legs, and pubic area to the bikini line.

What is the best way to avoid ingrown hair?

Although there are several ways, the main thing that you can do is not to shave.

What causes ingrown hair?

Ingrown hair usually happens when hair curls around and grows back into the skin. In worst-case scenarios, ingrown hair can develop into a cyst which appears as a small or large painless lump when infection sets in.

Apart from the pain and discomfort they cause, ingrown hairs are not considered dangerous and rarely require medical attention. They can be prevented and treated easily at home.

Prevention is better than a cure

Prevention is always better than cure, but before we look at the different ways to avoid ingrown hair, it is important to learn how to identify an ingrown hair situation and the common causes.

Causes of ingrown hair

The structure and direction of your hair’s growth play an important role in the development of ingrown hairs. Curly hair is more prone to re-enter the skin and grow back, especially if hair removal procedures, such as shaving, happen when the hair is dry.

Shaving creates sharp uneven edges in the hair follicles of curly dry hair which causes hair strands to bend and dig back into the skin.

Other causes include:

  1. When skin is pulled tight against the grain of the hair’s growth when shaving.
  2. Tweezing can leave hair fragments below the surface of the skin causing ingrown hair.
  3. Tight clothing, especially underwear can cause ingrown hair when the elastic presses into the skin of recently shaved hair, causing it to change its direction of growth.
  4. When hair grows back into your skin, the body reacts to it the same way as any foreign body, and that is what causes the inflammation.

Ingrown Hair Symptoms

When ingrown hairs occur, you may witness some or all of the following signs:

  • Pain
  • Itching
  • Small, hard, rounded bumps medically referred to as papules
  • Darkening of the skin or hyperpigmentation
  • Small, round, blister-like pimples filled with pus also known as pustules

The best way to prevent ingrown hair is to refrain from shaving altogether. But if that is not an option, here are 5 ways to avoid ingrown hair:

1. Regular exfoliation

Exfoliation is the removal of old dead skin cells from the skin’s surface either mechanically or chemically.

Studies have shown that clogged skin pores contribute to ingrown hairs. Regular exfoliation ensures the dead skin cells responsible for clogging pores are cleaned, which results in clearing the way for hair to grow in the right direction.

If you exfoliate at least once a week, either naturally or using an exfoliating agent, the dead skin cells that clog the skin’s pores are dissolved. This results in smoother skin that is less prone to ingrown hair when you shave. For the best outcome, strive to exfoliate before every shave. Afterward, soften your hair with warm water so that it can be removed easily.

Exfoliation also activates your lymphatic system which is responsible for ejecting toxins from your body.

2. Try a substitute for shaving

Shaving is the biggest culprit of causing ingrown hairs. If it can be avoided entirely and other hair removal methods used instead, chances of ingrown hairs developing are reduced by considerable margins.

Other alternatives to shaving include;

  • Use of hair removal creams
  • Tweezing
  • Threading
  • Sugaring
  • Electrolysis
  • Laser removal
  • Waxing

Hair removal creams are the best and safest substitute for shaving as they are affordable, and readily available and the process is not time-consuming. Another benefit of shaving creams is that they dissolve hair slightly below the skin’s surface compared to shaving which cuts off the hair at skin level and leaves sharp edges.

Waxing is painful but as it involves plucking out hair from the root, it takes longer for the hair to grow back and the chance of ingrown hair is almost nil.

3. Use of high-quality blades when shaving

If you must shave, then choosing a long-term quality blade is important in the prevention of ingrown hair. Often, people tend to use disposable blades for way too long, which contributes to the problem as disposable blades dull very fast.

When used in this state, they tend to leave uneven hair follicles and skin bumps which is a fertile ground for ingrown hair to develop.

To avoid the temptation of re-using a disposable blade too often, invest in a few razor heads, or a blade designed for long-term use.

Alternatively, you can use an electric shaver and despite the fact that it will not provide a clean shave, it guarantees ingrown hair will not be a problem. This is because electric shavers do not leave sharp edges and do not cut hair too close to the skin; ensuring sufficient allowance for hair to grow upwards.

4. Shave in the right direction

It is important to shave in the direction your hair grows compared to shaving against the grain. Although shaving in the opposite direction of your hair growth guarantees a closer shave, it increases the chances of ingrown hair, cuts, and nicks.

Also, always settle for an alcohol-free and sensitive formula shaving cream. This combination prevents your skin from developing dryness and as a result, prevents ingrown hair.

5. Aftershave treatment

The treatment given to your skin after shaving can be a vital factor when it comes to ingrown hair prevention. While there are numerous options in the market for after-shave products, not all of them deliver what they claim.

A good aftershave solution should complement your skin type. For example, if you have oily, dry or sensitive skin, then you should buy an aftershave specially formulated for your type of skin.

A quality aftershave solution should consist of an anti-inflammatory such as Acetylsalisic acid or Glycolic acid agents, among others. These acids help to dissolve any build-up of dead cells that may clog the skin’s pores and ingrown hairs. In addition, the aftershave should also have a pleasant scent.

Do not squeeze your ingrown hair!

If you find yourself with a painful red spot caused by ingrown hair, resist the urge to squeeze it, as this will only aggravate the situation further. Squeezing usually pushes the ingrown hair farther below the skin’s surface.

Unless you can clearly see the ingrown hair close to the surface of your skin, then you can use tweezers or a sterile needle to pluck it out. Otherwise, do not attempt to dig it out underneath the skin’s surface. If left alone, the skin remedies the situation in a few days and everything goes back to normal.