Free Tattoo Removal Services

Need For Free Tatto Removal Services

Tattoo removal services can be costly, especially for large or multiple tattoos needing removal. Sometimes the tattoos can make it hard to find a well-paying job, which makes getting them removed even harder.

Whether someone is trying to erase gang tattoos for reintegration into society or needing to remove visible tattoos to join the military, it can be challenging to find the finances to fund treatments.

Luckily, there are options for people with low incomes to get free tattoo removal services.

Often, there are so many people signed up in a given area for free or low-cost services that the wait can be months. Sometimes it is necessary to travel outside your local area.

Some municipalities have assistance programs to help with travel expenses though most do not. Especially if you are part of the military and want a tattoo removed, then extra services may be available for you.

Tatto Removal With Lasers
Often Tattoos Can Be Removed For Free With A Laser

Regardless of your situation or background, there are people ready and willing to help so you can start over.

Free Tattoo Removal Services

Here is a small list of organizations and charities that provide free removal services. Most places do not require that you live in the state offering the program, so if there are none near you, you can travel to a nearby state to get the services.

Non-Profit Organizations:

  • Tattoo Removal Ink: Based in Northern Kentucky provides free removal of jail, gang, and human-trafficking tattoos from the formerly-incarcerated, former gang members and victims of human trafficking.
  • Atlanta Redemption Ink: Offers free tattoo removals to individuals who have marks from sex trafficking, gang insignia, self-harm scars, and addiction markings.
  • Fresh Start Program, Inc. They connect people needing help getting their tattoos removed with companies that do laser tattoo removals.
  • 2nd Call: Located in Los Angeles, CA, and offering tattoo removal for former gang members.

Medical Centers:

  • New Beginnings, located at the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton, CA, provides free assistance with gang-related tattoo removals.
  • Tattoo Removal Program at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center located in the San Fernando Valley offers “ laser tattoo removal treatments are provided at no cost to adults who qualify for the “community service”-based program.”
  • Delete — Tattoo Removal & Laser Salon: Offers tattoo removal for people attempting to enter military service but with disqualifying ink. 

Additional Individuals, Tattoo Shops, And Departments Offering Free Tattoo Removal:

  • All Sacred Tattoo Shop: Based in Edgewater, CO, offers “free tattoo removal for former gang members”
  • The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department has a program. The Tattoo Removal Service incentivizes inmates to engage in structured academic, vocational, life-skills, and other learning opportunities offered by EBI, as participation in those courses and activities makes them eligible for tattoo removal treatments.

Free Tattoo Removal Places in Los Angeles

  1. Homeboy Industries: Offers free tattoo removal for former gang members and incarcerated individuals looking to start a new life.

  2. Fresh Start Tattoo Removal: Offers free tattoo removal for individuals who have been trafficked or are survivors of domestic violence.

  3. Partner with local tattoo shops and plastic surgeons to provide free or low-cost tattoo removal for breast cancer survivors.

  4. Delete Tattoo: Offers free tattoo removal to former gang members and individuals looking to remove tattoos that negatively impact their life.

  5. Erased: Offers free tattoo removal to individuals who have been affected by human trafficking

Free Tattoo Removal Places in New York:

  • New York Presbyterian Hospital’s “Erase the Hate” Program
  • The Floating Hospital
  • Grace Medical Mission
  • R-Health Urgent Care (limited to low-income individuals)

Free Tattoo Removal in Chicago

  • Illinois Association for Community Action
  • The CORE Center
  • The Resurrection Project

Free Tattoo Removal in Texas

  • Fresh Start Tattoo Removal – Offers free tattoo removal to survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, and other forms of trauma.
  • The TX Tattoo Removal Project – A statewide initiative that provides free tattoo removal to individuals looking to remove gang-related or hate-based tattoos.
  • Salvation Army – Provides free tattoo removal through its Adult Rehabilitation Centers for individuals looking to turn their lives around.
  • Dermacare – Offers free tattoo removal through its “Erase the Hate” program for tattoos that depict hate symbols or gang affiliations.
  • The Tattoo Project – A nonprofit that provides free tattoo removal services for veterans and first responders.

Local Resources

There may also be some local resources near you. Some tattoo parlors will have information about removing tattoos for free, which may not be publicized online. Sometimes there are county programs for former gang members or victims of human trafficking, which offer free services. Tattoo shops will often be aware of local clinics and spas that provide reduced costs or free services.

Churches and local religious organizations may also be aware of services available to specific demographics in need of tattoo removal. Generally, this includes people with drugs, crime, or other offensive tattoos. Churches and medical centers have provided free tattoo removals depending on the resources and the person’s needs.

Removal Of Tattoo From Finger With Laser
Picosecond laser tattoo removal on a small black tattoo on a patient’s finger, in a skincare clinic, with a beautician administering the laser pulses.

There are also places you can go to get free removal services specifically for joining the military because current army regulations do not allow recruits to have tattoos on their hands, faces, wrists, heads, or necks.

The Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, and Coast Guard all have their restrictions and rules regarding tattoos on recruits. To find a local resource for the removal of tattoos for military service, you can do a Google search, or your local recruiting office may have some information about places in your area that can assist.

There is a great push throughout the country for free tattoo removal for the military.

How To Find Free Services Near You

Look at your local resources in your area, such as charities, non-profit organizations intended to assist people in reintegrating into society, and local tattoo parlors. There are also multiple online databases of locations that offer free or income-based tattoo removals. A quick Google search for “free tattoo removal service [insert city, state]” will bring up any options near you.

Here is an online database that lists places that offer free or low-cost services:

Some places offer sliding scale fees based on income and free options for those that qualify. For example, Outside In has Project Erase Tattoo Removal, which provides services for tattoos related to crime, drug abuse, and domestic violence. They also assist people unable to pay even the lowest tier costs.

Free Tattoo Removal Services For Military And Gangs and Ex-Prisoners

It is not unusual to be in a situation where you find yourself with a tattoo that you no longer want. For example, if you were in the military, it may have seemed fun at the time to go with your friends and have a tattoo to show your strength and unity. However, once you have been out of the military for a while, there may be regret.

Prisoners also may have tattoos, which seemed like a great idea when you were in prison, but once you are in a different environment seem out of place.

You may have been in a street gang which you have now left, and want to get rid of the mark of the gang. This can sometimes be extremely important for your safety so that you are not physically targeted.

In all these situations, it is worth enquiring about whether laser centers have special deals to remove tattoos for the military.

Moving Forward

Now that you have some resources for finding free services, nothing is stopping you from being able to move forward to the next chapter in your life. Your ink does not need to define you any longer. Whatever your goals are for the future, you now have some of the tools required to ensure they can be achieved.


Tattoo Removal Cream

Most people think that tattoos are forever, but there is a way to remove or fade them.

No, not the old-school method of getting a tattoo covered up with another tattoo (although that’s definitely an option).

I’m talking about using a (magic) cream!

Just like magic, your tattoo disappears. Well, okay, maybe it’s not quite that simple.

But tattoo removal creams do exist, and they work by breaking down the ink particles in the tattoo.

Does Tattoo Removal Cream Work?

The development of technology in the tattoo removal industry and innovations in dermatological care have greatly improved the options available to have a tattoo removed from the skin.

Laser removal is the best-known method.

As an alternative to laser treatments, prolonged treatment with tattoo removal cream can diminish or completely render tattoos invisible over time.

man with tattoo removal written on chest.
There are a number of ways that you can remove permanent tattoos. One is by laser and the other is using tattoo removal cream

How Does Tattoo Removal Cream Work?

Tattooing effectively pierces the surface with a needle continuously while depositing non-soluble ink below the skin layer or epidermis. This ink becomes a permanent stain on the skin.

To remove the tattoo, you must remove the skin on which the ink has stained.

Tattoo removal creams work by utilizing a removal chemical agent to slowly and safely remove each ink-stained layer of skin. The most common chemicals in these creams are  TCA or trifluoroacetic acid and hydroquinone.

This treatment is a great way to avoid the pain of laser treatment or invasive removal. It is also a great way to remove smaller tattoos that have faded over time.

Although different creams rate differently on effectiveness, a hydroquinone-based cream has proven the most effective in tattoo removal. Dermatologists recommend it as it is more gentle on the skin.

Using tattoo removal cream can have some mild discomfort to the skin, but compared to other methods available, removal cream is probably the most painless option.

Different Types Of Tattoo Removal Creams

Although we mentioned the two most widely used ingredients in tattoo removal cream, other creams use different methods for removing unwanted ink.

Lactic Acid Peel

Designed to treat skin disorders such as acne and wrinkling, lactic acid is a great way to remove tattoos.

Lactic acid removes layers of unwanted skin without causing adverse symptoms such as skin burns or itchiness.

Lactic acid already works under your skin to help remove oil and dirt. Using a cream will add additional lactic acid. This is a great way to remove tattoos deep in the skin.

Woman with fading tattoo.
Tattoo removal cream will not work immediately but is an effective way to fade tattoos.

Tattoo Removal Creams Using Natural Products

Many Tattoo removal creams use natural ingredients such as lemongrass to break down the epidermis in a less aggressive way than more chemical-centered tattoo removal creams.

However, they usually take a bit longer to work. Natural tattoo removal creams are popular because of their nourishing effects on the skin.

Chemical Peel Creams

Some creams are like a chemical peel you may get at a dermatologist. A chemical peel breaks down the epidermis using chemicals to remove the ink.

These creams are the most effective in removing tattoos in a short treatment period.

However, extra caution must be taken if you have sensitive skin, as these treatments use chemicals that, although FDA-approved and completely safe to use in moderation, can damage the skin when used excessively or without instruction.

Bleaching Creams

Bleaching creams are widely and effectively used for removing unwanted tattoos. Like the chemical peel methods, these types of tattoo removal creams can be highly effective in removing a tattoo over a short treatment time.

These kinds of treatments may also be very harsh on the epidermis and may cause some discomfort when using them, although this is a small price to pay to avoid the laser.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How Effective Are Tattoo Removal Creams Compared To Laser Removal Treatment?

Answer: Although not as effective, clever use of tattoo removal creams can give the same result you would expect from clinical treatments.

Man looking with regret at tattoo.
If you regret getting a tattoo, then you can use tattoo removal cream to get rid of it.

Question: Does This Type Of Treatment Cost As Much As Professional Tattoo Removal?

Answer: Not at all. Home treatment with tattoo removal creams is an extremely effective way of removing an old unwanted tattoo in the most cost-effective way possible.

As dermatological advances increase, the availability and use of these creams have driven down the price.

Question: Are Tattoo Removal Creams Safe To Use?

Answer: Tattoo removal cream available to buy in the US is manufactured using FDA-approved, entirely safe ingredients. As long as they are used responsibly, like everything. You should take caution when using these products for the first time and always follow the provided instructions.

Make sure that you only purchase FDA-approved tattoo removal cream.

Question: Does Tattoo Removal Leave Scars?

Answer: Although mistreatments can result in skin damage and scarring, the proper use of tattoo removal cream is safe and should leave your skin in a smooth, healthy condition following a correctly executed treatment.

Tattoo Removal Methods And Their Effects

Even knowing that a tattoo is a life long commitment, some still sit in that chair for all the wrong reasons. More ethical artists refuse to work on anyone who is not sober, or at least they try to persuade clients not to etch their current partner’s name on their skin. And this is not taking into consideration all the bad art that’s floating as well.
Up until recently, the best option to get rid of a bad tattoo was to cover it up with another one. There are even numerous artists that specialize in creating designs that can hide bad work as an alternative to tattoo removal.

Laser tattoo removal has been available for decades, but more often than not, the skin would still be marked to some extent.

Luckily, technology is always advancing, and now we can expect better results. And not only that, there are more methods and products available now that can get the job done. We will take a look at those methods and their short and long term effect on the skin.

Laser Treatments

Since the introduction of Q-lasers in the 1990s, laser treatments have become the most reliable method for tattoo removal. Lasers target the ink particles in the skin and cause them to fragment into smaller particles that can be cleared away by the body’s immune system.


The procedure is least invasive in comparison to others but is still quite painful. In the case of large and elaborate designs, it could take over 10 sessions to completely remove the tattoo. However, based on the type of ink and the age of the design, there is still a chance that some pigment will remain.

This procedure will leave a wound that will need to be cared for to prevent infection or additional damage.

After The Procedure

It will take up to a week for the wound to heal after each session, and before you can have the treatment again.

After the course is completed, the skin will be more sensitive for a while. You should keep it clean and protect it for the sun. Even without visible changes, it would not be a bad idea to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist two or three months down the line. However, if everything was done properly, there should not be any scarring or long term irritation.

If you plan to get a new tattoo in the recent future, laser removal is the only gentle enough option. Some clients would have one or two sessions to lighten their old design, so they have more freedom with their cover-ups. In this case, you still need to leave ample time between the last laser treatment and a new tattoo. The wound may heal within a week, but your skin will not be ready for new work for months.


In the plainest of terms, the dermabrasion method could be described as scrubbing the tattoo away.


This procedure is very painful and will have to be done under either local or general anesthesia. A medical grinding tool removes the outer layers of the skin in a controlled manner. The tattoo is removed by removing the layers of skin that contain ink.

Dermabrasion will also take multiple sessions to show results. But, it might not be suitable for anyone with sensitive skin or dermatitis.

After The Procedure

Just like in the case of laser removal, there will be a wound left that needs to stay clean and protected. However, dermabrasion wounds will take around two weeks to heal between sessions.

After the course is completed, the skin will be very sensitive. It will have to be protected from the sun and harsh chemicals for a long time. There is a chance of discoloration, but it should not be permanent. However, there should not be any permanent scarring.

Avoid any new tattoos in the area for at least a year. Even then, talk with the professional first. If done too quickly, there is a high risk of injury and infection.

Chemical Peels

Dermabrasion and chemical peels are identical in their premise – layers of skin with ink are removed, therefore the tattoo is removed. The main difference is the tool used.


During chemical peel treatments, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is used to remove top layers of the skin. TCA is a mild acid but is still not suitable for amateur use. Make sure that you are getting this treatment from a tattoo removal licensed esthetician, a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon. There are some instructions on the internet of how to DIY this treatment, but it would be better not to try it.

After The Procedure

TCA treatment wounds heal within a week. If they are kept wrapped and clean, there should be no infection or scarring.

Though the wounds heal faster than the ones from dermabrasion, all other warnings apply. Skin will be very vulnerable for a long time and you will have to be diligent with sun protection. Any acne-fighting skincare products should also be avoided because they will irritate the area.

Tattoo Removal Creams

Here is something that has some popularity on the internet, but not many artists or dermatologist would readily recommend.

In short, tattoo removal creams are supposed to work like chemical peels. So, if a cream works, it contains a lot of harsh chemicals. Not the best idea for use at home.

If you want to try one out, make sure to do it under the surveillance of a dermatologist. Otherwise, you could damage your skin.

Surgical Removal

This is the cutting off of the tattoo. The skin containing the design is removed, and the remaining skin is stitched together.

It is only suitable for smaller designs. The main benefit of the method is that everything is completed within one appointment.

As it is a surgical procedure, it will likely require full anesthesia.

After The Procedure

There will be scarring. The size and the shape of the scar depend on the design that should be removed. It can be minimized with small stitches or skin glue, or laser treatments after.

You will probably have to wear bandages 48 hours after the surgery, and it might take between 6 to 8 weeks or the wound to heal. During that time you will have to avoid any heavy physical activity, harsh chemicals, and sun exposure.

If you are planning a new design, the skin will not be ready for years for it. Even then, the texture will affect the way skin holds onto the ink.

Tattoo Cover-up

Not a removal method, so we are going to give it just a quick mention. If you are considering this instead of removing the tattoo altogether, keep in mind two things.

First, then the new tattoo will have to be bigger and darker/brighter than the old one. And second, if you entrust this job to just anyone and not someone who knows what they’re doing, it could end in tears. Again.

If you are working with the right artist, you will end up with something that looks seriously beautiful.

Best Methods For Skin Lightening

Nature of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation, what is it?
Although hyperpigmentation affects women of all races, it’s more visible in people with a light skin complexion. This is because the darker skin pigment distinctly contrasts the natural fair complexion of the surrounding skin. Skin discoloration is usually black or dark in color. However, in some people, it’s brown or gray. This skin condition is typically characterized by pigmented irregular patches on different parts of the body, especially on the face.

Preventing Hyperpigmentation

Using sun protection is one of the best ways of preventing hyperpigmentation. It’s important to note that the sun rays are responsible for the formation of pigmented skin. Even on cloudy days, it’s still important to wear sun protection. So, if you are in menopause or post-menopause, make sure that you wear sun protection daily. If you already have a pigmented skin, you still need to wear this a protector to reduce the skin discoloration.

An SPF 30 product is effective for protecting the skin against UVA and UVB rays, which cause pigmentation. Additionally, it’s important to apply moisturizing creams to keep the skin moist. Note that some of these creams also enhance the production of collagen. So, you will end up gaining double benefits. When choosing sun protectors and moisturizing creams, avoid chemicals that may cause skin irritation.

Best Skin Lightening Methods

Skin lightening is a medical alternative that you can use to lighten your skin. Generally, the doctor will recommend a treatment method depending on your skin type. Some of the best and most common treatment options include:


Retin-A is the most common type of treatment for hyperpigmentation. It’s also safe for older women who are in menopause or even those who have passed this phase. Retin-A is a type of topical skin lightening cream which contains high amounts of Vitamin A. It helps to reduce the dark skin patches by safely exfoliating the skin. Additionally, it also speeds up the growth of new skin cells. This cream is generally used in combination with other skin lightening products.

Hydroquinone Creams:

These are bleaching agents which help to reduce the production of high amounts of melanin. It’s worth noting that during and post-menopause, the body of women naturally increases the production of melanin. So, these lightening creams help to slow down this effect by significantly reducing the over-production of melanin.

Chemical Peels:

This treatment option involves the use of salicylic acids and glycolic acids. It helps to treat skin discoloration by exfoliating the skin.

Intense Pulsed Light:

IPL is a type of laser treatment that involves the use of high-intensity pulses. The pulses are usually directed on the affected area of the skin. It effectively removes hyperpigmentation. The best thing about using Intense Pulsed Light is that it doesn’t leave scars. Additionally, there is no recovery period. It is one of the best skin lightening methods.

Laser Resurfacing:

This procedure involves the use of a laser to evaporate the top layers of the pigmented skin. Laser resurfacing leaves a clear skin that’s evenly toned. Note that this method of treating hyperpigmentation usually is used after treatment options such as chemical peels and hydroquinone creams.


This is a non-invasive form of skin treatment that involves exfoliation of the damaged skin. Microdermabrasion is a technique where tiny and rough grains are used to remove the top layer of the skin. This layer contains damaged and dead skin cells. However, this method of lightening the skin is not highly recommended for women in and post-menopause. This is because it is highly aggressive, and it disrupts the surface of the skin.

Home Remedies for Hyperpigmentation

It’s possible to lighten your dark spots with natural home remedies. These treatment options are suitable for long-term use and users need to exercise patience. Some of the natural treatments that can reduce skin discoloration include:

Green Tea

Green tea has high amounts of antioxidants. Besides that, it’s rich in anti-inflammatory. Applying green tea can help to reduce hyperpigmentation and increase the speed of skin lightening. Evidence suggests that it minimizes the side effects of sunburns and melasma.


Glabridin is a licorice extract that can lighten pigmented skin. It contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and bleaching properties. Note that the skin-whitening property of licorice has made it a popular ingredient in skincare products for hyperpigmentation.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains aloesin, a natural compound that can lighten pigmented skin. Note that aloesin works effectively to reduce the overproduction of melanin. You can use aloe vera by applying the gel directly on the skin.

Will Wart Remover Remove Skin Tags?

You may wonder why someone would want to use wart remover to get rid of a skin tag rather than a skin tag remover.

Surprisingly, one of the most common questions about removing a skin tag is whether you can use wart remover.

The answer is…probably not.

But let’s look a bit deeper.

What Typically Is Wart Remover?

Wart removal kits contain Salicylic Acid and work by freezing the wart. Doctors can also freeze skin tags to remove them. Salicylic Acid is an ingredient that you will find in most skin tag remover solutions.

salicylic acid
Using salicylic acid to remove a wart. Can also be tried to remove a skin tag.

Therefore, there are a few clues that wart remover and skin tag remover are similar, even if not exactly the same.

There is very little scientific research on the use of this acid to remove skin tags. However, that’s not to say it doesn’t work. In theory, wart remover is used the same way on warts that one would get rid of a skin tag. There is no reason why it shouldn’t work.

Skin tag freeze kits and wart remover freeze kits can be purchased in almost any pharmacy over the counter.

Wart, Mole, And Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are most effectively removed by freezing. The chemical used to freeze skin tags is liquid nitrogen, which freezes the entire skin tag down to the root.

This procedure removes the whole skin tag so that it cannot grow back. Liquid nitrogen is not used in home kits because there are laws regulating the use and purchase of liquid nitrogen.

These home skin tag removal kits typically contain similar ingredients that are less potent than liquid nitrogen. These chemicals still do the job but ensure that there is no severe damage to the skin.

mole and wart on skin
close up of mole and wart on the same skin. Can possibly be removed at the same time even though different cosmetically

Damage to skin

The only damage typically caused by wart remover is a small scar that replaces the skin tag. The scar tends to fade over time.

There may also be a small amount of discomfort in the area from freezing the skin tag. This pain should pass in less than an hour.

The risk of infection is low because there are no cuts to the skin. There will not be an open wound for an infection to enter. There is also no risk of excessive bleeding because nothing interacts with the blood supply with this method of tag removal.

The Price Of Home Freezing Kits

The price of buying a home freezing kit is relatively reasonable, considering the alternative of going to the doctor to remove the skin tag. It costs from $20 for a home freezing kit, which contains multiple treatments.

These kits are readily available at most drug stores, pharmacies, and grocery stores. Freezing skin tags off is not the fastest method, but it is the most affordable option that is reliable and able to be done at home.

The quickest way would be to cut the skin tag off yourself, but as we discussed elsewhere, that is not safe. It can result in severe damage to the skin tissue as well as cause an infection.

Some wart, mole and skin tag removers are even safe to use on sensitive areas such as the eyelids.

Most kits have up to 8 treatments. This means that you can remove up to 8 skin tags or warts with one freezing kit. That is around $2.50 per skin tag or wart, whereas having the skin tag removed by a doctor tends to run at about $150 per skin tag.

razor on wart
Doctor getting wart area ready to be removed.

It is an elective cosmetic procedure that insurance does not typically cover because having a skin tag is not dangerous to your health.

Final Take Away

Many people use wart removal kits to remove skin tags, and there has been plenty of consumer-based evidence that it is an effective way to remove skin tags without severely damaging the skin or body.

Compound W NITROFREEZE is advertised as a wart remover that has shown to be very helpful in the removal of skin tags to the point that it was voted by consumers to be one of the top 10 ways to remove skin tags.

Are Mole Removal Pens Safe?

Several skin tag and mole removal pens are considered safe for home use by the FDA and dermatologists. Many devices have been known to cause burns and permanent scarring where the mole was previously. As there is a variety of different options, it is crucial that before you purchase a mole removal pen that you do as much research as possible before using one on your skin.

Check Reviews

It is essential to check reviews of the device, check for satisfaction guarantees, and for lotions to check the ingredient list to make sure there is nothing in the product that will cause an adverse reaction. It is also imperative to follow the instructions accurately to make sure there is no room for error on the part of the person applying the treatment. Skin tag and mole removal pens can be an excellent choice for some consumers, as long as they are correctly chosen.

Being Diligent About Melanoma

There are also other things to consider that affect the safety of using mole removal pens, such as whether or not a dermatologist should be consulted. When there is a possibility that the mole that is being removed could be cancerous or could be a sign of other medical problems, then a dermatologist or a doctor should be consulted.

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that is typically identified by abnormal moles on the body. If a consumer purchases a device to remove moles but never visits a dermatologist to have the moles looked at, they may not know that they have melanoma until it is Stage IV, or life-threatening. It is crucial that even if a consumer chooses to use the at-home devices that they see a dermatologist regarding moles, especially if they repeatedly return after removal.

Identifying Dangerous Moles

The American Academy of Dermatology has come up with a system for helping the average person identify whether or not a mole may be cancerous, called the “ABCDE’s of Melanoma.” To determine whether a mole could potentially be a sign of melanoma, follow the list below:

  • A- Asymmetry. The mole should not be asymmetrical.
  • B- Borders. Moles should not be fuzzy around the edges.
  • C- Color. Moles should not be more than one color (sometimes referred to as two-toned)
  • D- Diameter. Moles should not be larger than 1/4 inch.
  • E- Evolving. Moles should not change or grow.

If any of these symptoms occur, a dermatologist should be consulted so that the mole can be evaluated, and nothing else should be done until a dermatologist gives an all-clear.

Several creams that are created to remove moles can, in rare circumstances, cause melanoma. All chemicals put on the skin should be thoroughly reviewed and discussed with a licensed professional before being applied to the skin for any reason. While a product may say it is entirely safe, and even backed by the FDA, it is always the most reliable option to consult your doctor before doing anything to your body that could potentially harm it.

What Is The Best Skin Tag And Mole Remover Products?

According to Best Reviews Guide, there are ten highly rated skin tag and mole removal products.

1. HaloDerm Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector:

With 9.8 stars out of 10, HaloDerm Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector has been rated number 1 by the Best Reviews Guide for July 2019. This device is capable of removing up to three skin tags or moles so that you don’t have to buy multiple devices if you have more than one blemish. The HaloDerm Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector is made with all-natural materials, is backed by a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, and claims that it will clear your skin of skin tags and moles within one week of use.

2. SkinPro EXTREME Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector:

This device, also backed by a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, claims that the use of Salicylic Acid makes it more potent and better able to correct moles and remove skin tags. SkinPro claims that this device is easy and safe to apply, and is specially formulated to remove even the most difficult skin tags and moles. SkinPro Extreme will not result in scars and has had speedy results reported by consumers.

3. Compound W NITROFREEZE:

Compound W NITROFREEZE has been listed as the best value overall for mole removal pens by Best Reviews Guide and ranked the third-best option on the market with 9.1 stars out of 10. This is a straightforward device to use and is recommended by many Dermatologists. Compound W NITROFREEZE is one of the cheaper options on the market and still gets the job done as quickly and efficiently as most of the other options. Compound W claims that their product starts to produce results in just one use, but should be used more than once for the best results.

4. Instaderm Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector from Skin Pro:

This product, also made with Salicylic Acid, is a medical-grade skin tag remover and mole corrector. Skin Pro claims that this product has the highest allowed levels of Salicylic acid in the entire market resulting in faster results. They claim that this is a safe option that does not result in pain or scarring whatsoever. Skin Pro backs its products with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. They also state that this product is formulated to be fast and accurate when it comes to removing skin tags and correcting moles.

5. Skin Tag Remover Device by Claritag:

This device, which has the support of the FDA and clinical trials, has been proven to remove skin tags effectively. This product was designed by dermatologists to assist people at home with getting professional results. This product comes with ten treatments, and a video of how to use the product for the best results. The downside to this product is that it will not affect moles, as it is formulated specifically to remove skin tags, unlike many of its competitors. However, this does mean that it may be more effective for skin tags since it’s formulated specifically for one purpose.

6. HaloDerm Advanced Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector:

This device is an all-natural option that can remove up to ten skin tags. HaloDerm states that this device is effective in removing skin tags and correcting moles in as little as three to five days from the first use. A 100 percent satisfaction guarantee backs HaloDerm. To ensure the satisfaction of the product, the company has increased the amount of product in each package by 300 percent. The company claims that this product is designed to remove skin tags at the base so that they don’t return in the future, unlike some of its competitors.

7. Micro Auto TagBand Skin Tag Remover Device:

This product, which removed skin tags by cutting off the blood supply to the tag, claims that results should be seen within a few days. This device is approved for use in all areas except for near the eyes and is ideal for awkward areas to do its clever design. The downside to this device is that it was only made to remove skin tags, not warts or moles like some of the other devices on this list.

8. Xpreen Dot Mole Remover Pen:

With eight different levels, this device has been approved for use on moles, skin tags, and warts. This product has an LED screen so that you can see how well it is working and where the battery is at on the device. The Xpreen Dot Mole Remover Pen comes with 13 needles, ten fine and three coarse, that are made to be completely durable. All needles are replaceable. The company states that this is a straightforward and safe product to use.

9. Xpreen Spot Eraser Pro:

This product, complete with a wireless charging option and LED light for accuracy, is backed by an 18 month 100 percent guarantee. The company claims that with the six different settings this device offers, spots can be removed from freckles to tattoos (including skin tags and moles). Each setting is used for a different result. The company states that this product is safe and should not be painful, but may cause some pain if used on the highest settings.

10. Esho Spot Eraser:

This device, containing 22 needles, 20 fine needles, and two coarse needles for tougher spots, is designed to remove spots from your skin such as dark spots, freckles, and skin tags. This device has nine different settings to accomplish all your skin needs. The company states that this device is pain-free, should not cause bleeding, and has a fast recovery time.

What Is The Best Mole Removal Pen?

What Is The Best Mole Removal Pen?

According to Ahjoo, there are ten highly ranked mole remover pens in 2020.

BDSii Portable Mole Remover Pen:

This BDSii mole removal pen has eight different settings and has also been approved for safety by the FDA. This product comes in at number one for home use of a mole remover pen. This pen can be charged with a power bank or directly with a cellphone charger. This product has also been ranked as the easiest mole removal pen to use on the market in 2019. However, reviews show that although it does work, it isn’t straightforward to use.

Unfortunately, the BDSii Mole Removal Pen doesn’t seem to be available to purchase anymore. You can, however, buy the Spot Eraser Pro here, which is similar but far easier to use.

Herwiss LCD Display Mole Remover Pen:

The Herwiss LCD Display Mole Remover Pen offers different strength levels based on skin sensitivity, which is a huge plus to those with sensitive skin and have a hard time finding products that won’t damage their skin further. This product also allows for USB charging, which extends the life of the device. Herwiss claims that there will be no side effects from using this device, including bleeding and scarring. Two different types of needles are provided for this device to help with unusual sized moles. This pen also offers an LCD screen to make its use more comfortable.

GenLed Portable Premium Mole Remover Pen:

The GenLed Portable Premium Mole Remover Pen allows for fast healing after use and has three different levels to ensure the correct intensity for the removal of moles. This device can also be used for freckles, tattoos, and skin tags. It is a truly portable device that can be connected to other portable devices, making it perfect for use anywhere.

Xpreen Eraser Pro Mole Remover Pen:

The Xpreen Eraser Pro Mole Remover Pen has an LED spotlight and focuses on accuracy and durability. This device is excellent for travel, as it can be charged with a simple cell phone charger. It is safe to use, does not cause bleeding, and will last for five hours after charging.

Dermasmoothe 9-Gear Mole Remover Pen:

The Dermasmoothe 9-Gear Mole Remover Pen offers nine adjustable gears to make it comfortable and reliable for removing spots, freckles, moles, skin tags, and tattoos from the skin. There are no reported side effects. There should not be bleeding or scarring as a result of this pen.

Kungber Mole Remover Pen:

The Kungber Mole Remover Pen contains a large screen to show all of the different options that can be selected for the best possible experience. It is affordable and includes various types of needles for different mole removal needs. This pen also offers different levels of strength to provide safety for those with sensitive skin.

Raizen USA Derma Mole Remover Pen:

The Raizen USA Derma Mole Remover Pen allows for the fast removal of moles. This pen can be charged with a phone charger and has a lithium-ion battery to allow for longer times between having to charge the device. It meets safety standards set by the FDA and is made of durable materials.

BDSii Version 101 Mole Remover Pen:

The BDSii Version 101 Mole Remover Pen offers a large screen to see the status of the device. This device makes it very simple to remove small moles, among other skin blemishes like spots and freckles. It is safe to use and does not cause any side effects like bleeding and scarring.

YRYM HT Mole Remover Pen:

The YRYM HT Mole Remover Pen is not the most straightforward option but offers great technology for experienced users of mole remover pens. This device does not burn the skin, cause scarring, or cause bleeding. The technology used to create this pen allows for fast recovery time after use.

Kungber Mole Remover Pen 2:

The Kungber Mole Remover Pen 2 works very well and has the approval of the FDA, but tends to take longer than the other models on this list. It has different strength levels and comes with 12 replaceable needles. There is an LCD screen on this device to show status as well as the ability to charge the device with a phone charger. This option does not have side effects such as scarring, bleeding, and burning of the skin.

South Beach Skin Lab

South Beach Repair and Release Cream

Every 60 seconds, your body sheds over 30,000 dead skin cells.

That’s gross!

But it’s also why your skin loses its shape, sags, and fails to keep its tone and texture. Dead cells can also cause fine lines and dark circles around your eyes, which usually require eye lift serum such as South Beach Repair and Release Cream.

Woman scrubbing back
If you have dead skin cells, they can be removed by rubbing them with a special sponge or stone.

Cosmetic surgery, botox shots, and anti-aging creams are all ways to fix these problems. In many cases, this is a complete waste of money and could even be dangerous to your health.

More Natural Ways to Repair and Replace your Skin

What if there was a more natural way to repair your skin that could erase up to 52% of the wrinkles on your face in just 14 days?

ALSO: Remove the sagging skin around your neck and jawline within four weeks.

AND: Remove up to ten years off your appearance in only two months.

All from using a 100% natural solution that can even be done in the comfort of your own home.

Read on to find out more…

Dr. Ryan Shelton and South Beach Skin Lab

Dr. Ryan Shelton works at South Beach Skin Lab on the South Beach Skin Solution.

Dr. Ryan Shelton is a Double Board Certified Doctor, educated in Biochemistry with a Master’s from the University of Kansas and trained as a doctor at the prestigious Bastyr University.

Dr. Ryan Shelton
Dr. Ryan Shelton expert in skincare.

You may have seen his groundbreaking work featured on FOX, CBS, ABC, and NBC. You may have even heard keynote speeches at the American Academy of Anti-Aging.

Ryan Shelton has devoted his whole career to fighting the “war on wrinkles.” What will likely shock you is that the solution he suggests is straightforward.

By boosting an amino acid that already exists in our body, we can re-program the way our skin ages and turn back the clock on wrinkles for good.

Do you suffer from aging skin?

beauty products
Some of the skincare products that you are already using can be harmful for your skin and have no genuine anti-aging properties.

If you are one of the 165 million Americans suffering in silence from aging skin symptoms, you may not believe some of what you are about to read.

Some of your favorite brands, even household names that you love and trust, could be deceiving you, marketing products that don’t work, or even toxic for your skin.

The American Beauty Industry is expected to pull in a staggering 62 Billion Dollars this year alone, and a “fix” for this problem could threaten to destabilize the whole monopoly they’ve created. Thus, they want to keep certain things on the down low.

Mary wanted to tighten her skin.

Woman in 50s
Mary was starting to feel the effects of aging on her skin and wanted to find a healthy and economical solution.

Mary was in her early 50s and was seeking a solution to tighten the skin sagging around her face and neck. She was in a desperate situation as she knew that if she didn’t stop it, then it would get worse.

Mary was considering botox shots, recommendations for cosmetic surgeons, and even laser therapies.

Toxic chemicals like BOTOX really can be dangerous. 1 in every 10,000 cosmetic procedures ends in death.

Mary had tried several high-end moisturizing creams, exfoliated her skin daily, and spent money on a variety of cleansers.

But none of this made a difference, perhaps due to her skin type. It might help prevent further aging, but it didn’t fix the wrinkles that had already draped the sides of Mary’s face and neck.

She then heard about South Beach Skin Lab Repair And Release Facial Cream.

Mary tried this new cream and applied it morning and night. The first 24 hours passed, and she noticed no significant change in the depth of her wrinkles. Days 7 and 8 went by, and still no improvement.

On day 14, something incredible happened. The improvement was remarkable. The depth of Mary’s wrinkles had improved by 15%. It may not seem like a lot, but trust me when I tell you Mary was Overjoyed.

But this wasn’t the end of her results. Over the next five weeks, Mary’s wrinkle depth improved to 25%, then 32%, then 44%. After a full 60 days, HALF of the wrinkles on Mary’s face had gone! As in disappeared.

Woman wearing blue with arm up.
Mary didn’t see improvement in her wrinkles immediately after using the South Beach cream. However, after a couple of months, there were significant changes in the depths of her wrinkles.

Outdated Skin Technology

All those expensive antiaging creams, night serums, cleansers, and balms on the market use the same outdated technology. It’s called “Multi-Step Moisturizing,” and it works in two ways…

First, it draws as much water as possible to the skin cells. Then it seals off the moisture barrier on the outside to retain the water. This causes it to fill your skin with water, making it look plump and smooth.

Many skincare products work pretty well until the moisturizer dries out, and it’s time for another application, and then another one and another one. It does nothing to fix the ROOT CAUSE of why your skin is aging.

The Power of Peptides

There is, however, something called peptides. Studies have linked them to muscle regeneration and athletic performance for years.

Cosmetic companies have no interest in “eliminating” your problem. It is far more profitable to market product after product that “treats” your symptoms.

Think about this, if they “fixed” your problem, would you keep buying their creams?

Worse yet, you will be frustrated to learn that this solution has been entirely ignored by the FDA, the big cosmetic companies, and even the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

In scientific terms, a Peptide is a short chain of amino acids, otherwise known as a protein. When peptides can penetrate the top layer of our skin, they can send signals to our cells and tell them how to function.

Benefits of peptides on skin
Peptides are highly effective in making your skin look tighter and less wrinkled. They are also great for your skin.

Essentially they can “talk” to other proteins in our skin. These little peptides are the most effective way to repair wrinkles. When added to traditional cosmetic skin creams, peptides are so potent that they become a new kind of anti-aging cream called a “cosmeceutical.”

Why does our skin wrinkle?

The first underlying cause of our skin wrinkles is that, as YOU age, the structure of your skin’s “epidermis” also starts to age.

Starting from 18, your body’s collagen and elastin production decrease by approximately 1% yearly. Well, this causes your skin to lose its firmness and elasticity, taking away your youthful look.

Nobody loves wrinkles, which is why an easy method to get rid of them is cream or lotion.

18 year old with good skin.
Around the age of 18 is when our skin is at its most healthy. As we get older, it starts to wear and develops lines and wrinkles.

There are also expression lines.

Over time, our facial expressions start to CHANGE the physical structure of our skin, and this change registers in our brain as an “INJURY.” When this happens, your brain’s feedback gives the facial muscle the job of protecting the “injured” area, causing your muscle to CONTRACT, and hence forming a wrinkle.

This is where peptides make all the difference. We can now use them to “talk” directly to the proteins in our skin. Using them to prevent these things from happening in the first place, right at the source of the problem

The Conspiracy and why everyone isn’t using it

It starts way back in 1938-the US President at the time, Franklin. D. Roosevelt established the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act. This landmark act would become what we now refer to as the “FDA” or the “Food and Drug Administration.”

The Hollywood movie industry was quickly becoming a national obsession, and women were exposed to cosmetics ads from their favorite stars for the first time.

Of course, since there was no oversight of the newly formed cosmetics industry, The government had to establish an organization to oversee the consumers’ safety who purchased cosmetics. But in a MASSIVE oversight, they had only given the FDA powers to manage the “physical safety” of the cosmetic product, but not regulate the “effectiveness” of its claims.

Cosmetic companies promised the “fountain of youth” but sold nothing more than simple moisturizers, leading millions of American women down a false road of hope. The skin creams had high-profit margins, and they began filling the entranceways of every mall in America.

The aggressive advertising tactics of cosmetics brands kept a steady stream of customers rushing through the doors. In contrast, cosmetic companies charged top dollar for cheap skin creams in the same store as some of America’s most trusted brands like Macy’s, Nordstrom, and Barneys.

Things reached a BOILING POINT in 1987.

Cries from consumer advocate groups pushed the FDA to protect women from the misleading ads of cosmetic companies. Under immense pressure to act, they launched a lawsuit against a cosmetics company.

You may have heard of “Estee Lauder.”

The FDA made the case that Estee Lauder’s marketing had become so deceptive it was now making “medical claims” that were completely untrue.

Estee Lauder gathered the whole industry to begin viciously lobbying the government to drop the case. The result was a predictable “checkmate.”

The lawsuit was dismissed by the U.S. District Court in 1989, leaving Estee Lauder and the WHOLE cosmetics industry free to continue to market their products as they wished.

Peptides are 100% safe.

One well-known study by a lab in Switzerland called – Pentapharm Labs found that Peptides were 100% safe and showed that one specific peptide called Synake produced a stunning 52% reduction in wrinkles.

You can use two types of peptides to help remove all sorts of aging symptoms.

The first type is a Neurotransmitter Peptide, or “Neuropeptide” for short. It is especially effective at preventing pesky expression line wrinkles. It uses an all-natural mechanism that mimics botox’s effects, telling the brain to block the release of chemicals that cause muscle contractions on your face.

Neuropeptides protect the skin from treating repeated movements in our expressions as an “injury.” Instead, they prevent it from happening altogether!

The second type is called a “Signal peptide.” Their job is to “signal” what proteins our skin produces. Signal peptides can jump-start collagen and elastin production in our skin again.

A study was done on Signal peptide.

In one study, 23 female volunteers aged from 42 to 67 years old used a Signal peptide cream twice daily on only one-half of their faces. They found that after just two months, there was an incredible 39% overall reduction in the depth of their wrinkles!

When signal peptides and neuropeptides are combined, this unique combination can virtually reverse the clock on your age and erase close to half the wrinkles on your face in as little as 30 days.

But There Is A Problem

The problem is processing raw peptides is extremely expensive, and they are tough to find. But a few labs produced peptide compounds in bulk for different medical uses.

There is a combination that met all the strength and potency guidelines from the studies and exceeded them! It went on smooth, dried quickly, and left no greasy residue. There is also a way to jam not just 2, but 3 peptide compounds into the formula.

Dr. Richard went on to become Head of Skin Care Formulation at the University Compounding Pharmacy in San Diego, California. It was the perfect place to continue working on the research that Mary had inspired.

Not only were Mary’s wrinkles less noticeable than before. The peptides had begun to entirely refresh her skin’s overall appearance:

Improving the elasticity, brightening her skin tone, boosting production, lightening dark spots, and even tightening the sagging, crepey skin around her neck and jaw.

Skin tightening creams can have an amazing effect.

Other women who tried it said:

  • They felt their skin was softer and more supple.
  • That they got increased attention from their spouse and friends.
  • They didn’t feel as self-conscious about their appearance.
  • Their youthful looks made them feel younger at heart, giving them more energy and confidence.

And the best part, every single woman reported a drastically improved appearance in their wrinkles.

Unfortunately, over 152 million Americans purchase cosmetic creams and anti-aging products yearly. There is no sign that the ever-growing marketing campaigns, backed by celebrities and famous models, will slow down.

South Beach Skin Lab – Repair and Release Cream Review

South Beach Skin Lab Repair and Release Cream is a one-of-a-kind lab-strength anti-aging cream that is proven to “Repair” your skin and “Release” your wrinkles using only the most potent peptides on the planet.

This is because of the combined Neuropeptide and Signal peptides into one easy-to-use cream. You don’t have to worry about which peptides work best for which problem.

pot of south beach cream
South Beach Repair and Release Cream has solved many problems that previous wrinkle creams have.

You don’t have to worry about mixing products such as shea butter that could harm your skin. And you certainly don’t need to pay for two, three, or even four separate creams!

This is the only anti-aging cream you need in your cabinet.

The best part is that with South Beach Skin Lab Release Cream, there is no crazy skincare routine to do. All it takes is 45 seconds, morning and night. Apply a small dab to your face and neck, and then let the cream do the work. It’s that easy.

For more information about South Beach Skin Lab Repair, please click here.

What causes anal skin tags?

What Are Anal Skin Tags?

Anal Skin tags are an excess growth of skin on the anus. The actual cause is unknown. However, we do know that it is generally due to excessive tension caused by clothes or rubbing against skin.

Anal skin tags are a select type of skin tag that appears on or around the anus or rectum. An anal skin tag compared to other skin tags is usually tiny, measuring a few millimeters in diameter.

What Causes Anal Skin Tags?

Anal Skin tags are caused by the friction of clothing or skin rubbing together. The friction could be due to sitting for too long or having loose-fitting clothes.

Anal skin tags may also be caused by regular diarrhea, as acidity can irritate the skin. Skin tags are NOT caused by cancer and are NOT an indication of any other disease.

Anal Skin Tags are often caused by rubbing clothes against the skin.

Do Anal Skin Tags Bleed?

All skin tags may bleed if they are cut or rubbed too much. Since they are in or on the anus, they will probably be more likely to rub against other skin than if they were in another place on the body. You should avoid them bleeding as this may lead to infection, which can also cause other complications.

If there is bleeding, then it is more likely that the bleeding is from Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are different from skin tags and should be treated very differently.

There is unlikely to be much blood or any at all from anal tags

How To Remove Anal Skin Tags

There are several ways to remove anal skin tags. The hardest thing about them is that they are in a very sensitive area, so the usual solutions may not be suggested. If you have a skin tag, then you should seek medical help so that you don’t harm that sensitive area. You are advised not to try removing them yourself.

The removal process is straightforward and will take a qualified doctor or dermatologist only a few minutes to do. The whole appointment need only be around 30 minutes.

Skin tags can be removed by visiting a doctor or a dermatologist.

Are Anal Skin Tags Cancerous?

Anal Skin tags are not cancerous. Skin tags can be confused with moles, which may be cancerous. There is no need to see a doctor if you have skin tags unless they bother you, and you want medical advice on how to remove them from your anus. 
Skin tags are benign growths of connective tissue rather than being malignant like a cancerous tumor.
While skin tags themselves are not cancerous, you should keep an eye on the area in case some other marks or moles appear that may be more sinister.
We don’t advise that you use the Spot Blaster Pro to remove anal skin tags in such a sensitive area. However, the Spot Blaster Pro is excellent to remove skin tags anywhere else in the body.